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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

"54 BOARD OF TRUSTEES King & Petry, bid, 206, 453 contract, 63, 102, 239, 308, 453, 869, 948, 960 Kingsbery, H. C , degree, 817 Kink, H. T., degree, 15s K i n k a d e . H . , certificate, 7Z\ Kinley, D., appointment, 563, 602 Kinley, Kate N., fellowship, award, 409 Kinley endowment fund, investment, 35 Kinnare Corp., bid, 326 Kinnear, R. T., appointment, declination, 95 Kinney, Janet, appointment, 46 Kinney, Mary R-, leave of absence, 99 Kinsinger, W. J., appointment, 688 military leave, 100 Kinsman, Gladys M., appointment, 381, 641. 649, 978 Kipp, Koralee M,, degree, 885 Kirby, E. V., degree, 541 Kirby, Emily S., degree, 1015 Kirby, Katherine, degree, 292 Kirby, L. S., appointment, 586 Kirby, O. R-, degree, 293 Kirby, W. J., appointment, 6, 547 military leave, 2$ Kirch, E. R-, appointment, 689, 822 Kirchgessner, J. F., degree, 150 Kireilis, R. W., appointment, 224, 385, 529. 666 Kirk, Ennid J., degree, 154 Kirk, K. A., degree, 541 Kirk, Mrs. Mae M., appointment, 581 resignation, 860 Kirk, Marjorie, appointment, 88, 667 Kirkebye, H. T., certificate, 943 Kirkland, A. Y., degree, 291 Kirkpatrick, Gladys R., degree, 542 Kirkpatrick, Mary J., degree, 156 Kirkwood, Mrs. Marietta D., appointment, 409, 658, 936 Ktrmaier, R. A., degree, 425 Kirschner, L. B., degree, 1012 Kirschner, N., degree, 431 Kistenmacher, F. W., appointment, 668 Kistler, M. O., appointment, 770, 978 Kitchell, Velma I., appointment, 384, 607, 662, 981 Kittredge, C. P., appointment, 619 Kizevich, W. J., degree, 425 Kjellstrand, Amelita, resignation, 53 Klagstad, H. L., certificate, 800 Klaiber, G. S., appointment, 385, 617 degree, 755 Klaren, E. V., degree, 934 Klassen, C. W., appointment, 3, 543 military leave, 324 Klautsch, A. A., appointment, 46 degree, 755 Klavan, B., degree, 431 Klawans, A. H., appointment, 8, 550 Kleemeier, R. W-, appointment, 88 declination, 95 Kleifield, L, degree, 884 Kleiman, D., appointment, 7, 549 military leave, 165 Klein, B., certificate, 506 Klein, C , degree, 431 Klein, E. S., appointment, 12 resignation, 197 Klein, J. A. J., appointment, 706 Klein, J. G., degree, 883 Klein, J. R., appointment, 11, 14, 46, 135, 678, 679 Klein, R. E., degree, 420 Klein, R. I., appointment, 10, u , 552, 553 Klein, Ruth E., appointment, 224, 630, 650 Kleinberg, J., appointment, 770 Kleinfeld, I., degree, 758 Kleitsch, Rhea K., degree, i o n Kleitsch, W. P., appointment, 88, 555 military leave, 167 resignation, 95 Kenny, Virginia, appointment, 690 Kent, Mary E., degree, 1017 Kent, R. A., member of survey commission, 65 present at meeting, 163, 178 Kentucky Utilities Co., bonds, 504 Kenwood Mills, purchase, 363 Kenyon, R. L., appointment, 46 Kephart, Rosella M., degree, 1017 Kepler, Lucy V., appointment, 699 Kerasotes, L. G.? degree, 424 Kerchenfaut, Lois C , appointment, 910 degree, 882 Kerestesi, F. C , degree, 424 Kerfman, H. D., degree, 883 Kerlin, D. L., appointment, 409, 637 Kernis, L., degree, 817 Kerst, D. W., appointment, 617 discovery, patent, 283 leave of absence, 323» 354* 7^8 services, request of War Department, 335 Kerwin, E, F., degree, 420 Kesel, R. G., appointment, 685 research, gift, 519 Kesler, C. E., appointment, 285 degree, 294 resignation, 411 Kesler, R. L., appointment, 7, 548 Kessie, Muriel J., degree, 885 Kessler, H., appointment, 384, 662, 770, 981 Kessler, Libbie, degree, 154 Kessler, M. S-, Jr., degree, 1009 Kessler, Marion S-, degree, 1016 Kessler, P. A., degree, 429 Kestenbaum, J., degree, 756 2 Kesterson, J., military leave, 7 9 Ketchum, Ann M., degree, 1011 Ketchum, Gertrude S., appointment, 822 Ketchum, Helen M., degree, 200 Ketchum, P. W., appointment, 594 leave of absence for war service, 918 research, gift, 870 Kettelkamp, G. C , appointment, 606, 608 Keyes, D. B-, appointment, 583, 611 leave of absence for war service, 99, 228 Keyser, J. M., certificate, 721 Kidder, G. A., degree, 414 Kidder, R. W., appointment, 701 military leave, 60 Kiefer, J. H., appointment, 681 Kiefer, Lois, appointment, 46 Kienlen, D. L., appointment, 88 Kiepura, K. J., certificate, 721 Kiersted, R. W., certificate, 73s Kiester, R. S., degree, 293 Kilbourne, B. C , appointment, 555 Kiler, C. A., gift, 237 Kilgore, Bill, effects and implications, 339 Killian, Mrs. Ruth S., appointment, 193 resignation, 411 Killip, M. H., appointment, 14, 686 Kilton, S. W. t appointment, 636 Kimball, T>, M., certificate, 897 Kimball, P. W., degree, 540 Kimball, R. M., present at meeting, 97, 163 Kimberley Clark Corp., contract, 328 Kimmel, Mrs. Alice N., farm, lease, 796, 810 purchase, 450, 488, 739 Kimmel, Marybelle, degree, 757 Kimmel, S., certificate, 721 Kiramelshue, Florence A,, appointment, 642, 655 Kimpel, Alice B., appointment, 88 Kinder, J. J., degree, 292 Kindred, Barbara J., degree, 427 Kindsvater, D. G., degree, 292 King, Ameda R., appointment, 529, 593, 97$ King, E. E., appointment, 612 King, Florence M., appointment, 381, 642 King, J. F., degree, 292 King, Mae E., degree, 540 King, R. E., degree, 816
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