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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

170 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 27 On motion of Mr. Cleary, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Adams, Mr. Cleary, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Dr. Meyer; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Wieland. APPROPRIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF LAND AND FOR SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS (7) A recommendation that assignments be made from the General Reserve F u n d for the following non-recurring expenditures: 1. Purchase of property south of Military Stables—$2,550. This is the only parcel of land not owned by the University west of Mount Hope Cemetery and fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. After considerable study by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Graham came to the conclusion, and Dean Rusk concurred, that this should be the site for the new Animal Pathology Laboratory. T h e price quoted is very reasonable, and since ultimately the University should acquire this property, it should be purchased at this time if funds are available. 2. Scholarly publications—$25,000. T h e plan of procedure for handling the appropriation for scholarly publications is as follows: ( a ) T h e sum of $25,000 is to be made available for the support during the current fiscal year of book publication through our University Press of substantial important works of a scholarly or scientific character, but only so much of the fund is to be expended as will be required for handling approved manuscripts for which arrangements can be made for printing and publishing. (b) Publications suitable for this purpose are to be featured as part of the celebration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the University. (c) T h e funds made available are to be utilized on requisitions drawn by the Director of the University Press and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. ( d ) T h e Dean of the Graduate School and the Director of the University Press are to be authorized to determine what books shall be published, after consulting appropriate colleagues selected by them, and in accordance with such other conditions as the President of the University may prescribe. (e) Printing and publication arrangements are to be handled by the Director of the University Press and the Business Office, and may include arrangements with other University Presses when advisable, in accordance with usual University procedures. O n m o t i o n of M r . A d a m s , t h e s e a p p r o p r i a t i o n s w e r e m a d e , b y t h e following vote: A y e , M r . A d a m s , M r . Cleary, M r . Davis, M r . Fornof, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Jensen, D r . M e y e r ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Livingston, M r . Wieland. REPLACEMENT OF N E W T O N EXPERIMENT FIELD BARN (8) As reported to the Board on August 29, 1942 (Minutes, page 79), the barn on the Agricultural Experiment Station field at Newton, in Jasper County, was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire. T h e barn and the supplies were a complete loss, although some of the machinery can be repaired. T h e Dean and Director recommends an assignment of $5,500 from the unappropriated agricultural income of the Agronomy Department for the replacement of this barn and equipment. T h e r e is a balance of $10,231 in the unappropriated income of the Department, representing receipts of the Department from sales of crops. It is estimated that the appropriation will be expended as follows: Building replacement $1 800 Repair and replacement of equipment 3 000 Fertilizers and seeds 260 Miscellaneous supplies and equipment 400 Total $5 460 I recommend approval.
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