Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 27 MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T WILLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. ADVISORY COMMITTEES IN A G R I C U L T U R E (1) A recommendation for t h e appointment of t h e following Advisory Committees for the College of Agriculture a n d the Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1942-1943: Dairy Husbandry Agricultural Economics F R A N K S. GARWOOD, Stonington JOHN P . H A N N A , Geneseo ERNEST D. LAWRENCE, N o r m a l ' H E N R Y H . PARKE, Genoa W . D. DOTTERRER, Chicago G. H . EKHOFF, Chicago 1 ALBERT C. KOLMER, W a t e r l o o C. H . SNOW, Bloomington 2 HARRY M. WOOD, Delavan 1 Agricultural Engineering R. B. ENDICOTT, Villa Ridge MARION F I L E , Pocahontas 3 Floriculture W . G. LOVERIDGE, Peoria RUDOLPH SCHEFFLER, W h e a t o n ' JAMES SYKORA, Chicago LEONARD H . VAUGHAN, Chicago 1 R. S. MCCORMICK, Gibson City 1 ROYAL O A K E S , Bluffs CARL E. SWENSON, Rockford P. A. WASHBURN, Bloomington Agronomy (Farm Crops) Forestry EUGENE F U N K , Bloomington C. W . HOLMES, Edelstein C. B. SHUMAN, Sullivan L. A. ABBOTT, Morrison 1 MRS, C. P . MILLER, Chicago RICHMOND ROBISON, Delavan' Agronomy (Soils) Horticulture L. J. HAGEMANN, Peoria A. T. KEITHLEY, Dixon DAVID B. PERRINE, Centralis P A U L RINGHAUSEN, H a m b u r g L E M U E L M. S M I T H , O z a r k ' - ' ROY BURRUS, Arenzville* G. A. LAZIER, Rochelle W . W . MCLAUGHLIN, Decatur W . E. RIEGEL, Tolono 1 Animal Husbandry General ERNEST Committee D. LAWRENCE, Agricultural L Y M A N BUNTING, Ellery J. W . FRAZIER, Charleston J. R. FULKERSON, Jerseyville 1 ARLEY HOHENBOKEN, Geneseo 2 Economics R. S. MCCORMICK, Agricultural E n - L. E. MATHERS, Mason City Animal C. L. J. E. gineering W . E. RIEGEL, Agronomy Pathology and Hygiene E. DILLE, Cairo J . DRAKE, P i a n o F . HARMON, Lebanon 1 A. JENKINS, Shelbyville T. R. FULKERSOX, Animal Husbandry J. F . HARMON, Animal Pathology and Hygiene HARRY WOOD, Dairy H u s b a n d r y LEONARD H . VAUGHAN, Floriculture C. VANDERWARF, Chicago Heights L. A. ABBOTT, Forestry On motion of Mr. Cleary, these committees were appointed as recommended. LEAVES O F A B S E N C E (2) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff for the reasons and periods and under the conditions indicated in each case: MARY M . SCOTT, Statistical Clerk in the Bureau of Institutional Research, leave without pay from October 1 through December 31, 1942, because of the illness of her father. M. T . MCCLURE, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, sick leave with full pay from October 5 through November 10, 1942. MRS. MARY HAMILTON FLETCHER, Supervisor of t h e Surgery W a r d s , Re- search a n d Educational Hospitals, leave without pay for ninety days from N o vember I, 1942, for the purpose of rest. a On 4 General Committee, Declined. *New appointment. 'Deceased December 8, 1942.