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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Muchnik, B., certificate, 721 Muehlhause, C. O., appointment, 385, 617 decree, 415 resignation, 969 Mueller, Mrs. Betty S., appointment, 566 resignation, 782 Mueller, C. F., degree, 1014 Mueller, E. F., Jr., degree, 759 Mueller, G. P., I l l , appointment, 773 degree, 75s fellowship, 341 resignation, 969 Mueller, Helen M., appointment, S89 degree, 882 Mueller, M. W., degree, 882 Mueller, V., & Co., purchase, 270, 841 Mueller, William Tack, certificate, 506 Mueller, William John, degree, 422 Mueller Construction Co., contract, 19, 126, 326, 451> 745 additions, 268, 397, 439 adjustments, 306 Muguerza, H., appointment, 739, 773 resignation, 914 Muirheid, B. F., degree, 424 Mullen, Katherine A., appointment, 659 Muller, C. H., degree, 753 Mullin, E. E-, degree, 432 Mulvane, Norma R., degree, 292 Mulvill, J. E., degree, 226 Mumford, W. P., degree, 883 Munger, R, F., member of advisory committee, 441 Municipal finance, training course, balance reappropriated, 458 Munie, D. E., degree, 760 Munn, Mrs. Betty G., appointment, 773 resignation, 892 Munnis, W. V., appointment, 573 Munro, J., degree, 425 Munse, W. H., appointment, 773, 966 Munson, Carol, degree, 428 Munson, Mrs. Lakie, appointment, 963 Munson, Mary E., degree, 162, 882 Munson, O. G-, degree, 885 Munson, Viola A., resignation, 782 Muntyan, M., appointment, 573 Munz, Dorothy-Jane, degree, 1012 scholarship, 963 Murch, Ethel S., degree, 152 Murdock, Arlene C , appointment, 822 degree, 760 Muren, L. J., certificate, 833 Murison, P. J., degree, 352 Murnane, E. J., certificate, 944 Murphey, M. W., leave of absence, 507 Murphy, A. E., appointment, 384, 595 Murphy, Catherine J., appointment, 823 Murphy, Dorothy Anne, degree, 1012 Murphy, Mrs. Dorothy Auld, appointment, 48, 565, 856 Murphy, E. E., I l l , degree, 297 Murphy, F. B., appreciation for services, 445 Murphy, F. G., appointment, 9, 551 military leave, 100 Murphy, J. E., degree, 416 Murphy, J. W., degree, 934 Murphy, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 668 Murphy, L. W., appointment, 382, 600 Murphy, Mary, resignation, 372 Murphy, Mary L., degree, 420 Murphy, R- H., degree, 934 Murphy, W. D., appointment, 464. 656, 856, Murphy, W. G., degree, 425 Murphy, Wilhelmina, appointment, 692 leave of absence, 804, 862 Murray, C. K-, degree, 1013 Murray, D. M., appointment, 856 military leave, 15, 835 Murray, D. P., certificate, 833 Murray, E. D., degree, 149 912 H69 Murray, L. T., degree, 1014 Murray, M. J., appointment, 773 declination, 782 Murray, Margaret B., degree, 154 Murray, Margaret E., degree, 420 Murray, Margaret H., degree, 1012 Murray, Mary L., appointment, 225, 5S6 Murrell, M. T., appointment, 586 Murton, Frances X* degree, 1012 Murvin, G. G., degree, 424 Museums, See Classical, European Culture, and Natural History. Musgrave, D. P., degree, 817 Musgrave, G. E,f appointment, 260, 410, 668 Musgrove, H. T., appointment, 619 resignation, 914 Music, School of, budget, 661 adjustment, 109 summer semester, 384, 980 fees, instrument rental, discontinued, ^69 scholars, 342 scholarship, gift, 236 Music Education, scholars, 932 Music library, furnishings, appropriation, 048 Musselman, Mary L., degree, 290 Musser, R. E., degree, 160 Musson, Delores, appointment, 937 declination, 939 Musson, E. K., appointment, 3, 543 military leave, 863 Muszynski, J, J., certificate, 721 Mutti, Mrs. Kathryn H., appointment, 643 See also Harmon, Kathryn M. Mutti, R. J., appointment, 89, 194, 628, 648, 773 Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Association, bid, 512 Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, advisory committee, termination, 511 balance retained as trust fund, 512 reinsurance, 30 Muzzy, J. M., degree, 758 Myer, E. W., appointment, 687 Myer, R. P., certificate, 735 Myers, E. G., degree, 760 Myers, F., appointment, 706 Myers, Helen A., degree, 296 Myers, J. retirement, 26 Myers, J. C , resignation, 95 Myers, Katharine, appointment, declination, 54 Myers, M. L., degree, 424 Myers, N. W., degree, 422 Myers, O. V., degree, 760 Myers, P. E,, degree, 882 Mvers, R. E., Plym fellowship, declination, 83, 95 Myles, J., certificate, 944 Mynard, F. H., appointment, 653 Myren, A. T,, degree, 296 Myslik, Lorraine A,, degree, 760 Nacht, D. J., appointment, declination, 54 Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 681 military leave, 101 Nadel, A., degree, 431 Nafziger, C. S., degree, 152 Nagle, Elizabeth, appointment, 190, 340, 8i9» 963 Nagle, Sybil K., appointment, 705 Nainis, W. S., degree, 433 Nakamura, F. I., appointment, 635* 648, 650 resignation, 826 Nalbandov, A. V., appointment, 635, 650 Nalbandov, Mrs. Olga, appointment, 823 fellowship, 962 Nalefski, L. A., degree, 350, 817 Nance, Bette J., degree, 1017 Nannes, C , appointment, 194 Nantkes, Elaine V., appointment, 89, 376, 582, 588, 773. 973 degree, 1010
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