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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sorce, S., certificate, 833 Sorensen, Florence E., appointment, 534 Sorensen, Marie M., appointment, 694, 913 Sorensen, R. E., appointment, 14, 556 military leave, 267 Sorensen, R. L., degree, 759 Sorenson, A. R., degree, 817 Sorokin, Frances, degree, 883 Soughers, E. H., appointment, 639 South, Belle V., appointment, 190, 340, 819, 963 South, Elizabeth G., degree, 416 Southern Coal Co., bid, 336 Southern Illinois Normal University, legislation, 241, 445 resolution, 279 South farms, work on research project, contract, 993 Southwick, P. L., degree, 414 Soybean meal, purchase, 736 Soybean storage, study, 78, 513 Spackey, Shirley M., degree, 1016 Spadaro, Constance, appointment, 675 Spaeth, T. N., appointment, 640, 651 Spaeth, R., appointment, 678 Spain, Marjone M., degree, 1012 scholarship, 963 Spaits, Wildred M., degree, 432 Spalding, J. C , degree, 155 Spangler, F. W., degree, 880 fellowship, 3 69 Spanish and Italian, budget, 597 adjustment, 234 summer semester, 386, 982 scholars, 342, 932 Sparkman, IX, appointment, 286, 466 Sparks, H. T., degree, 155 Sparks, L. C , appointment, 668 Sparks, Meredith M., degree, 414 Spaulding, R. A., degree, 423 Speaker, R. L., degree, 883 Speck, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 6*6 Speck, S. J., degree, 427 Spector, H., appointment, 777 Speech, scholars, 932, 963 Speech Clinic, appropriation, 174 establishment, 173 Speed, K., appointment, 12, 554 Speer, T. L., appointment, 777 Speers, L. C., certificate, 273 Speigel, I. J., appointment, 8 military leave, 324 Spelbring, Mary A., appointment, 286, 411 degree, 419 resignation, 783 Spence, J. M., appointment, 684 military leave, 166 Spence, Mrs. Mildred W., appointment, 683 leave of absence, 392, 728 Spence, R. W.„ appointment, 689 military leave, 303 Spencer, A. L., degree, 1016 Spencer, C. C , degree, 293 Spencer, Gwladys, appointment, 382, 658, 702, 979 Spencer, R. E., degree, 155 Spencer Lens Co., purchase, 922 Sperling, C. S-, appointment, 706 Sperling, H., degree, 934 Sperling, M. H., degree, 424 Sperry, Edith C , degree, 154 Sperry, Virginia B., degree, 885 Speziale, A. J., appointment, 585 resignation, 893 Spidell, H. ] . , degree, 817 Spiesman, I. G., appointment, 4, 545 Spiess, J. C.f member of advisory committee, 441 Spietz, W. P., contract, 517 Spindler, R. H., degree, 152 Spiro, A. R., degree, 1012 Spitler, J. C , appointment, 625, 651, 652 Spittler, W. T., degree, 1014 II89 Spivack. J. L., appointment, 12, 554 Spoor, Theta, appointment, 587 Sporrer, M. J., certificate, 833 Spradling, A. B., Jr., appointment, 585 degree, 1007 fellowship, 408 Spradling, P. A., degree, 155 Sprague, R. W., degree, 1008 Spray, Mrs. Barbara O., appointment, 672 cancellation, 893 Springer, C. H., appointment, 534, 614, 977 Springer, M, D., appointment, 140, 594, 777 resignation, 970 Springer, P. F., degree, 758 Springfield Avenue, property at 1204, lease, Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Co., insurance, bid, 906 Springfield Mattress Co., purchase, 452 Sprinkle, E , military leave, 946 Sproat, R. A., degree, 884 Spurgeon, L. A., director of Athletic Association, 307, 899 Squire, Fay H., appointment, 12, 554 Squires, Kathleen, appointment, 566, 824 Sroka, A. A., degTee, 883 Sroka, A. G., degree, 753, 817 Staaks, W\, Jr., appointment, 591 military leave, 100 Staats, Joan, degree, 422 Staben, C. W., degree, 760 Stables, military, insurance and watchmen, cost, 454 Stack, A. P., certificate, 59 Stacy, R. M., degree, 161 Staderman, O. P., appointment, 140 resignation, 288 Stadfield, D. J., degree, 429 Stadium, remodeling, contracts, 63 use by Navy, 17, 63 ventilating system, temperature control, purchase, 64 Stadium Drive and First Street, land, improvements, appropriation, 725 Staehle, Mrs. Ida M., appointment, 715 Staff, academic, definition, 993 disability leaves, 994 administrative, disability leaves, 994 affiliated agencies, exemption from fees, 391 appointment of non-citizens, 739, 844, 876 policy, 37 civilian defense work, liability for injuries, 21, 62 Dentistry, salary increases, 920 extra services, retirement contribution, 20 health requirements, 510 Illini Union service charge, 514 leaves of absence for war service, insurance, 455, 509 medical examinations, 222t 229 appropriation, 20 balance reappropriated, 458 Medicine, salary increases, 920 membership on Senate committees, 588 men's club, agreement with University, 494 naturalization, requirement suspended, 37 patents on discoveries and inventions, policy, 231, 242 Physical education course, compensation, 169 representation on Faculty-Graduate Student Center committee, 841 research, off-campus, policy, 16 retired members, employment elsewhere, 36 salaries and wages, policy, 399 study, 314 summer semester services, compensation, 168 retirement contribution, 20 tuition fees, exemption, 731 war service, retirement system benefits, 333 See also Civil Service and Employees. Staffelbach, Lois J., degree, 1012
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