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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i68 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 27 C H A N G E S IN ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR DEPARTMENTS AT URBANA (4) T h e University Senate recommends the following changes in the academic calendar as a wartime measure, in further acceleration of the University's educational program for departments at Urbana. T h e effect of these changes is to set up the academic year on the basis of three 16-week terms, each equivalent in the amount of instruction and credit to the present semester: 1. Beginning in June, 1943, and for the duration of the war, the basic operation of the Urbana departments of the University shall be with three equal terms, each term to be sixteen weeks in length (including final examinations), and with a week's interval between terms and a week's vacation at Christmas, the summer term to begin about the middle of June, a time which will make it possible for high school students from Chicago as well as from other areas to enter. 2. A summer session of eight weeks shall be offered at Urbana t o run concurrently with the first half of the summer term. 3. In University divisions or departments where the operation of a full 16-week summer term would seem to be unwise or impracticable, Schools and Colleges at Urbana may recommend to the University W a r Committee that instruction in specified subjects be offered only in the 8-week summer session. T h e University W a r Committee shall have the authority to determine procedure in these cases, in the light of local conditions and of such requirements as may be imposed by the Army and the Navy. 4. Service in the summer term and summer session at Urbana shall receive additional compensation. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these changes were approved as recommended. At this point, Mr. Davis took his place with the Board. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM AT URBANA (5) T h e University Senate recommends the following changes in the physical education requirements as a wartime measure providing a physical fitness program for the benefit of male students at Urbana: I. F o r the first semester of 1942-1943: Registrations will be accepted from all male students who are not now enrolled in physical education courses and who may wish to take such work as the Department of Physical Education for Men may prescribe. This work shall be given for two one-hour periods a week, and shall carry one-half hour of credit, which may be applied toward graduation, provided this work is begun by December 1. Candidates for graduate and professional degrees shall receive no credit. II. For subsequent semesters: All full-time male students (i.e., those taking more than 8 credit hours) who are under 30 years of age and who do not have the baccalaureate degree shall be required to take such work as the Department of Physical Education for Men may prescribe. This work shall be given for three one-hour periods per week (or in some cases for two periods of lyi hours) and shall carry one hour of credit toward graduation, which credit shall be included within the present total of hours required for graduation. All male students beyond the baccalaureate degree shall be urged to elect this work, but shall receive no credit. ADMINISTRATION 1. Arrangements for physical examinations and registrations shall be made by the Registrar's Office, in consultation with the Health Service and the Department of Physical Education for Men. 2. T h e University Disciplinary Committee, in consultation with the Director of the School of Physical Education, shall formulate and administer rules governing attendance in this work. 3. T h e r e shall be no exemptions from the physical education requirement other than those granted by the University Health Officer, except that in cases where adjustments of this requirement to a student's schedule of required study
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