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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

n6o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lipiodol, value in sinus infection, investigation, gift, 870 Lippert, R., degree, 162 Lippincott, B., military leave, 729 Lippincott, R. L., degree, 425 Lipscomb, R. D., degree, 1007 resignation, 226 Lipscomb, Sara, resignation, 144 Lipsey, A. J., degree, 351 Lipsker, Lorayne B., degree, 1011 Lipton, Barbara S,, degree, 817 Lis, E. F., degree, 351 Lister, F. M„ degree, 885 Lite, T., degree, 933 Litman, S., appointment, 136, 602, 822, 889' member of advisory committee, 440 Little, H. A. and Marjorie H., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 407 Little, Mrs. Madge L,, appointment, 260, 396, 643, 654, 656, 855, 911 Little, Marguerite, degree, 1008 fellowship, 931 scholarship, 342 Little, Mary L., degree, 429 Little, R. F., deferred payment on note, 35 Little, W. I., degree, 759 Little, Wanda M., degree, 149 Littlepage, H. S., degree, 880 Littleton, A. C , appointment, 376, 601, 603, 973 Littman, A., degree, 817 Littrell, Jae L., appointment, 136, 822, 983 Lively, Gladys M., degree, 540 Livesay, Elizabeth A., degree, 1011 scholarship, 963 Livesay, Frances P., degree, 422 Livesay, Naomi M., appointment, 89, 530, 594 resignation, 914 Livestock, Animal Husbandry, appropriation, 361 Livingston, E. N., resignation, 95 Livingston, G., purchase, 809 Livingston, G. S-, appointment, 4, 545 Livingston, Mrs. Marietta S., appointment, 722, 771 Livingston, P., elected President of Board, 300, 896 member of Faculty - Graduate Student Center Committee, 841 signature, delegation, 300, 325, 505, 896 facsimile, 301, 897 Llewellyn, D. W., degree, 758 Llewellyn, Lucia B., degree, i o n Lloyd, B. A., degree, 880 Lloyd, Dorothy G., degree, 290 Lloyd, Helen R., degree, 540 Lloyd, J. \V., appointment, 627 Lloyd, L. T., degree, 885 Lloyds Builders, Inc., contract, 871 Loan funds, cancellation of uncollectible loans, 951 delinquent loans turned over to bank for collection, 951 gifts, Carter-Fennell farms, 438, 522 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., 363 Goldstine, H,, 363 Heidrich, E. C , Jr., 831 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 870 Levis, W. E., 869 investment, 337, 747, 814, 924 Lochner, L. L., degree, 431 Locke, Flora, degree, 1011 Locke, Marcia S., degree, 1012 Locker, L. V., certificate, 944 Locker fee, Urbana departments, discontinued, 207 Lockers, purchase, 731 Lockhart, B. J., appointment, 89 degree, 755 Lockhart, Mrs. Cora E., appointment, 136 Library, cont'd purchase, books, 308, 363, 808, 868 book shelving, 901 chairs, 21, 452 European wartime publications, 331 pamphlet binders, 269 tables, 452 subscriptions to periodicals, 108 Library Building, steps for north entrance, purchase, 725 faculty rest room, appropriation, 991 Library School, budget, 657 adjustment, 103 summer semester, 382, 979 degrees conferred, 153, 292, 418, 540, 757. director, appointment, 374 resignation, 436 study, publication, 365 Library science, scholars, 342 Sharp scholarship, award, 963 Lichtenberger, Cleo, appointment, 699 Lichtenstein, B. W., appointment, 8, 549 Lichtenstein, M. R., appointment, 6, 546 military leave, 267 Lichtenstein, W., member of advisory committee, 440 Lichtman, W. F., degree, 420 Lieb, G. C , certificate, 944 Lierman, Frances J., appointment, 712 Lierman, J., Sr., sale of lot in Uoselawn Cemetery, 752 Lierman Dairy Co., purchase, 443 Lies, D. M., degree, 431 Lietz, G. S., degree, 432, 1011 Lifschutz, S. P., degree, 431 Lifvendahl, R. A., appointment, 8, 550 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., bonds, 187 Ligon, Mrs. Mary S., appointment, 643, 654 Likens, W. H., degree, 885 Li 11, Althea G., resignation, 226 Lill, Dorothy M., scholarship, 932 declination, 969 Lilly, E., & Co., fellowship, award, 341, 931 gift, 237, 870 Limarzi, L. R., appointment, 674 Limerick, G. F., degree, 884 Limper, A. F., degree, 883 Lin, Margaret IL, appointment, 88, 194, 556 Lin, T. M., degree, 881 Linck, L. J., appointment, 771 Lincoln Avenue, property at 1002, lease, 810 Lindahl, E. L., degree, 758 Lindahl, Mrs. Hazel B., appointment, 692 Lindahl, W. A., appointment, 136 degree, 295 Lindblade, V. Y., degree, 817 Linderman, Winifred B., appointment, 382, 979 Lindgren, F. A., appointment, 706 Lindgren, J. M., appointment, 567, 584 Lindgren, J. P., certificate, 833 Lindgren, L. P., degree, 934 Lindholm, Virginia, appointment, 680 Lindley, Roberta A., degree, 428 Lindquist, J. R., degree, 422 Lindquist, Lavonne M., appointment, 715, 855 Lindsay, D. B., appointment, 376, 530, 660 Lindsay, Etha 1., degree, 417 Lindsey, Ruth, degree, 152 Lindstrom, D. E., appointment, 464, 597, 628, 648, 653, 982 Link, Beata A., appointment, 346, 692 Link, W. A., appointment, 88, 686 Link-Belt Co., gift, 78 Linn, L. E., scholarship, declination, 54 Linn, M. B., appointment, 646, 654, 93 6 Linseed oil meal, purchase, 269, 328 Linsley, C. M., appointment, 632, 653 Lionheart, E., certificate, 58 1010
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