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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
34 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 to be elected by each occupational group of civil service employees at the Chicago campus and the terms of those elected the first year being as follows: Nursing staff, one member, to serve for three years. Dietary, Orderly, and Attendant staff, one member, to serve for two years. Technician staff, one member, to serve for one year. Clerical staff, one member, to serve for two years. Physical Plant staff, three members, to serve for one, two, and three years, respectively. No two of the three from Physical Plant staff shall come from the same division (Housekeeping, Laundry, Mechanical, Chicago Mini Union, Janitorial). 3. Revision of the budget for Civil Service Operation: Present Budget Staff: Personnel Secretary $2 500 Stenographer 1 200 Expense 1 250 $4 95° Additional Needs Staff: Graduate Assistant 1 500 Statistical Clerk 1 200 Expense 800 Equipment (2 desks and chairs) 130 3 630 Total $8 580 4, Addition of 165 positions to the classifications adopted January 24, 1942 (Minutes, page 749): All classifications have been made on the basis of job analysis. T h e Committee recognizes the fact that in the light of experience changes in classification will be necessary from time to time. These classifications have been made on the basis of a conservative interpretation of the law establishing the University Civil Service. T h e Committee recommends that the following positions be declared exempt from University Civil Service: Director of the Physical Plant Department Registrar Such exemption is provided in Section 36a of the statute, " . . . . except . . . . administrative officers . . . ." T h e Committee also recommends that the following positions in personnel work be interpreted as being academic positions and consequently exempt from University Civil Service: Assistant Dean of Men, one position Assistant Dean of Men in charge of Student Employment, one position Assistant Dean of Women, two positions Social Director, Mini Union, one position Director of Residence Halls, one position Social Director of Residence Hall, three positions It is understood in the above recommendations that exemption of a position does not remove an incumbent from University Civil Service unless he chooses to relinquish this status. T h e Committee on Civil Service and Employees also approved the following recommendations of the faculty committee on wages: 1. A readjustment in wages of 112 agricultural workers, involving an additional average increase of approximately 6 per cent over the 1940 scale and over the 7.7 per cent increase granted in February. 2. An adjustment of overtime scales and allowances for holidays and sick leaves of employees in the composing room of the University Press as of July I, 1042, to conform to local conditions. These employees receive the same basic rates of pay as paid in other shops, ranging from $1.20 to $1.36 an hour. I n the past these employees have been paid at basic rates only for overtime and Sunday time and have been allowed pay for legal holidays recognized by the University,
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