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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1192 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Survey of University, cont'd Booz, Fry, Allen, & Hamilton, cont'd report, 111 recommendations considered, 405 recommendations of President Willard, 178 resolutions, 186, 187 report of General Advisory Committee, statement by President Willard, 219 summary of actions by President Willard, Surveys, allied, fees for staff members taking University courses, 731 Sussman, H., certificate, 944 Sussman, Rosalyn I., degree, 153 fellowship, 342 See also Yalow, Mrs. Rosalyn S. Suter, F. J., degree, 1014 Suter, J. J., certificate, 736 Sutherland, E. K., degree, 884 Sutherland, L. C , degree, 818 Sutherland, Lois L., degree, 760 Sutherlin, Kathryn J., appointment, 662 leave of absence, 507 Sutter, Alice E., resignation, 197 Sutton, A. H., appointment, 591 leave of absence for war service, 918 Sutton, Mrs. Vivian R., appointment, 91 declination, 96 Svec, Mrs. Muriel H., appointment, 371, 672 Svendsen, R. W., degree, 421 Svihla, G,, appointment, 92, 387, 535 resignation, 537 Swaim, G. T., Jr., degree, 424 Swain, H. H., degree, 421 Swain, J. W., appointment, 593 Swan, L. V., degree, 428 Swank, Irma L., degree, 416 Swann, S., Jr., appointment, 377, 535, 612 discovery, patent rights, release, 927 Swanson, Mrs. Bertha C , appointment, 141 resignation, 372 Swanson, C. G. A., degree, 415 Swanson, E. R., degree, 427 Swanson, Frances E., appointment, 570 Swanson, G., appointment, 684, 825 Swanson, H. A., appointment, 535, 667, 981 Swanson, J. W., appointment, 380, 588, 976 Swanson, Kjersti R., scholarship, 342 declination, 372 Swanson, R. E., appointment, 51, 195, 286, 38s . cancellation, 783 Swanson, Wilma M., degree, 428 Swanstrom, H. C , Jr., degree, 934 Swarts, J. M., degree, 352 Swearingen, Calista, degree, 159 Sweeney, Mrs. Mildred M., appointment, declination, 146 Sweet, A., degree, 432 Sweet, H. M., degree, 294 Sweet, H. N., certificate, 944 Sweet, J. E., appointment, 660 military leave, 203 Swendseid, Marian E., resignation, 55 Sweney, Mrs. Edith, appointment, 590, 977 Swengel, R. T., degree, 293 Swenson, C. E., member of advisory committee, 164, 800 Swift, H. R., appointment, 777 fellowship, 341, 931 resignation, 783 Swift & Co., gift, 870 purchase, 736 Swigart, Beulah H., appointment, 190, 340, 818, 963 Swimming pools, use by Army and Navy, _ .399, 442 Swindell, Mrs. Dorothy P., appointment, 141, Swindell, R. W., appointment, 190, 340, 963 210 222 Stuermer, H. W. t degree, 155, 43a Stuit Joan T., degree, 1012 Stulik, C. K., appointment, 10, 552 Stulik, L.j appointment, 9, 550 military leave, 267 Stull, Isabel M., degree, 1015 Stump, R v appointment, 91 resignation, 197 Stuppy, G. W., appointment, 6, 547 military leave, 268 Sturgeon, E. G. H., degree, 157 Stutzman, Frances R„ degree, 152 Su, T. S., degree, 291 Sublett, R. W-, degree, 296 Sudduth, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 636, 825 Sukash, Mrs. Therese, leave of absence, 945 Sukov, M., appointment, 3, 544 military leave, 203 Sukumlyn, S. W., appointment, 91, 551 Suldane, J. A., appointment, 11, 553 Sullivan, A. J., appointment, 14, 556 Sullivan, C. F „ certificate, 944 Sullivan, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 566, 913 Sullivan, J. T., degree, 884 Sullivan, Margaret R., appointment, 567 Sullivan, N. P., certificate, 273 Sullivan, R. H., degree, 431 Sullivan, R. N., appointment, 382, 659, 979 member of University Civil Service Committee, 209, 787 Sullivan Chevrolet Co., purchase, 398, 517 Summers, A. P., purchase, 831 Summers, Mrs. Arwilda W., appointment, declination, 96 Summers, Dorothy, appointment, 568, 825, 967 Summers, W. L., appointment, 659 leave of absence, 313 Summers, W. L., Jr., degree, 418 Summer semester, budget, 374, 669, 972 engineering lectures, funds, 375 length, 168 salaries, balance reappropriated, 458, 995 retirement contribution, 20 staff, compensation, 168 Summerson, C. H., appointment, 141 degree, 158 resignation, 319 Sundholm, N. K., degree, 880 fellowship, 341 Sundstrom, R. N., degree, 884 Sunyar, A. W., appointment, 385, 534, 618, 777, 891 degree, 881 Supervision and High School Instruction, budget, 607 adjustment, 454 summer semester, 387, 976 Suppiger, E. W-, appointment, 619 Surgery, budget, 681 clinical faculty, 12, 554 fellows, 342 suction machine, gift, 517 See also Oral and Plastic Surgery. Surgical dressings, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 363 Surie, Patsy, degree, 430 Surland, C. C , resignation, 197 Survey of University, American Council on Education, 22, 6$ appropriation, 103, 304 report, 236 printing, 282 recommendations considered, 405, 787 special committee, 280 Booz, Fry, Allen, & Hamilton, comments by G. A. Works, 214 opinion of American Council on Education, request, 111 denied, 235 payment, 77 . 6oS
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