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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1156 BOARD O F TRUSTEES Kuhn, W., appointment, 608, 663, 981 degree, 291 Kuhner, J., certificate, 58 Kuhnle, H. A., degree, 431 Kuipers, Florence G-, degree, 416 Kuizin, V. J,, degree, 758 Kulasavage, Alice R., degree, 351 Kuthanek, L. J., appointment, 260, 687 Kullman, F. H., Jr., member of advisory committee, 801 Kulwin, I., certificate, 721 Kulwin, M. H-, degree, 432 Kunke, Laverne J., degree, 416 Kuntz, Hazel M., degree, 419 Kurowski, T. R., degree, 883 Kurt, Bernice A., degree, 1011 Kurth, R, S-, degree, 160 Kurtz, L. T., appointment, 632 degree, 414 Kuster, C. J., appointment, 819 Kuster, Roberta E., appointment, 409 See also Gamer, Mrs. Roberta K. Kuyper, Betty A. G., degree, 885 Kuyper, W. O., degree, 297 Kwate, B. t degree, 294 Kwiatek, J., degree, 1013 Kwicinski, W. J., appointment, 193, 688 Kyle, Martha J., appointment, 588 Laboratory, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 692 Laboratory, library, and supply fee, scope, 269 uniform charge established, 207 Laborers, agricultural, wages, 462, 751 policy, 400 construction, wages, policy, 399 Ladd, R. L,, appointment, 771 Laegeler, J. C-, Jr., degree, 760 Laemle, R. M., appointment, 9, 285 Lafayette Coal Co., purchase, 922, 949, 992 La Forge, Margaret C, degree, 427 LaForge, W. C , degree, 351 Lafrentz, A. F., certificate, 897 Lafrentz, F. W „ certificate, 897 Lagoda, A. A., degree, 297 Lahlein, R. B., degree, 397 Laibly, R. B., degree, i o n Laing, A. K., appointment, 376, 660 Laird, Mrs. Ann L., appointment, 345. 692 leave of absence, 15, 99 Laitinen, H. A., appointment, 584 Lamb, J. D., degree, ior3 Lamb, L., degree, 817 Lamb, Virginia, appointment, 680 resignation. 860 Lambdin, Helen O., degree, 1015 Lambert, A. F., degree, 1015 Lambert, C. N., appointment, 676 military leave, 25 Lambert, E. F., degree, 430 Lambert, E. H., appointment, 224, 547 cancellation, 826 degree, 935 Lambert, G. F,, degree, 1007 fellowship, 341 Lambert, J. H-, appointment, 607 Lambert, L. E., degree, 295 Lambert, R. V., degree, 155 Lambert, W. E., degree, 294 Lamborn, E. W., appointment, 410, 629, 648 degree, 1009 Lambrecht, P. B., degree, 817 Lambs, purchase, 102, 305, s j 6 Lamkin, Mrs. Glenna H., appointment, 642, 978 Lammering, D. R., degree, 884 Lamons, D. C , degree, 350, 35 r Lampe, G. E., degree, 156 Lampert, S-, degree, 754 military leave, 393 Lamps, purchase, 736 Kratz, S. C , degree, 817 Kraus, A. R., degree, 351 Kraus, J. W., appointment, 701 Krause, I. S., degree, 351 Krause, W., fellowship, 341 declination, 349 Kraut, H., appointment, 260 cancellation, 319 Kravcik, Aida R., degree, 419 Kravite, H., degree, 160 Kravitz, A. W., degree, 431 Kreft, W. W., degree, 432 Krehbiel. R, H., appointment, 671 Krejca, F. J., degree, 422 Krejci, E. J., appointment, 683 leave of absence, 862 Kremers, H. E., appointment, 855 degree, 1007 fellowship, 369 resignation, 860 Kreps, C. H-, Jr., resignation, 144 Kretschmer, H. L., appointment, 14. 556 Kretschmer, V. L., appointment, 7*2 military leave, 437 Krider, J. L., appointment, 88, 3*7) 635. 636 Krieger, R. J., degree, 425 Krieger, W. E., certificate, 721 Kriegman, G., degree, zoo, 351 Krieguer, Rosemary L., degree, 1015 Kriel, Lucille, appointment, 703 resignation, 826 Kring, Wilma L., degree, 1008 Krishen, G., Jr., degree, 933 Kriz, Dorothy J., degree, 420 Kroes, Elaine F., appointment, 770 Kroeschell Engineering Co., contract, 189 Kroger, W. S., appointment, 771 Kroll, Lyn, appointment, 681, 855 Krone, R. W., appointment, 385, 529, 617, 77i. 889 degree, 757 Kronenberg, Gisela J., appointment, 771 Kronenberg, M. H,, appointment, 3, 543 Kroner, J. C., degree, 422 Kroner, Opal A., appointment, 565, gio Kronfeld, P. C , appointment, 695 Kronig, Virginia B., degree, 427 Krotiak, R. J., degree, 1014 Krouse, Ruth T., appointment, 386, 529, 599* 983 Krubel, F. J., degree, 295 Krueger, E. J., degree, 760 Krueger, Virginia D., degree, 420 Krugcr, G. J., appointment, 771, 965 resignation, 960 Kruger, j . , appointment, 668 Kruger, P. G., appointment, 385, 617, 982 Kruglick, Rae L., degree, 1011 Krukas, Genevieve V. F., degree, 542 Krum, Mary E., degree, 150 Krupnik, Adele B., degree, 1011 Kruse, H. W., appointment, 616 Krusemark, Corinne A., degree, 430 Krutsinger, L. W., military leave, 101, 730 Kruzan, W. M., degree, 155 Krysa, Helen F. J., degree, 351 Kubacki, W. H., appointment, 687 Kubitz, O. A., appointment, 285, 384, 595, 697, 981 Kuchel, E. G., certificate, 273 Kuderko, M. J., degree, 885 Kudo, R. R., appointment, 598, 983 Kudzma, A. J., degree, 817 Kuehl, H. E., certificate, 58 Kuehn, Mrs. Louise M., appointment, 340 Kugler, O. E., appointment, 387, 529, 587, 598, 983 Kuhlman, A. F., appointment, 639, 640 military leave, 100 Kuhlman, E. W „ certificate, 833 Kuhlo, Elizabeth M., degree, 156
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