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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS In Bacteriology In In Botany 291 WINIFRED R U T H MITCHELL, B.S., 1941 SISTER MARY V I V I A N A ROE, A.B., Rosary College, 1936 Chemistry RICHARD KILNER CARR, B.S., 1941 KUANG H S U CHEN, B.S., National Tsing H u a University, 1933 BEATRICE ELEANOR LANDON, B.S., Mundelein College, 1941 DONALD FRANKLIN MEISNER, A.B., University of Wichita, 1941 KELLEY GAYLEN TAYLOR, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1937 In Civil Engineering WALTER EARL ROBEY, B.S., University of California, 1928 CHARLES W I L L I A M O A K E Y TURNER, B.S., University of London, 1923 In Economics TSAI SHAN S U , A.B., Northeastern University, 1934 In Education GENE FRANKLIN ACKERMAN, B.Ed., Western Illinois State Teachers College, 1939 FRANKLIN SAMUEL COPLAN, B.S., E u r e k a College, 1931 HUBERT PORTER DAVIS, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1940 HUBERT WRILEY FOX, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1939 GLEN CASSIUS H I C K L E , A.B., H e d d i n g College, 1916 JOHN MELROSE OLSON, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1938 OSCAR WILLIAM OSBORNE, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1942 EVERETT LEO PEARCE, B.S., 1926 JASON E L L I S ROBINSON, B.S., 1937 JEROME ALLEN YAVITZ, B.S., 1942 In Entomology PAO C H U , B.S., National Tsing H u a University, 1935 In Home Economics MILDRED LAVERN BRICKER, B.S., 1942 ANGELENE DAGMAR HELLEBERG, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1940 In Music VERA DOROTHEA BRITTON, B.S., 1939 WOLFGANG K U H N , B.Mus., 1936 Education In CHARLES W I L L I A M M A U T Z , B.S., 1941 Physics COLLEGE O F LAW D e g r e e of Bachelor of L a w s JOHN DENZIL ALEXANDER, A.B., 1941 WAYNE E T Z E N ARMSTRONG, A.B., E u r e k a College, 1938 VERNON O T I S BORTZ ALFRED YOUNGES KIRKLAND, A.B., 1941 JOHN THEODORE POLZIN, A.B., 1941 CARL W I L L I A M SODERSTROM, B.S., 1937 MAYNARD K E N N E T H W E I T Z E L , A.B., 1940 Degree of D o c t o r of L a w CLIFFORD EUGENE SCHNEIDER, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1939; with Honors NORMAN WALKER, B.S., 1941; with H o n o r s ROBERT HUGHSON W H I T E , B.S., 1941; with H o n o r s
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