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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

262 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 23 RESIGNATIONS A N D CANCELLATIONS T h e S e c r e t a r y p r e s e n t e d a l s o f o r r e c o r d t h e f o l l o w i n g list of r e s i g n a t i o n s a n d c a n c e l l a t i o n s of a p p o i n t m e n t s . BENTON, CLIFFORD STURGIS, Assistant in Chemistry-—resignation effective February 1, 1943. BEST, CHRIS EDWARD, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1943. BLACK, CAROL ELIZABETH, Instructor in Art—resignation effective January 31, 1943BLICK, P H I L I P , Instructor in Pharmacology, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics, in the College of Medicine—resignation effective February 1, 1943. BRUCKART, M R S . SARA MOVER, Instructor in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture—resignation effective February I, 1943. BUDDEMEIER, WILBUR DAHL, Associate in Agricultural Economics Extension, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics—resignation effective February 1, 1943. CARR, RICHARD KILNER, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1943. CONROY, EDWARD HUBERT, Special Research Assistant in Chemistry, and Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective January 1, 1943. COON, LUCY GUSTA, Associate in Hygiene, and Medical Adviser for Women —resignation effective February 1, 1943. COPPER, ROBERT RYAN, Associate in Crop Production, in the Department of Agronomy, in the College of Agriculture, and in the Agricultural Experiment Station—resignation effective at the close of business, December 31, 1942. FIELDING, M R S . J E A N GILBERT, Assistant in Spanish—resignation effective December 31, 1942. FLANINGAM, M R S . R U T H ANDERSON, Junior Library Assistant in the Loan Department of the Library—resignation effective February 1, 1943. FRANKOWSKI, CLEMENTINE E., Assistant in Medicine (Rush)—cancellation effective September 1, 1942. HELLEBERG, ANGELENE DAGMAR, Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture—resignation effective February 1, 1943. HOOVER, MILDRED E., Junior Library Assistant in the Catalog Department of the Library—resignation effective February 1 1943. INSKEEP, GEORGE ESLER, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1943. JONES, M R S . GENEVA MILLARD, Assistant in Soil Survey Publications, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station—resignation effective at the close of business, December 8, 1942. KEARNS, AMELIA, Junior Library Assistant in the Loan Department of the Library—resignation effective January I, 1943. POWER, R U T H TARLTON, Junior Library Assistant in the University High School Library—resignation effective January 15, 1043. PRUSINSKI, JEROME CASIMER, Assistant in Medicine—resignation effective January 15, 1943. REID, BETTY CAROL, Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Registrar's Office— resignation effective at the close of business, December 26, 1942. REUTER, LOUIS FREDERICK, I I I , Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1943. SCHIRMER, FRANK BONNELL, J R . , Instructor in Chemistry—cancellation effec- tive September 1, 1942. SCHMIDT, MARION, Assistant Laboratory Assistant in the Department of Surgery, in the College of Medicine—resignation effective January 1, 1943. SCHROEDER, MILDRED, Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Catalog Department of the Library—resignation effective January 4, 1943. SCOTT, LOUIS DALE, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1943SHEPHERD, DOUGLAS ALFRED, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective January 6, 1943.
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