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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
228 BOARD OF TEUSTEES [January 23 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT W1LLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED IN FEBRUARY, 19 4 3 ( i ) A recommendation that the Board of Trustees authorize conferring of degrees in February on those candidates recommended for such degrees by the faculties of their colleges or schools and the University Senate. Approximately 450 undergraduate and 63 graduate students will complete their work for degrees at the end of the current semester. As a result of the accelerated program, the number of seniors qualifying for degrees in February is much larger than in previous years. In recognition of the University's allyear educational program, and especially in view of the fact that many of the men graduating at this time will be in military service or in other war work and therefore will not be able to attend the Commencement exercises in June, Commencement exercises will be held for the February graduates on Sunday, January 24, at 3 p.m. in the University Auditorium. Diplomas will be awarded later. O n m o t i o n of M r s . G r i g s b y , t h e s e d e g r e e s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d a s recommended. MEETING OF GENERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (2) A meeting of the University of Illinois General Advisory Committee will be held in the Mini Union Building at Urbana on Wednesday, January 27, 1043. T h e meeting is called for 12:30 p.m. and will begin with luncheon, following which there will be a tour of the campus, including inspections of certain buildings and areas. After the tour the Committee will meet again in the Faculty Lounge of the Illini Union Building to receive reports from University officers on University matters of interest to that Committee and to transact whatever business may be in order. Members of the Board of Trustees are, of course, cordially invited to this meeting. This report was received for record. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (3) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff for the reasons and periods and under the conditions indicated in each case: DONALD B. KEYES, Professor of Chemical Engineering, leave without pay beginning February I, 1943, and continuing until further notice, for service as Chief of the Chemicals Section in the Office of Production Research and Development of the W a r Production Board. Professor Keyes has been released at the urgent request of Mr. Donald M. Nelson, Chairman of the W.P.B., and Dr. Harvey N. Davis, Director of the Office of Production Research and Development. T h e Department of Chemistry has found a satisfactory replacement for Professor Keyes to take over his instructional program. Professor Keyes was on leave of absence on one-half pay from September I through December 31, 1942, for part-time service in the Chemicals Section of the W a r Production Board, and was on full-time University service January I-31, 1043. VICTOR E. FERRALL, Associate Professor of Law, leave without pay for the second half of the present academic year (March I to September 1, 1943), in order that he may accept a position with a law firm, and in consideration of the decreased enrollment in the College of Law, with the provision that this leave may be extended after September 1, 1943. This leave is granted for the convenience of the University. FREDERIC E. L E E , Professor of Economics, sick leave with full pay from February 1 through April 30, 1943. Because of reduced enrollment during the second semester, it will be possible for the Department of Economics to combine some courses and otherwise carry on Professor Lee's work without additional expense to the University. This is an extension of sick leave previously granted on part pay to Professor Lee for three months from November 1, 1942. It was
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