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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Sjlva, Mrs. Mildred H., resignation, 96 Silveira, Anibal, appointment, 12 Silver, E. C , certificate, 833 Silver, H. S., certificate, 721 Silver Creek Coal Co., contract, 109, 189, n- 5 I £ ' 7 5 3 Sima, C. A., appointment, 6, 547 Sjmcox, C. E., degree, 880 Simer, P. H-, appointment, 671 Simhauser, L. E., degree, 155 Simkin, Maurice, appointment, 6, 547 Simkin, Morris, degree, 933 Simkin, W., appointment, 6, 547 Simmons, Lillian M., degree, 152 Simmons, P. A., Jr., degree, 426 Simmons, W. W., degree, 760 Simon, Dorothy S., degree, 1012 Simon, M. U., degree, 934 Simonian, M. N. t degree, 885 Simons, W-, appointment, declination, 96 Simpson, C. H., degree, 539 Simpson, C. R., degree, 1012 Simpson, D. L., degree, 430 Simpson, F-, appointment, 635, 648, 650 Simpson, Frances, appointment, 657 Simpson, G. S., Jr., degree, 426 Simpson, Jean I., appointment, 381, 642, 649, 978 Simrall, Dorothy V., appointment, 50, 577, 596, 890 Sinai Tempie of Champaign-Urbana, gift, 236 Sinclair, Eileen M., appointment, 195, 347 Sinclair, G. T., degree, 1012 Singer, J. D., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 166 Singer, M. B., appointment, 347, 383, 615, 980 Singleton, Mildred E., appointment, 382 Singsen, E. P., appointment, 635 resignation, 783 Sinks, T. A., degree, 159 Sinnisstppi Farms, Inc., contract, 810 Sinow, G. S., degree, 432 Sintov, M. J., degree, 933 Sippy, H. I., appointment, 6 declination, r4S Sirich, J. B., appointment, 91, 534, 593, 97R Sjsco, Mrs. Jennie, appointment, 709, 824, 891 Sisk, J. I-., appointment, 190, 340, 818, 963 Sisson, Sarah T., degree, 158 Sister Anna Lucile Dunn, appointment, 100, 340 Sister Florentines O'Connor, degree, 150 Sister M, Agnesene Wisaom, degree, 539 Sister M. Alodia Doherty, degree, 149 Sister M. Aloysius Reilly, degree, 756 Sister M. Basiliana Sroka, degree, 151 Sister M. Benoit Holahan, degree, 755 Sister M. Bernarda Adams, degree, 149 Sister M. Blanche Barrett, degree, 416 Sister M. Dulciana Mrotek, degree, 933 Sister M. Gretchen Hessler, degree, 1007 Sister M. Hilary O'Brien, certificate, 273 Sister M. Irena Rlordan, degree, 756 Sister M. Jacqueline Daly, degree, 154 Sister M. Jose Ernst, degree, 539 Sister M, Josepha Zwierzycki, degree, 431 Sister M. Justin Nevins, degree, 157 Sister M. Lillian Maher, degree, 156 Sister M. Lorita McAuliffe, degree, 156 Sister M. Malachy Laithwaite, degree, 159 Sister M. Patricia Mullen, degree, 150 Sister M. Verena Hough, degree, 149 Sister M. Viviana Roe, degree, 291 Sister Marie Daniel Conway, degree, 148 Sister Vincent de Paul Huguet, degree, 539 Sit, H. C , degree, 541 Sizer, Pauline E., appointment, 629* 648 resignation, 783 Skala, J. C , appointment, 140 Skell, P. S., appointment, 824 Skelton, A, J., degree, 759 1187 Skelton, Mrs. Audrey M., appointment, declination, 55 Skelton, Barbara J., degree, 1013 Skinner, Mrs. Ida C. L., appointment, 676, 693 leave of absence, 862 Skinner, R. C , appointment, 608 military leave, 100 Skoglund, A. F., degree, 429 Skok, J., appointment, 318, 647 Skolnik, 13., certificate, 800 Skolnik, E. A., appointment, 4, 544 Skoog, D. A., appointment, 50, 378 degree, 755 Skorodin, B., appointment, 11, 553 Skroder, C. E., appointment, 379, 613, 976 Slaby, G., degree, 759 Slack, Clara L., appointment, 190, 340 Sladek, W. R., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 166 Slager, J. F., degree, 1012 Slaiman, M. H., degree, 759 Slane, R. F., degree, 427 Slapak, Emily M., degree, 422 Slater, Charles P., resignation, 145 Slater, Clarence P., appointment, 566, 713, 714 Slater, J. M., degree, 152 Slaughter, D. P., appointment, 680, 681, 695 Slaughter, Sara L., degree, 152 Slawecki, T. K., degree, 423 Slawsky, M., degree, 432 Slayton, Ruth E., degree, 1015 Slepyan, A, H., appointment, 4, 544 military leave, 323 Slifer, C. N., degree, 416 Sloan, Bernadine M., appointment, 596 Sloan, F, E., military leave, 804 Sloan, L. H., appointment, 5, 546 Sloan, N. H., degree, 352 Sloan, P, H., memorial art gallery, plans terminated, 744 Slocumb, Esther M., degree, 1009 Sloman, Mrs. Sophie S., appointment, 4, 544 Sluzalis, Rose E., degree, 542 Slyder, Lois A., degree, 1017 Small, F., certificate, 944 Small, F. W., Jr., degree, 422 Small, Helen D., appointment, 195, 658, 938 Small, S. R-, degree, 352 Smarzo, Marjorie M., resignation, 145 Smashey, Mary E., degree, 421 Smeltzer, P. J., appointment, 140 declination, 197 Smiley, A. G-, degree, 296 Smiley, C. L., degree, 760 Smith, A. E., member of Advisory Board on Aeronautics, 984 Smith, A. G-, degree, 760 Smith, A. H., degree, 427 Smith, Ada B., appointment, 190, 340, 819, 963 Smith, Annie L., degree,, 419 Smith, B. H., appointment, 963 Smith, B. O., appointment, 379> 605, 975 Smith, C. Otis, appointment, 9, 550 military leave, 229 Smith, Carl O., degree, 415 Smith, Cecil E., degree, 881 Smith, Cora M., degree, 152 Smith, Curtis W., degree, 75s fellowship, 341 resignation, 412 Smith, Dolores E., appointment, 694, 858 Smith, E. Evelyn, appointment, 381, 642, 978 Smith, E, G., appointment, 91, 566 Smith, E. J., appointment, 568, 580 Smith, E. L., resignation, 349 Smith, E. R-, degree, 294 Smith, Mrs. Edith M., appointment, 140, 705, 777 Smith, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 699, 938
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