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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 33 man of the Committee, and shall designate the University Civil Service Appointing Officer or one of his representatives as Executive Secretary without the right to vote. T h e functions of the Committee shall be to make continuing studies and subsequent recommendations to the Board of Trustees, through the President, on such matters as rules, administrative procedures, classification plan, pay plan, a service rating plan, examination techniques, eligible registers, and such other matters as may be referred to it by the President and the Board of Trustees. Employee Councils shall be established, one at Urbana and one at Chicago, in order ( i ) to promote mutual understanding and a spirit of cooperation among the several groups of civil service employees of the University and between such employees and administrative officers; (2) to provide a medium for the exchange of information relating to problems of civil service employees and those of the employing officers; and (3) to provide a means whereby civil service employees may have a voice in the framing of policies relating to salary and wage scales, promotions, vacations, sick leaves, working conditions, and kindred matters. Each Council shall: (1) be elected by the civil service employees on its campus, representation to be as hereinafter provided; (2) elect its own officers, a Chairman as presiding officer, a vice-Chairman who shall act in the absence of the Chairman, and a Secretary who shall keep minutes of all meetings; (3) hold regular meetings and special meetings as required; (4) be empowered to exclude from meetings any person not a member of the Council. The term of Council members shall be three years, except as hereinafter provided for the first year, and except that in the case of a vacancy, election to the Council shall be only for the unexpired term of the representative previously elected. T o be eligible to serve as a representative on a Council, an employee must be at least 25 years of age and have been continuously employed by the University for three years; in the case of employees of the Research and Educational Hospital, who became University employees on July 1, 1941, previous state employment shall be deemed University employment for purposes of this section. Termination of University Civil Service employment of a Council member shall automatically and immediately create a vacancy on the Council to be filled by election, as provided above. Each civil service employee shall be considered a member of one, and only one, occupational group. Election to the Council may be by vote of all civil service employees in a given occupational group, as named hereafter, or by a sub-council elected by vote of all civil service employees in a given occupational group, as named hereafter, or by a sub-council elected by vote of all civil service employees in a given occupational group. A Council may on its own initiative make recommendations to the Committee. On matters referred for study and recommendation it shall be the duty of a Council to make recommendations to the Committee. T h e Urbana Employee Council shall nominate two of its own members, from different occupational groups, to sit on the University Civil Service Committee; the Chicago Employee Council shall nominate one of its own members to sit on the Committee. These nominations shall be sent to the President of the University for presentation to the Board of T r u s t e e s ; appointment to the Committee shall be made by the Board. T h e Urbana Employee Council shall consist of seven members, the number to be elected by each occupational group of civil service employees on the Urbana campus and the terms of those elected the first year being as follows: Physical Plant staff, three members, to serve for one, two, and three years, respectively. Clerical staff, three members, to serve for one, two, and three years, respectively. All other civil service employees, one member, to serve for two years. In the first two of the above groups, no two of the three representatives shall be from the same trade, office, or department. T h e Chicago Employee Council shall consist of seven members, the number
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