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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS In Physics 153 GEORGE L O U I S BEYER, J R . , A.B., Miami University, 1941 HERMAN W I L L I A M KOCH, B.S., Queens College, 1941 LEONARD FREDERICK KRAMEL, B.S., Kent State University, 1941 ROSALYN IRMA SUSSMAN, A.B., Hunter College of the City of New York, 1941 ABRAHAM AARON YALOW, A.B., Syracuse University, 1939 In Zoology EDWIN IVER NORDHEIM, B.S., Bemidji State Teachers College, 1941 WILLIAM CLARENCE T E P E , B.S., Duquesne University, 1941 DONALD R U F F THOMPSON, A.B., North Central College, 1941 Degree of Master of Music ALLEN EUDELLE CANNON, B . M U S . , B.S., 1941 RALPH ARTHUR P I X L E Y , B . M U S . , 1941 ALICE EVANGELINE TUBES, A.B., Bates College, 1927; B.Mus., B.S., 1933 K E I T H LEROY W I L S O N , B.S., B.Mus., 1938, 1939 COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws SAMUEL BRADLEY BURSON, A.B., Stanford University, 1940 JOHN W I L M E R DYAR, A.B., E u r e k a College, 1939 CLARENCE H U G H HARWOOD, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1936 JACKSON PEARCE N E W L I N , A.B., University of Arizona, 1939 KIMBALL S M I T H , A.B., 1941 LIBRARY SCHOOL Degree of Bachelor of Science in Library Science HELEN JOSEPHINE ANDERSON, B.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1941; with Honors MAUDE EDGERTON BAIRD, A.B., M o n m o u t h College, 1911 MARTHA A N N A BERNHART, A.B., Ottawa University, 1938 DOROTHEA M A E BERRY, B.S., 1937 HARRY BITNER, LL.B., A.B., University of Kansas City, 1939, 1941; with Honors ELEANOR A N N BLANCHARD, A.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1929 LORAYNE BRYSON, A.B., Mississippi State College for Women, 1922 MARY JOSEPHINE CALNAN, A.B., 1941 HELEN IVES COCKS, B.S., Western State Teachers College (Kalamazoo, Michigan), 1929 GRACE LOUISE COLLINS, A.B., Lincoln University, 1937 MARY BELLE CRAVER, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1938 MARGUERITE L E E WALTER DAHL, A.B., Minot State Teachers College Dakota), 1928 CHARLF.S EVERETT DALRYMPLE, J R . , A.B., University of K a n s a s , 1939 HELEN ELIZABETH FREUDENBERG, A.B., 1939; with Honors (North MARY ELIZABETH EARLE, A.B., University of Kentucky, 1936; with High Honors EMMA JANE GAMMELL, A.B., Miami University, 1938; with Honors EMILY GARDNER, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1930 R U T H JANE GLASS, B.S., Arkansas State Teachers College, 1939 AUREVIA MAURINE PALMER GRAHAM, B.S., University of Missouri, 1934 MARY GRAHAM, A.B., Tarkio College, 1933; with Honors JOSEPH BURL GRUBB, A.B., Southern Methodist University, 1934; with Honors LUANNA GRACE H A L L , A.B., Cornell College ( I o w a ) , 1931 EDYTHE REDDING HOLSINGER, B.S., Ball State Teachers College (Muncie, Indiana), 1936 MARY ALICE IRETON, B.S., Wilmington College, 1933 HELEN ASTRID JOHNSON, A.B., Macalester College, 1934; with Honors LELLA OPAL KELLY, A.B., Franklin College, 1926; with Honors
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