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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1170 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nelson, H. H., degree, 817 Nelson, Hazel M-, appointment, 694, 912 Nelson, J. S., appointment, 823 resignation, 892 Nelson, Jessemae, resignation, 54 Nelson, June C , degree, 1016 Nelson, M. E., appointment, 48, 385, 617 resignation, 969 Nelson, M. H.f appointment, 632 Nelson, Margaret, resignation, 145 Nelson, Marjorie J., degree, 1010, 1012 Nelson, Severina E., appointment, 380, 588, 976 member of advisory committee, 167 Nelson, Mrs. Theo, appointment, 701 Nelson, W., degree, 760 Nelson, W. C , degree, 426 Nemecek, J. G., degree, 817 Nemoff, R. D., degree, 431 Nemtzow, S., degree, 933 Nerenberg, Ida, degree, 1012 Nesbitt, R. D., degree, 934 Nesheim, R. O., degree, 296 Nethery, Miriam E., appointment, 382 degree, 419 Neu, Lucile M., appointment, 48, 89, 701 declination, 54 Neubauer, I. C., degree, 420 Neuber, Anna L., appointment, 572 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 301, 896 Neufeld, G. A., degree, 352 Neuhauser, Irene, appointment, 4, i37> ^73 Neumann, J. E., degree, 817 Neumann, R. G., degree, 156 Neurology and Neurological Surgery, budget, 675 clinical faculty, 8, 549 Neurosurgery, training courses, contract, 176, 235 Nevens, \V. B., appointment, 378, 638, 647, 975 New Agriculture Building, contract, alterations, 960 insulation of attic, 453 remodeling, appropriation, 807 Newberger, C.t appointment, 8, 550 Newcomb, R., appointment, 659, 660, 663 Newcomer, H. L., appointment, 377, 601, 973 Newell, II. Sue, scholarship, 931 declination, 969 Newhouse Paper Co., purchase, 328 Newlin, J. P., degree, 153 Newlin, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 912 Newman, B. B., degree, 817 Newman, E. A., degree, 432 Newman, Esther R., degree, 427 Newman, Sadell, appointment, 680, 857 Newman Hall, use in S.T.A.R. program, 367 Newmark, N. M., appointment, 612 leave of absence, 862, 986 Newton, R. K., Jr., degree, 420 Newton, T. M., degree, 1013 Newton Experiment Field, barn, appropriation, 170 fire loss, 79 Newtson, H, L., degree, 156 Newtson, L. E., appointment, 565 declination, 782 New York Central System, freight rates, 313 Nichiporuk, Olga, degree, 542 Nicholas, Constance, appointment, 48, 380, 589> 977 Nicholas, E., degree, 429 Nichols, E. R., degree, 156 Nichols, F. W., sale of Booth farm, 723, 952 Nichols, Grace V., appointment, 694, 857 Nichols, I. G., Jr., degree, 432 Nichols, Mary A., degree, 149 Nicholson, D. G., appointment, 584 discovery, patent rights, release, 172 military leave, 61 Nantz, Marjorie A., degree, 1012 Nardine, E. Gretchen, appointment, 773 leave of absence, 834 resignation, 969 Narut, L. F,, degree, 352 Nathan, Gertrude, degree, 422 Nathan, I., certificate, 273 Nathan, M. F., appointment, 773 resignation, 969 Nation, C. E,, degree, 152 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, agreement, 786 contract, 960 National Dairy Council, contract, 960 National Lead Co., fellowships, award, 408 gift, 237 purchase, 306 National Lime Association, gift, 330 Natural History Building, contract, insulation of attic, 453 minor alterations, 454 Natural History Museum, budget, 599 Navy, contracts, confidential, 235 fatigue tests, 79 meals for signal school, 176 training in medicine and dentistry, 960 V-12 program, 401 Diesel Engine Operators' School, facilities, i7> 63 food service equipment, balance reappropriated, 26 lease, 810 officers, use of recreational facilities, 399 reimbursement for cash outlays, 241 trainees at University, textbooks, 458, 516 use of Illini Union Building, 454 use of women's swimming pool, 442 Neal, C. D., appointment, 857, 964 Neal, Charlotte C , degree, 296 Neal, Frances E,, degree, 757 Neal, W. H., degree, 296 Neal, W. T., degree, 933 Neale, Mary H., degree, 155, 416 Nearhood, Reva, appointment, declination, 54 Nearing, F. G., degree, 425 Neblock, Etta, appointment, 190, 340, 818 Nebraska Power Co., bonds, 278 Neckermann, E. F., appointment, 7, 548 Nedwick, Eleanor H., appointment, 570, 823 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 505 resignation, 914 Nedzel, A. J., appointment, 677 research, gift, 871 Nedzel, G. A., degree, 934 Neely, A. W., degree, 425 Neely, H. R., letter, airport, 404 Negley, G. R., appointment, 595 military leave, 100 Neiditch, O. W., appointment, 464, 689 degree, 431 Neiler, Rich, & Co., engineering services for airport, 792, 902 Neilson, W. G., degree, 1012 Neiswanger, W. A., appointment, 603 Nelsen, B. N., certificate, 800 Nelson, A. L., certificate, 506 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 323 Nelson, B. J., contract, 873 Nelson, Betty J., appointment, 676, 680 resignation, 826 Nelson, Beulah G., appointment, 684 Nelson, D. C , degree, 882 Nelson, D. M., member of advisory committee, 441 Nelson, Elizabeth, Booth farm, deed, 866 sale, 842 Nelson, Elsie J., appointment, 225 resignation, 412 Nelson, Mrs. Evalyn R-, appointment, 89, 702, 773 Nelson, H. C , degree, 152
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