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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
324 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [April 29 JEROME S. MEHLMAN, Instructor in Medicine, from April 1 through August 31, 1943ISADORE PILOT, Associate Professor of Pathology, indefinite leave from April 1. 1943- IGNATIUS JOSEPH KASKI, Assistant in Chemistry (College of P h a r m a c y ) , from April I through August 31, 1943. T. R. STAYTON, Water Station Operator, Physical Plant Department, from April 4 through August 31, 1943. EVA A N N A BEGG, Supervising Nurse in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from April 5 through August 31, 1943. JACK WEINBERG, Assistant in Psychiatry, from April 9 through August 31, 1943CLARENCE WILLARD KLASSEN, Associate in Bacteriology and Public Health, from April 10 through August 31, 1943. HERBERT HOWARD A L P , Associate Professor of Poultry Extension, from April 12 through August 31, 1943. JOHN PAUL JONES, JR., Instructor in Journalism, from April 24 through August 31, 1943. IRVING J. SPEIGEL, Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery, from April 25 through August 31, 1943. ARTHUR WILBUR CLEVENGER, High School Visitor (with rank of P r o f e s s o r ) , from May 1 through August 31, 1943. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h e l e a v e s f o r i l l n e s s w e r e g r a n t e d a s r e c o m m e n d e d ; action on leaves for w a r service w a s d e f e r r e d until later in t h e day (see pages 333 a n d 3 3 4 ) . RESIGNATION OF MRS. GLENN E. PLUMB FROM MEDICAL CENTER DISTRICT COMMISSION (3) On November 18, 1941 (Minutes, page 702), the Board of Trustees appointed Mrs. Glenn E. Plumb, then of Chicago, a former member of the Board, as the representative of the University of Illinois on the Medical Center District Commission. Mrs. Plumb is moving to Florida and has submitted her resignation. In view of this change in her residence, I recommend acceptance of the resignation with regret. I should also like to record my appreciation of her services as a member of this Commission for the past year and a half. The other members of the Commission are Colonel A. A, Sprague, appointed by the Mayor of Chicago, Dr. Walter H . Theobald, appointed by the President of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Mr. Ray McCarthy, appointed by the President of the Chicago P a r k District, and Mr. George A. Barr, appointed by the Governor of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Jensen, this resignation was accepted as recommended. BREAKAGE DEPOSIT IN THE CHICAGO COLLEGES (4) On April 22, 1942 (Minutes, page 835), the Board approved a new schedule of fees for the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy based on the change from the two-semester to the four-quarter academic program. Included in this was a recommendation "that a general breakage deposit of $5, similar to the one now assessed on the Urbana campus, be required of all students." T h e Faculty Committee on Fees and Scholarships now recommends that this deposit requirement be rescinded. It is not a fee and must be refunded, in whole or in part, depending on whether there are any charges against the student. Junior and senior students in Medicine and Dentistry have no courses in which laboratory fees are charged, so that there are no excess breakage charges against such students. The largest percentage of breakage charges occurs in the second year in Medicine and Dentistry and in the senior year in Pharmacy, and these are collected at the succeeding registrations. No library fines are assessed in Chicago, as very few of the books in the Library there may be withdrawn. T h e practical situation is that the cost of administering this requirement (collecting the deposits, keeping accounts of charges against it, and refunding the balance) exceeds any losses which resulted under the previous system of
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