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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
n8o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Riser, R. O., appointment, 676 Rish, G., certificate, 721 Risley, Gloria, decree, 424 Ritch, C. O., appointment, 14, 556 Ritchard, C. J., degree, 425 Ritchey, H. M., degree, 432 Ritman, R. L., degree, 292 Ritter, I. I., military leave, 15 Ritterband, J., degree, 431 Ritz, O. H., degree, 156 Rivard, Constance M., degree, 1013 Rivard, R. R., appointment, 823 Rizzo, Mary, appointment, 564 resignation, 860 Roach, D. B., degree, 161 Roach, Frances L. R., degree, 885 Roach, T. S., degree, 421 Roach, J. W., degree, 425 Roads, R. L., degree, 1014 Robb, D. G., degree, 885 Robb, D. \V\, degree, 421 Robb, J. M., Jr., degree, 541 Robb, W. C., appointment, 378, 601, 603, 975 member of advisory committee, 441 member of University Civil Service Committee, 208 Robbins, D., certificate, 721 Robbins, E, T., appointment, 634, 653 Robbins, E. W., appointment, 533, 590 military leave, 729 Robbins, H. D., appointment, declination, 96 Robbins, K. C , appointment, 139, 678 degree, 1017 Robbins, Margaret E., degree, 156 Robbins, Sylvia K., degree, 352 Roberg, N. B,, appointment, 674 military leave, 100 Roberts, C. W., appointment, 380, 588, 976 Roberts, Charlotte A., degree, 882 Roberts, E., appointment, 634, 647 Roberts, E. A., Jr., degree, 1014 Roberts, G. A., degree, 753 Roberts, H., degree, 426 Roberts, H. C , appointment, 49, 621 Roberts, Mrs. Helen P., appointment, 823 Roberts, Henrietta J., degree, 149 Roberts, Mrs. Lorraine J., scholarship, 966 Roberts, M. H., appointment, 377, 585, 890 resignation, 970 Roberts, Mary, appointment, 699 Roberts, Mildred L., degree, 1013 Roberts, P. C , appointment, 602, 776, 973, 078 Roberts, Pauline O-, degree, 352 Roberts, R. E., appointment, 662 Roberts, R. M., appointment, 776 degree, 1007 fellowship, 369 resignation, 145 Roberts, Mrs. Velma I., appointment, 669 Robertson, Carita, appointment, 49, 3S5, 667, 981 Robertson, Eleanor M., appointment, 699 Robertson, M. G., appointment, 709 Robertson, T. M., degree, 759 Robertson, Teresa J., appointment, 694, 912 Robertson, W. C , appointment, 706 Robertson, W. S., appointment, 317, 592 Robey, W. E., degree, 291 Robin, B., certificate, 897 Robin, S. W., degree, 817 Robins, L. S., appointment, 11, 552 leave of absence, 266 Robinson, A. J., appointment, 90, 576 resignation, 893 Robinson, Alice A., degree, 292 Robinson, Anna B., appointment, 606 Robinson, E, J., degree, 421 Robinson, Eleanor I., degree, 428 Robinson, Elizabeth A., degree, 421 I Robinson, Elsie L., degree, 541 Rice, H. L., degree, 1012 Rice, H. M,, certificate, 897 Rice, I. W., degree, 934 Rice, S. T. t degree, 426 Rice, W. D., appointment, 775 leave of absence, 945 Ricewasser, H., appointment, 7, 547 military leave, £29 Rich, J. M., appointment, 49, 823 degree, 539 resignation, 860 Rich, M-, certificate, 898 Richards, Betty Ann, appointment, 371, 608 Richards, Betty-Anne, degree, 421 Richards, Claire L., scholarship, 342 declination, 349 Richards, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 775 Richards, F . E., military leave, 730 Richards, F. W „ certificate, 506 Richardson, A. T., Jr., degree, 295 Richardson, E. E., certificate, 721 Richardson, Genevieve, degree, 156 Richardson, I., certificate, 833 Richardson, I. L , degree, 421 Richardson, J. L., appointment, 10, S5 1 Richardson, J. R., appointment, 617 Richardson, R. C , appointment, 551 cancellation, 827 Richart, F. E., appointment, 619 Richbark, Mrs. Ethel G., appointment, 699, 937 Richmond, J. C., degree, 296 Richmond, K. L., degree, 1012 Richmond, Rosalie M., degree, 429 Richtand, A. T., degree, 759 Richter, Harriet, appointment, 684 Richter, I. B., appointment, 11, 553 military leave, 303 Richter, Maridan, appointment, declination, degree, 149 Ricker Library, book, gift, 237 Ricketts, B. G., appointment, 384, 616, 980 Riddell, F. L., degree, 426 Riddell, M. R., appointment, 49, 383, 610, 614, 980 Ridge, Mrs. Tabitha J., appointment, 569 Ridgley, Mrs. Marjone M., resignation, 54 Rieg, G. S., certificate, 735 Riegel, Mrs. Ruth A., resignation, 54 Riegel, W. E „ member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Rieke, Anna, appointment, 686 Riemer, R. V-, appointment, 687 Rietz, Muriel D., degree, 1012 Rigby, R. G., appointment, 775 Rigg, H. A„ degree, 426 Riggs, Bess, appointment, 625 Riggs, R. F,, degree, 160 Rigney, Mrs. Alma, appointment, 190, 340, 818, 963 Rigotti, G. F., degree, 297 Rikli, A. E., degree, 934 Riklin, B. M., degree, 431 Riley, Alyce K., appointment, 695, 912 Riley, E. R., degree, 424 Riley, J. K., degree, 424 Riley, M. L., appointment^ 190, 340 Rtman, Florence J., appointment, 775 degree, 1010 Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 588 Rinder, C, O., appointment, 6, 546 declination, 860 Rinehart, E. E. ; degree, 426 Ringenberg, Wilma C , degree, 296 Ringham, F. E „ certificate, 721 Ringhausen, P., member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Ripka, Bernice E., degree, 542 Ripper, R. F., appointment, 194, 565 Rippey, Opel M., degree, 540
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