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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

n86 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Shilladey, L. W., certificate, 833 Shinker, Betty E., appointment, 629, 648, 890 Shinneman, D. A., degree, 541 Shinnick, R. C , degree, 431 Shipley, J. R., appointment, 376, 661, 973 Shirman, Ida, degree, 422 Shishkoff, N., degree, 156 Shively farm, easement of way, 304, 872 Shkolnik, S., appointment, 689 Shmigelsky, Irene, appointment, 678 Shoemaker, H. H., appointment, 387, 598, 824, 983 Sholder, S., degree, 817 Shonkwiler, F. P., degree, 424 Shore, B. B., certificate, 273 Shores, J. H., appointment, 379, 606, 697 resignation, 96 Short, C. F., fees, 276, 314, 335, 336 Short, Constance R., appointment, 646, 648 resignation, 939 Shotliff, E. W., degree, 424 Shotwell, J. W., degree, 427 Shoulders, R, F., degree, 425 Showers, T, J., appointment, 706 Shrader, K. C., appointment, 576 Shrago, A. D., certificate, 59 Shrifter, N., degree, 934 Shriner, R. L., discovery, release, 787 Shriver, C. F-, appointment, 261, 621 termination, 783 Shuck, M. Marguerite, degree, 1012 Shuger, H., appointment, 261, 549 Shukas, T. H., degree, 933 Shulruff, E., degree, 352 Shulruff, W. t degree, 933 Shuman, C. B., member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Shuman, N. R., degree, 421 Shumway, W-. appointment, 598 Shupe, T-, appointment, 677 declination, 783 Shure, N., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 61 Shutt, D. L., degree, 758 Shutt, Virginia J., degree, 427 Sibley, M. Q., appointment, 386, 595, 982 Sibley, Mrs. Marjorie H., degree, 756 fellowship,, 342 See also Hedrick, Marjorie M. Sidebottom, O. M., appointment, 140, 777 degree, 161, 757 Sidell, Mrs. Edith, sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 752 Sidell, Oka E., appointment, 575 resignation, 263 Siebert, Dorothea C , appointment, 381, 643 declination, 783 Siebert, F. S., appointment, 382, 600 Sieekmann, J, H., member of advisory committee, 440 Siefkes, Ruth W. L., degree, 154 Siegbahn, N., appointment, 677 Siegel, A. L., degree, 352 Siegel, M., degree, 430 Siegrist, D. D., degree, 423 Siemon, Mrs. Beatrice C , appointment, 692 leave of absence, 803 resignation, 783 Siems, J. C , appointment, 706 Siess, C. P., appointment, 621 Sievert, C. F. A., appointment, 50, 585, 890 Sigerfoos, Grace R., degree, 419 Signatures, delegation, Board officers, 300, 325, 505, 896 facsimile, resolution, 301, 897 Signor, Nelle M., appointment, 701 Silberberg, Vivian C.» degree, 1012 Silbergeld, S., appointment, 140, 378 degree, 755 Silberman, Ruth E., degree, 421 Silcox, H. E., degree, 414 Sills, R. A., degree, 162, 934 Sharp, R. P., appointment, 592 leave of absence, 202 Sharp & Dohme, gift, 518 Sharpe, D. M., appointment, 50, 371 degree, 415 Shatavsky, S. M., degree, 884 Shattuck, C. H., appointment, 380, 534* 589. 977 Shatz, Shirley A., degree, 885 Shaughnessy, H. J., appointment, 3, 543 cancellation, 197 Shaw, Dorothy J-, degree, 421 Shaw, E. P., appointment, 591 Shaw, Hazel Y., appointment, 701 Shaw, J. B., appointment, 593 Shaw, Joan M., degree, 155 Shaw, L. R., certificate, 833 Shaw, N. G., appointment, 11, 553 Shaw, R. C , degree, 426 Shawl, R. L, appointment, 375, 630, 972 Shay, Mary L., appointment, 381, 593, 978 Shea, J. F., degree, 294 Shea, Marie M. K., degree, 292 Sheaff, H. M., appointment, 5, 546 Shearer, Ruth A., degree, 416 Shechter, N., degree, 352 Shedd, M. C , degree, 429 Shedd, T. C , appointment, 378, 612, 974 Sheehan, E. F., appointment, 671 Sheehan, Jane C.» resignation, 197 Sheehy, Ann C , degree, 541 Sheep, purchase, 22, 364 Sheets, purchase, 363 Sheets, R. M., military leave, 946 Sheffield, M. B., degree, 426 Sheffler, P. W., degree, 421 Sheiry, Vannie L., appointment, 611 Shekleton, J. F., degree, 755 fellowship, 369 Shelford, V. E., appointment, 598 leave of absence, 862 Shellow, H., appointment, 673 military leave, 165 Shellow, H. G., certificate, 898 Shelton, C. C , certificate, 833 Shelton, J. G., military leave, 60, 730 Shelton, Mary R., degree, 416 scholarship, 39 Shender, E. L., degree, 423 Shenk, W. J., Jr., appointment, 377, 585 degree, 1007 resignation, 827 Shepard, F. P., appointment, 591 leave of absence, 202 Shepard, W. C , appointment, 4, 545 Shepherd, Barbara J., degree, 421 Shepherd, D. A., resignation, 262 Shepherd, G. F., Jr., degree, 150 Shepherd, Marian C , degree, 421 Sheppard, M. H., degree, 295 Sheppleman v, Lueder, payment of salaries of farm and home advisers, 830 Shepro, M. J., degree, 933 Sherman, Mrs. Irene C , appointment, 679 Sherman, Mildred R., degree, 1013 Sherrod, T. R., appointment, 261, 678 Sherwin, L. J., appointment, 14, 686 cancellation, 783 Sherwin-Williams Co., purchase, 306, 868 Sherwood, L. V., appointment, 632 military leave, 61 Shesler, J. W-, degree, 816 Sheuring, J. J., appointment, 639 degree, 151 military leave, 26 Shick, R. A., degree, 759 Shield, H. J., certificate, 506 Shields, J. B., appointment, 50 resignation, 412 Shields, Marilyn, appointment, 566 Shiftman, R., degree, 432 Shifris, M., certificate, 721
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