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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

19431 U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS 331 On motion of Mr. Fornof, this matter was referred to the Finance Committee for study and report. F U N D S FOR EXTENSION WORK IN FARM LABOR SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (22) Provisions of a recent Act of Congress (House Joint Resolution No. 96), appropriating $26,100,000 to the W a r Food Administration, to be expended for assisting in providing an adequate supply of workers for the production and harvesting of agricultural commodities essential to the prosecution of the war, include the apportionment of not less than $9,000,000 and not more than $13,050,000 to the several states, on the basis of need, for expenditure by the Agricultural Extension Services of the Land-Grant Colleges in such states. The Resolution also provides that the expenditure of funds so apportioned shall be in accordance with agreements entered into between the W a r Food Administrator and the Extension Services. In the original apportionment of funds it is proposed to allocate $250,000 to the State of Illinois. These funds will require no offset, and therefore concurrence by the General Assembly is not necessary. If accepted by the University, they will be handled through the University Treasurer, in the same way as other Federal funds paid directly to the University. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Extension Service recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the acceptance of these funds and authorize the execution of a cooperative agreement with the W a r Food Administrator of the United States Department of Agriculture covering the service to be rendered in carrying out the purpose of this Resolution. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these recommendations were adopted. PURCHASE OF LIBRARY MATERIALS ABROAD (23) The Director of the Library recommends that the University participate in a plan for the purchase by American libraries of ephemeral material related to World W a r II now being produced in Europe. Such material quickly disappears and probably will not be available after the war. T h e plan is sponsored by the Joint Committee on Importations, representing seven national library associations, which would send a representative to some point in Europe where he could collect the materials. H e has permission from the State Department to go abroad, and from the Treasury Department to take $25,000 for these purchases and expenses. If the University of Illinois participates, it will have to pay its allotment in advance. The Senate Library Committee recommends an assignment of $5,000 (from funds already appropriated for library acquisitions) for this purpose, and the Director of the Library approves. The Comptroller has outlined the stipulations necessary to protect the University's interests, and agreement to them would be required of the Joint Committee. T h e materials collected and purchased would be divided among the participating libraries in proportion to their contributions; and if the full amount contributed is not expended or is not represented by material allocated to the University of Illinois, the unused share of its contribution would be returned. I recommend that the Board authorize participation in this plan and the advance of $5,000, or as much thereof as may be needed, for this purpose under conditions and procedures to be specified by the Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this advance was authorized as recommended. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (24) In accordance with the provisions of the University Statutes, the Comptroller presents his quarterly report as of March 31, 1943. A summary of the principal facts in the report appears on the first few pages. I recommend that this report be referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Morey commented on this report. On motion of Mr. Jensen, this report was referred to the Finance Committee.
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