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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Howd, M. C , appointment, 607 military leave, 165 Howe, Floanna S., appointment, 822 Howe, M. Priscilla, appointment, 569 Howell, B., certificate, 943 Howerton, Belva B., degree, 296 Howland, Martha, appointment, 769, 936 Howser, R., leave of absence, 862 Howsmon, J. A., appointment, 45, 854 degree, 1007 fellowship, 369 resignation, 968 Hoyne, A., appointment, 10, 552 Hrubecky, H. F., appointment, 910 degree, 884 Hruda, Lillian R., appointment, 769 degree, 1012 Hruska, E. J., degree, 351 Hruska, R. A., degree, 425 Hu, Y. Y„ degree, 881 Huang, L. Y., degree, 881 Hubach, R. R., appointment, 45, 134, 345, 589, 769, 977 Hubbard, Geneva R., appointment, 193, 658 resignation, 782 Hubbard, Mrs. Mary O., appointment, 643, 655 Hubbard, P. G-, Jr., fellowship, 932 scholarship, 342 Hubbert, R. D., degree, 540 Huber, C. F., degree, 159 Huber, Marie, appointment, 610 Huber, May O., degree, 427 Huber, Kamona L., appointment, 134, 317, 409, 590 Huber, S. G-, appointment, 45, 630 military leave, 729 Hudelson, R. R., appointment, 624, 627 Hudson, C. L., degree, 882 Hudson, E. L., degree, 290 Hudson, Margaret A., degree, 1015 Hudson, Roseanne, degree, 419 Huegel, D. W., degree, 295 Huegy, H. W., appointment, 601, 603 leave of absence for war service, 229 Huelsen, W. A., appointment, 645 Huelster, Laura J., appointment, 385, 667 Huey, W. M., degree, 297 Huff, J. W., degree, 295 Huff, Jennie M., degree, 156 Huffer, J. H.j appointment, 615 Huff Gymnasium, floor covering in research rooms, appropriation, 948 Huffman, B. L., degree, 1008 Huffman, Evelyn M., degree, 420 Huffman, W. J., appointment, 45, 384, 528, 666, 981 Hufford, C. T., Jr., degree, 420 Hufford, D. L., degree, 758 Hufnagel, H., certificate, 943 Hughes, E. M., appointment, 628, 653 leave of absence, 60 resignation, 859 Hughes, Leone, degree, 296 Hughes, Marjorie D., degree, 156 Hugbes, Mrs. Martha S., appointment, 45 resignation, 782 Hughes, Mrs. May B., appointment, 564 resignation, 914 Hughes, R. P., certificate, 721 Hulet, Marjorie L., degree, 157 Hulett, J. E., Jr., appointment, 386, 587, 597, 982 Hull, Betty L., appointment, 345, 699 Hull, Dons M., degree, 292 Hull, T. F., degree, 430 Hull, T. G., appointment, 3, 543 Hullman, A. W., degree, 161 Hult, R. E., appointment, 376, 52S, 661 military leave, 946 Hulvey, W. A., leave of absence, 898 Humble, M. K., appointment, 607 military leave, 100 Horwitz, I. D. t degree, 817 Horwitz, J. D., degree, 421 Hosaeus, Marga, appointment, 821 resignation, 892 Hoskins, Jean, resignation, 197 Hoskins Manufacturing Co., purchase, 809 Hoskisson, W. A., appointment, 134, 639 degree, 1007 Hosmer, Elizabeth R., appointment, 87, 589 declination, 782 Hospital and medical service, fee, 325 change^ 748 exemption, 791 proposed, 272 trust fund, 513 insurance, changes, 834 contract, 512 Hospital Equipment Corp., purchase, 270 Hospital Pharmacy, cabinets, purchase, 171 Hospitals, See McKiriley Hospital and Research and Educational Hospitals. Hostetter, Jeannette, degree, i o n Hostetter, Marie M., appointment, 658, 979 Hostettler, F . E. t appointment, 710, 910 Hostinsky, Lois A., appointment, 768 Hotchkiss, Hope D., degree, 296 Hott, R. F., appointment. 565 Hottes, C. F., appointment, 582, 631 Houbolt, N., degree, 884 Houchens, Josie B., appointment, 658, 699 Hough, L. F., appointment, 646, 648, 821 House, R. M., appointment, 345 resignation, 537 House, R. W. ( degree, 426 Householder, R., appointment, 13 declination, 94 Housekeeping employees, wages, adjustment, 504 policy, 400 Housenga, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 910 Houser, E. K., degree, 424 House of Representatives, appreciation of cooperation, 398 legislation, appropriation bill, 443, 481 bond issues to refinance indebtedness on buildings, 443, 479 Civil Service Act, amendment, 445, 469 Division of Services for Crippled Children, appropriation, 444, 477 farm and home advisers, funds 444, 473 General Assembly scholarship law, amendment, 444, 468 Illinois Farmers' Institute, funds, 444, 478 management, 444, 478 Medical Center Commission, changes, 387 reorganization, 445 wartime extension work, funds, 444, 477 Houston, Beulah J., appointment, 609 Houston, Mildred F., resignation, 349 Houston, Nancy L., appointment, 667 Houston Lighting & Power Co., bonds, 1004 Houtchens, Mrs. Carolyn W., appointment, 134, 528, 768 Houtchens, L. H., appointment, 380, 528, S89, 769 Hovde, Dorothy M., degree, 1010 Hovorka, J., appointment, 134, 193, 285, 385, 769, 889 degree, 757 resignation, 939 Howard, C. P., bequest, 511 note, cancellation, 947 Howard, E., Jr., appointment, 585 resignation, 892 Howard, E. E., resignation, 53 Howard, Ellen O,, degree, 416 Howard, H. C , farm, right-of-way, 875 permission for survey, 815 Howard, Mrs. Jessie, appointment, 563 Howard, L. J., certificate, 897 Howard, Mary M., appointment, 409 resignation, 782
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