Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

126 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [October 17 EXHIBIT II PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET FOR 1943-1945 Land for airport J200 000 Airport buildings 550 000 Payment of portion of Medical a n d Dental Building bond issue 345 000 Total for 1943-1945 COMPARATIVE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR 1941-1943 $1 095 000 General University capital appropriations Research and Educational Hospital capital appropriations Total for 1941-1043 Increase EXHIBIT III $640 000 379 000 $1 091 000 $ 76 000 PROPOSED BUDGET OF STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1943-1945 INCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS OF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Expenditures: Operating Expenses: Educational Budget Revolving and Self-supporting.. Total Operating Expenses.... Capital Budget Total Expenditures Sources of Funds: State Tax Revenues Reappropriated Federal G r a n t s . . University Income Total Income Comparative Figures for 1941-1943 $16 1 (18 I $19 977 342 320 019 339 5961 531 127) 000 127 Proposed Increase or Decrease $1 104 -53 (1 051 76 J i 127 594 531 063) 000 063 Proposed for 1943-1945 $18 1 (19 1 $20 082 190 289 000 371 190) 095 000 466 190 $14 462 493' 326634 4 550 000 $19 339 127 $1 133 435 — 6 372 $1 127 063 $15 595 928' 320262 4 550 000 $20 446 190 On motion of M r . Jensen, these recommendations were approved, and the President of t h e University was authorized t o prepare a n d file the biennial budget with the State Department of Finance as recommended. SECRETARY'S REPORT O F CONTRACTS T h e Secretary presented for record the following list of documents signed by the President a n d t h e Secretary of t h e Board a n d deposited with t h e Secretary since t h e last report. 1. Assignment of interest to the University of Illinois Foundation on patent of down-draft furnaces, invented by Julian Robert Fellows and John Clem Miles, executed June 13, 1942. 2. Contract with the Mueller Construction Co., for alterations and additions to the Research and Educational Hospital, in Chicago, in the amount of $44,783, dated June 24, 1942. Based on Internal Budget for 1942-1943. 'Consisting of $12,940,555 for the University in general and $1,521,938 for the Research and Educational Hospitals. 'Consisting of $14,500,928 for operating purposes and $1,095,000 for capital purposes. 1