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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 121 Division of University Extension. T h e University received and administered $300,000 of Federal funds for the fiscal year 1941-1942, from the United States Office of Education, for training 6,309 students, who were enrolled in 33 courses in 236 classes meeting in 29 communities. 16. University War Committee: Created immediately after the declaration of war, this committee has worked intensively and speedily in the mobilization of the University's resources, including research programs, curricula, the protection of life and property, civilian defense, and an information center for students, as described in a bulletin entitled " W a r P r o g r a m of the University of Illinois," issued in May, 1942. 17. University R. O. T, C: The Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University of Illinois has become one of the most important in the United States because of a background of forceful and unwavering support by the present and past administrations of the University. In the current semester it has enrolled over 4,700 students, of whom 765 are in the Advanced Course and in line for commissions as Second Lieutenants. 18. Naval Training Schools: T h e United States Navy now has three training units at Urbana, using more than half of our athletic facilities (buildings and fields) and all our residence halls for both men and women. These units include a School for Signalmen, a School for Diesel Engine Operators, and an Officers Diesel Engine School. They are here because the University administration and Board of Trustees were willing to make the necessary sacrifices and adjustments to provide quarters for 2,100 Navy men. T h e building changes alone have cost more than $400,000, the University to be reimbursed under contracts with the United States Navy. 19. Accelerated Program: All colleges and schools of the University, both in Urbana and Chicago, are now operating on a year-round basis to make it possible for students to secure their degrees in three years or less. 20. Radio Station WILL: Owned by the University of Illinois, W I L L now operates seven days a week on an all-educational program. It has not only stepped up its power from one thousand to five thousand watts, but it has built new transmission towers and moved into new quarters at a cost of $31,291. 21. Associated Organisations: (a) In order to establish closer contact with the citizens of Illinois, a new General Advisory Committee of about 100 prominent men and women has been appointed and organized to advise with the President of the University through ten subcommittees. (b) T h e Alumni Association is being reorganized with a full-time paid Executive Director in an attempt to maintain the closer and continued interest of graduates and former students in the University. (c) The University of Illinois Foundation has been set up as a non-profit corporation to serve the University in developing patents and to act as a trustee in administering trust funds and securing loans for certain selfliquidating projects, such as the Mini Union Buildings and the Men's Residence Hall. 22. Future Education and Research Programs: ( a ) As one of the most important future fields of human activity will be found in air transportation, the University administration has outlined a comprehensive teaching and research program including several colleges and many departments. Funds are being actively sought from State and Federal agencies for an air field, service buildings, and laboratories. The essential features of the program are presented in a bulletin entitled, "A Program of Education and Research Related to Air Transportation at the University of Illinois, Including a University Airport." (b) More emphasis is to be placed on the teaching program, especially at the freshman-sophomore levels, by increasing the maturity of the staff, and developing the curriculum of the General Division. (c) Review and appraisal of all courses is to be continued in accordance with the Report of the Senate Committee listed under 9 ( b ) , above. ( d ) More men of distinction in teaching and research are to be added to the faculty.
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