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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1158 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Leathers, Esther M., resignation, 95 Leavenworth, Martha M., degree, 292 Leaves of absence, disability, academic and administrative staff, 994 Civil Service employees, 877 266, 302, 313, 323, 354, 365, 392, 437, 499> 507, 7^8, 740, 750, 803, 834, 862, 898, 899, 904, 918, 944, 985 termination, 268, 437, 508, 962 war service, insurance, 455, 509 regulations,. 333 Leavitt, S. J., degree, 759 Lebl, K. E., certificate, 58 LeBlanc, G. J., certificate, 833 LeBlond, R. K., Machine Tool Co., bid, 992 Lebow, S,, degree, 759 LeClear, YV. M., member of advisory committee, 440 Le Count, G. S., degree, 885 Lecturer, special, Latin-American relations, Lectures, earth and masonry structures, funds, 375 general, appropriation, 871 budget, 664 medica] history, gift, 805 Lectureship fund, Davis, D. J., investment, 840 Lederer, F. L., appointment, 673 gift, 78 military leave, 61 Lederer, S. H., degree, 424 Lederle Laboratories, contract, 960 Ledoux, A. C , appointment, 12, 554 military leave, 100 Lee, Avice F., appointment, 190, 340, 818, 9^3 Lee, E. P., certificate, 721 Lee, F. E., appointment, 602, 975 leave of absence, 209, 228 member of advisory committee, 440 Lee, R. E., appointment, 193, 285, 564, 674 Lee, R. \V., resignation, 144 Lee, Ruth T., appointment, 190 Lee, Virginia A., degree, 885 Leeb, A. J., degree, 293 Leeeh, Anna L., appointment, 88 resignation, 467 Leech, J. YV., degree, 420 Leech, V. M., appointment, g, 551 Leerkamp, Mildred, appointment, 965 Lees, H. M., degree, 431 Lees, Jean E., degree, 156 Lees, Ruby R., degree, 416 fellowship, 342, 932 Lefever, Charlotte B., degree, 427 Left, C. L, appointment, 7, 548 Lefor, P. M., degree, 422 Lefton, Jacqueline G., degree, 428 Legal counsel, airport, payment, 792 employment, decision of Supreme Court, services of Sears and Short, fees, 335, 336 payment, 314 Legal Services and Expenses, budget, 578 payment of S. Johnson, 493 Legate, Dorothy J., degree, 885 Leggett, Edith B., degree, 760 Legislation, accountancy, 459 airport, 232, 359, 443 appropriation bills, 398, 443, 481, 482 bond issues to refinance indebtedness on buildings, 366, 443, 479 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, appropriation, 444, 477 Educational Commission, creation, 445 extension work on wartime problems, funds, 444, 477 farm and home advisers, funds, 444, 473 Illinois Farmers' Institute, funds, 444, 478 management, 444, 478 244 402 lists, 15, 3 1 , 59, 6 o , 99, 164, 202, 209, 22S, Laughbaum, Anna B., degree, 1008 fellowship, 931 scholarship, 342 Laughlin, J. S., appointment, 385, 530, 618, 771, 911 resignation, 969 Laughner, Frances M., resignation, 95 Laundry employees, wages, adjustment, 504 policy, 400 Laundry service, contract, 395 Lauten, E. P., certificate, 944 Lauterstein, A. M., degree, 431 Lautmann, H. M., member of advisory committee, 336 Lautz, Blanche E., appointment, declination, 54 Law, F. W., leave of absence, 437 Law, G. C , appointment, 285, 384, 530, 665, 981 Law, Martha V., degree, 149 Law, College of, budget, 658 summer semester, 382, 979 degrees conferred, 153, 291, 418, 540, 757, fees, tuition, decrease, 207 Lawler, M. N., degree, 152 Lawrence, E. D., member of advisory committee, 164, 800, 801 Lawrence, J. V., degree, 422 Lawrence, Madonna R., degree, 758 Lawrence, Mrs. Marguerite B., appointment, 135. 699 Lawrence, Marie K., appointment, 370, 698, 771 resignation, 939 Laws, Betty A., degree, 155 Lawson, M. Florence, appointment, 385, 464, 607, 667, 981 Lawson, Mildred M., appointment, 818, 963 Lawton, Lucy M., degree, 756 Lawton, S. E., appointment, 12, 554 military leave, 323 Lawyer, Jane, appointment, 88 Lawyer, K., appointment, 135, 530 Layden, Mary E., degree, 1015 Layng, T. E., coking process, development by Urbana Coke Corp., 402 Lazier^ G. A., member of advisory committee, 164 Lazovsky, M., degree, 882 Leach, B. E„, appointment, 530, 771 degree, 1007 resignation, 939 Leach, F., appointment, 646 Leach, Mrs. Geraldine C , sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 189 Leach, Ruth L., degree, 427 Leaf, B., appointment, 377, 584 Leaf, Vera H., appointment, 4 cancellation, 197 Leary, A. J., certificate, 506 Leases, Bachert, R. A., 796, 810 Bloomstrand, C. H., 869 Cagle, Mrs. Hattimay, 177 California Packing Corp., Midwest Division, 844 Castor, W. R., 177 Central Life Insurance Co., 745 Distillation Products, Inc., 235 Dunn, R. O., 399 Hart, F. P. and F. Catherine, 844 IlHni Publishing Co., 961 Johnson, O. A. and Irene K., 844 Morrison, T., 399 Percival, Etta L., 961 Phi Kappa Psi, 810 Reisch, j . E., 235 Rockford Consolidated Newspapers, Inc., Rogers, Mrs. Edward, 961 United States Navy, 810 University Club, 850 Wiemken, L., 177 902 8 8 1 , 1010
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