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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Locfchart, H. B., appointment, 47, 136, 464, 77i Locklin, D. P., appointment, 602, 975 leave of absence, 59, 229 termination, 962 member of advisory committee, 441 Lockwood, Lois L., appointment, 564, 772 Lococo, Antoinette, appointment, 410, 581 Loeseke, C. W. B., degree, 1014 Lofgren, E, P., degree, 160 Loftus, Mrs. Versa, appointment, 822 resignation, 969 Logan, Aleta E., appointment, 381 Logan, Catharine E., appointment, 7, 548 Logan, N. A., degree, 429 Logan, W. H. G., member of advisory committee, 167 Logiudice, Mrs. Carmella, appointment, 370, 687, 688 Lohmann, F. C , sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 407 Lohmann, K. B., appointment, 661 Lohr, E. E., Jr., degree, 429 Lohr, L. R., appointed Chairman of General Advisory Committee, 508 appreciation of services, 508 present at meeting, 163, 178, 199 Lohrer, Alice, appointment, 658 Lokke, Margaret J., appointment, 699 Lomberg, Beatrice, degree, 422 Lonchar, Angela M., appointment, 285, 346, 693, 855 Lonchar, Helen, military leave, 165, 730 Long, B. E., degree, 817 Long, Mrs. Bernita J., appointment, 702 Long, G. M., degree, 295 Long, T. S., degree, 934 Long, R. F., degree, 296 Long, W., degree, 422 Long, W. H,, appointment, 583, 889 Longman, B. K., degree, 1009 Longmire, C. L., degree, 295 Longmire, F. E., appointment, 652 Lonsdale, H. G., appointment, 550 Loomis, F. W., appointment, 616 Loomis, Geraldine M., degree, 427 Loomis, Metta M., appointment, 703 Lopez, Delia R., degree, 1010 Lopez, E. L., appointment, 464, 571 Lorant, B. H., degree, 758 Lord, L. E., appointment, 14 Lorentz, R. W-, degree, 425 Lorenz, Marjorie E., degree, 429 Lorenz, P. F., certificate, 273 Lorenz, R. W., appointment, 641, 651 Lorenz, W. A., certificate, 58 Lorig, M. B., degree, 425 Lorillard Co., bonds, 187 Lorr, A., appointment, 680 Lorton, Eloise V., degree, 1011 Lorton, S. D., certificate, 721 Loseff, S. H., degree, 934 Loser, Aria L., degree, 1010 Losuvalna, J., degree, 295 Lothrop, J. D„ degree, 761 Lotspiech, J. E., appointment, 13, 555 Lott, R. V., appointment, 645 Loughery, Dorothy E., appointment, 568 resignation, 826 Lovej E. I., appointment, 660 Lovejoy, Bonnie R., scholarship, 369 resignation, 537 Loverde, A. A., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 267 Loverde, S. J., appointment, 772 degree, 430 Loveridge, W. G., member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Lovett, Mrs. Winifred, appointment, 136, 577 Lovingfoss, Maxine, appointment, 822 resignation, 969 Low, A. A., appointment, 679 Il6l Lowden, F, O., tribute, 322 Lowe, Clara M., appointment, 694, 911 Lowe, Doris J., appointment, 346, 577, 911 Lowe, Dorothy J., appointment, 855 Lowe, L. L., member of advisory committee, 801 Lowe, W. L., certificate, 943 Lowell, R. D., degree, 415 Lowell, Virginia M., appointment, 47, 136, 346, 380, 464, 589, 772, 977 Lowenthal, L. S-, degree, 431 Lowery, O. H., resignation, 319 Lowry, E. W., degree, i o n Lowry, Elizabeth J., degree, 1015, 1016 Lowry, L. L., appointment, 47, 385, 530, 618, 772, 889 degree, 881 Lowry, W. M., resignation, 95 Lowsma, H., appointment, 136 Lubin, J. J., appointment, 8, 549 military leave, 165 Lubin, M. A., certificate, 273 Lubitz, J. M., appointment, 346, 552 Lubricating oil films, research, 870 Lucas, Gray, appointment, 772, 974 Luce, W. M., appointment, 387, 598, 983 Ludington, R. S., degree, 1007 fellowship, 341 Ludrovec, Anne, military leave, 729 Ludvik, G. F., appointment, 627 military leave, 166 Ludvik, Maida M., degree, 430 Ludwig, Katherine A., degree, 293 Lueth, H. C , appointment, 674 Luft, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 667 Luhnow, R. B., Jr., degree, 884 Luke, E. D., appointment, 615 Luken, M. G., member of committees, 302, 313) 448, 494, 874, 924 Lukman, Genevieve C , degree, 422 Lumber, purchase, 64 Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co., insurance, renewal, 504, 995 Lummis, F, M., appointment, 136, 772 degree, 538 fellowship, 369 Lumsden, R. K., appointment, 575 Lundahl, A. R., degree, 424 Lundeen, Alma P., degree, 154 Lundgren, Jean B., appointment, 679 Lundin, J. W., degree, 423 Lundy, C. J., appointment, 6, 546 military leave, 25 Lundy, F. A., appointment, 382 Lupinske, H. G., Jr., degree, 295 Luria, H. J., degree, 431, 933 Lurie, P. C , degree, 1012 Lusk, F. B-, appointment, 5, 546 military leave, 15 Lusk, T. L., member of Special Board of Examiners 111 Accountancy, 828 Luther, Caroline, appointment, 531, 772 Luther, Kathryn L., degree, 1011 Lutyens, L. W., certificate, 800 Lutz, E. M., degree, 150 Lutz, H. N., degree, 161 Lux, C. L., certificate, 944 Lux, Virginia J., appointment, 639 resignation, 969 Luza, J. J., degree, 760 Lybrand, W. M., certificate, 944 Lybyer, A. H., appointment, 381, 592, 978 Lyford, Ruth H„ degree, 886 Lyle, Betty J., degree, 885 Lyle, G. R., appointment, 89 Lyman, E. M., appointment, 617 Lyman, H. C., Jr., degree, 541 Lynch, E. D., appointment, 772 degree, 759 Lyon r C. W., appointment, 99 resignation, 144 Lyon, J. L., Co., bid, 233
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