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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Robinson, Florence B., appointment, 66t Robinson, J. C , Jr., degree, 414 Robinson, J. E., degree, 291 Robinson, Janet A., appointment, 465, 618 resignation, 914 Robinson, Josephine A., degree, 542 Robinson, M. H., appointment, 602 Robinson, M. J., degree, 933 Robinson, R. C-, degree, 432 Robinson, T. W., appointment, 49, 598 military leave, 101 Robinson, W. B., degree, 754 fellowship, 369 resignation, 783 Robison, J. F., degree, 293 Robison, R., member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Rock, M., degree, 424 Rockefeller Foundation, farm works simplification studies, budget, 630 Rockford Consolidated Newspapers, Inc., lease, 902 Rock phosphate, crop production, research, 960 Rockwell, Harriet E., fellowship, 931 Rockwell, Harriet M., appointment, 139, 589 Rockwell, R. G., certificate, 721 Rodebush, \V. H., appointment, 583 Rodenhauser, Mary F., degree, 882 Rodgers, E. W., certificate, 833 Rodine, J, C , degree, 817 Rodkey, F. S., appointment, 593 military leave, 804 Rodman, D. B., degree, 293 Rodman, R. G., member of advisory committee, 441 Rodney, R. M., appointment, 49 declination, 54 Rodriguez Fabregat, E., appointment, 890 Rodriguez, A., certificate, 736 Roe, Charlotte L,, degree, 760 Roemer, J. D., degree, 424 Roeper, Mrs. Doris J., appointment, 823 resignation, 467 See also Johnson, Doris >I. Roettger, W, H., appointment, 384, 665, 981 Roever, W. O., degree, 157 Rogers, D. E., degree, 1014 Rogers, D., Katharine, appointment, 286, 386, 597, 982 Rogers, Delia M., appointment, 61S Rogers, Mrs. Edward, lease, 961 Rogers, H. W., certificate, 273 Rogers, Lois D., appointment, 194 See also Jones, Mrs. Lois R. Rogers, Mary E., appointment, 90 resignation, 197 Rogers, R. E., degree, 422 Rogers, Ruth A., appointment, 90, 318 degree, 419 resignation, 783 Rogers, Ruth E-, resignation, 537 Rogier, E. R., degree, 1013 Rogier, Evelyn M., appointment, 139, 699 Rohde, Hazel G., degree, 885 Rohm & Haas Co., gift, 330 Rohrer, B. E., degree, 149 Rold, D., appointment, 551 Roll, H. C , appointment, 4, 544 Roll, K. E., degree, 296 Roll, W. A., degree, 426 Rolle, G. L., degree, 430 Roller, B. A., degree, 424 Roller, G. G., degree, 541 Rollins, June B., degree, 427 Roioff, Marjorie, appointment, 340, 818, 963 Romberger, A. S., appointment, 14, 556 Rome, S. C., certificate, 59 Romersberger, R. G-, degree, 541 Romig, Lois L., degree, 161 Rommel, Ruth P., degree, 541 Il8l Romppainen, N. Virginia, appointment, declination, 145 Roodhouse, Eleanor, resignation, 288 Roodhouse, Mrs. Jeanette W., appointment, 49 resignation, 288 Roos, F. J., appointment, 675 Roosa, Mrs. Giannina, appointment, 465, Roosa, W. L., appointment, 384, 662, 981 Root, Susan V., degree, 156 Rootberg, P., certificate, 273 Roper, Eva J,, degree, 1016 Rorabacher, Louise E., appointment, 90 resignation, 145 Rosaldo, R. I., appointment, 49, 139, 533, 597, 9^ degree, 158 leave of absence for war service, 267 termination, 962 Rosanova, A. R., appointment, 286, 549 Rose, E. L., certificate, 833 Rose, Harriett, appointment, 190, 340, 818, 963 Rose, M. D., appointment, 631 Rose, W, C , appointment, 98, 583 research, gift, 518 Rose, W. R., degree, 817 Rosecrans, Mrs. Roberta D., appointment, 90, 57° Roselawn Cemetery, sale of lots, 189, 223, •283, 315, 350, 407, 522, 752, 815, 850, 8?9» 030, 964 Roseman, E., appointment, 12 Rosemarin, J. I*, degree, 15s Rosen, M. W., degree, 933 Rosen, T., degree, 933 Rosen, W. G., degree, 541 Rosenbaum, II. C , degree, 422 Rosenbaum, M., certificate, 59 Rosenberg, J., degree, 759 Rosenberg, L., certificate, 59 Rosenberg, M. B., certificate, 273 Rosenberg, Mildred, appointment, 677 Rosenbloom, A. E., degree, 418 Rosenblum, S. H., appointment, 6, 547 Rosenburger, Aleen S., degree, 421 Rosenthal, Lucille I., degree, 292 Rosenthal, M. J., degree, 352 Rosenthal, M. M., appointment, 11 resignation, 197 Rosenthal, S. R., appointment, 3, 543 military leave, 899 Rosentreter, Ella, degree, 417 Rosi, A. L., appointment, 13, 555 military leave, 203 Roske, Frances M., degree, 296 Roske, Maurine E., degree, 886 Rosner, D. C , degree, 817 Rosner, M., certificate, 833 Ross, C. E., land, easement across, 875 permission for survey, 815 Ross, D. V , appointment, declination, 145 Ross, Elizabeth L., appointment, 90, 599 degree, 1010 Ross, G. E., degree, 934 Ross, J. S., degree, 416 Ross, Mrs. Jean A., appointment, 912 Ross, Jeannette, degree, 882 Ross, M. D., degree, 161 Ross, Mabel E., degree, 418 Ross, Marjorie, degree, 419 Ross, Mary F., degree, 296 Ross, R. C., appointment, 628, 648, 823 Ross, T. E., certificate, 944 Ross, W. F. G., certificate, 897 Rossell, C. E., degree, ISS Rossetter, G. W., certificate, 943 member of advisory committee, 440 Rossio, L., degree, 422 Rossiter, L. J., appointment, 675, 681 degree, 754
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