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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

306 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 20 CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER FEBRUARY 1 0 TO MARCH 1 0 , 19 4 3 (8) T h e Comptroller's report of contracts executed: With Whom American Wrecking Company Purpose Wrecking buildings on University property on Wood and Taylor Streets, Chicago Amount to be received by University £400 Date February 6, 1943 This report was received for record. ADJUSTMENTS IN CONTRACT FOR GENERAL WORK IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (9) The Physical Plant Department finds that additional items of remodeling and rehabilitation in the Research and Educational Hospitals are needed and proposes that additional work be covered by an increase in the contract with the Mueller Construction Company, approved by the Board on July 25,1942 (Minutes, page 19). Certain major additions to this contract were approved by the Board on February 20, 1043 (Minutes, page 268). The new items are as follows: Remodeling of Child Research Clinic, including installation of dental units and additional laboratories, small X-ray unit $1 439 Changes in cashier's counter and setting for safe 31 Additional painting in basement and first floor 431 Additional electrical work 141 Total New Items $2 042 Because services of several trades are involved, and because the Mueller Construction Company already has a contract for work of all of these types, the Physical Plant Department requests that the additional service be covered by change orders in this contract. Fixed price estimates have been submitted by the Company and have been checked by the Physical Plant Department. Since the original contract was for $44,783 and the previous orders were for $18,691.81, this order for $2,042 will make the total amount $65,516.81. T h e Comptroller recommends approval, and I concur. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h e s e a d j u s t m e n t s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d as recommended. PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (10) A report of the following purchases proposed by the Purchasing Agent and authorized by the Comptroller as emergency actions: 1. One special laboratory-type clay-auger extrusion machine for the Mechanical Engineering Department, for use in cooperative contract with the Illinois Clay Products Company for the study of bonding clay properties, from Chambers Bros. Company, at their price of $1,500, f.o.b. Philadelphia. 2. Steel plates and channels for the Civil Engineering Department, for use in cooperative research contract on welded joints, from the American Bridge Company, the only concern able to bid on the entire order, at their price of $2,285, f-o.b. Urbana. 3. One lot of special chemicals for the Chemistry Department for use in the cooperative research program on amino acids, from Merck and Company, at a price of $3,088.56, f.o.b. Rahway, New Jersey. 4. Two thousand gallons of lead-mixing oil, in five-gallon cans, for use by the Physical Plant Department in connection with the exterior painting program, spring and summer, 1943, from National Lead Company, the lowest bidder, at a price of $2,360. 5. Forty thousand pounds of soft paste white lead, in 100-pound kegs, for use by the Physical Plant Department in connection with the exterior painting program, spring and summer, 1943, from Sherwin-Williams Company, the lowest bidder, at a price of $3,720 less 2% for cash in ten days.
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