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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I.I67 Military Bands, budget, 668 Mills, C. W., degree, 149 summer semester, 383, 980 Mills, D. R., appointment, 384, 665, 981 Military Department, budget, 668 Mills, G. Y., degree, 352 adjustment, 31 Mills, J., appointment, 377 clothing and equipment, 668 fellowship, 369, 931 gifts, American Legion Auxiliary awards, resignation, 969 78 Mills, Mary L., degree, 1012 Pershing Rifles award, 78 Mill tax fund, discontinued, 106 Military service, staff members, insurance, Milne, Isabella A., degree, 541 509 Milne, J. W., degree, 155 Milos, R. J., degree, 934 retirement system benefits, 333 Milroy, J. P. J., appointment, 7, 548 students, refund of fees, 239 Milton, J., first editions, purchase, 308 Military Stables, remodeling, contracts, 520 Milum, V. G-, appointment, 380, 590, 977 Milk, army and navy use, 443, 721, 745 Milus, Eleanore, military leave, 729 research, calcium value, 238 Milwaukee Chair Co., purchase, 452 reducing mortality from pullorum disease, Minard, D., resignation, 319 744 Minatoya, H., degree, 162 Milk production project, Emergency War Mindel, M., degree, 297 Food Administration, budget, 928 Mindell, H. B., degree, 155 Millard, Sarah M., degree, 1012 Miner, Sarah A., appointment, 190, 340 Millbrook, May I., appointment, 382, 571, 979 Millen, W. J., certificate, 58 degree, 540 Miller, C , appointment, 12 Mingee, R. J., degree, 417 declination, 145 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Miller, C. E., leave of absence, 945, 985 budget, 616 Miller, C. F., appointment, 586 summer semester, 384, 980 Miller, Mrs. C. P., member of advisory comcurriculum in mining, revisions, 801 mittee, 164, 801 Minkley, J. B., degree, 295 Miller, C. W., military leave, 946 Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co., Insulite DiMiller, D. C . degree, 415 vision, contract, 960 Miller, D. O., degree, 295 Mintzer, H-, degree, 1012 Miller, D. S-, degree, 162 Minutes, approved, 58, 97, 163, 227, 265, 299, Miller, E. (*., certificate, 2^3 321, 373. 494. 717. 795, 829, S61, 915, Miller, E. J., degree, 816 941 Miller, E. M., appointment, 2, 12, 554 correction, 72 Mishkin, H. L., appointment, 3, 13, 555 military leave, 323 Miller, F. A., appointment, 974 military leave, 229 Miller, G. A., appointment, 593 Mitchel, Pauline, degree, 429 Miller, G. E., appointment, 5, 546 Mitchell, H. H., appointment, 634, 648 Miller, G. F., appointment, 194, 615 research, gift, 518 military leave, 728 I Mitchell, J. H., appointment, 4, 544 Miller, G. H., appointment, 672 Mitchell, Mabel, appointment, 963 Miller, Gwendolyn G., resignation, 467 Mitchell, Mrs. Muriel J., appointment, 371 Miller, Harold Alvin, degree, 425 resignation, 537 Miller, Harold Arthur, degree, 293 Mitchell, Mrs. Myrtle J., appointment, 637 Miller, Harold S., degree, 424 resignation, 826 Miller, Helen A., degree, 427 Mitchell, R. D., degree, 424 Miller, Herman L., certificate, 721 Mitchell, R. V., appointment, 602, 603 Miller, T. A., degree, 1014 Mitchell, W. I., appointment, 911, 983 Miller, J.- G., degree, 425 degree, 425 Miller, J. K., degree, 933 Mitchell, Winifred R., degree, 291 Miller, J. M., degree, 424 Mitchell Manufacturing Co., contract, 64 Miller, Jean F., degree, 429 Mittan, Velma B., degree, 428 Miller, Joann E., appointment, 464 Mix, Mrs. Margaret S., appointment, 89, 346, degree, 757 692 Miller, L. IS., appointment, 632 Mizell, I. D., degree, 432 Miller, L. F., appointment, 9, 551 Mizenberg, E., degree, 817 Mizenberg, Stiscie S., appointment, 410, 678 military leave, 15 Mobley, Josephine, degree, 885 Miller, L. J,, degree, 432 Mock, F., appointment, 586 Miller, Lana B., degree, 427 I Model Laundry, contract, 395 Miller, M. J., degree, 934 Modjeska, E. F., degree, 882 Miller, Maxine, degree, 1012 Moede, H. H., degree, 294 Miller, Nancy E., degree, 154 Moeller, G. T., appointment, 377, 584, 974 Miller, R. L., degree, 155 Moery, Frances G., degree, 292 Miller, R. W., appreciation for services, 445 Moffat, R. A., Jr., degree, 883 Miller, Ruth V., degree, 882 Mohan, R. A., degree, 883 Miller, Sonia, appointment, 137* 380, 589, 977 Mohler, A. D., degree, 420 Miller, W. E., appointment, 379, 613 Mohn, P. E., appointment, 3831 614, 980 military leave, 804 Mohr, Mrs. Eunice C , appointment, 702 Miller, W. H., appointment, 224, 568 member of University Civil Service Comauthority to sign name of President of mittee, 787 Board, 505, &g6 Mohr, G. J., appointment, 3, 544 Miller, W. J., certificate, 800 Moldafsky, R., degree, 297 Milles, G., appointment, 677 Moldt, R. G., degree, 295 Millett, N, C , degree, 429 Moline Furniture Works, purchase, 901 Milleville, Vernice M,, degree, 882 Molloy, J. E., degree, 934 Milligan, B. A., appointment, 589 Molloy, J. J., appointment, 286, 693 military leave, 229 Molof, J. J., degree, 426 Millizen, J. E., appointment, 567, 907 Moloney, G. H.f member of advisory commitauthority to sign name of President of tee, 441 Board, 301, 325* 896 Molsberry, Dolores I., appointment, 644, 649 Millon, Esther, fellowship, 932 Molyneaux, M. G-, degree, 934 declination, 969
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