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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S "39 Giesecke, F, E., appointment, 14, 44, 284 Gifts, cont'd degree, 415 Independent Hybrid Producers, Inc., 79 Giesecke, G. E., appointment, 592 International Harvester Co., 78 military leave, 203 Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories, Inc., 238 Gieseking, J. E., appointment, 632 Journalism Alumni Association, 870 military leave, 508 Kellogg, W. K., Foundation, 77, 236, 517, termination, 062 906 Giezentanner, Marguerite, degree, 419 Kiler, C. A., 237 Gifford, Grace, appointment, 644, 655, 821 Koppers Co., 330 Gift funds, budget, 716 Kraft, K. H., 518 Agriculture, 624, 627 Lansden, D. S., 237 Agronomy, 634 Lederer, F. L., 78 Animal Husbandry, 636 Levis, W. E., 869 Chemistry, 587 Libby, McNeill, & Libby, 870 Commerce, 600 Liberty Chemical Laboratories, 78 Dairy Husbandry, 640 Lilly, E., & Co., 237, 870 Dentistry, 682 Link-Belt Co., 78 Engineering, 609 Macy, J., Jr., Foundation, 330 Fine and Applied Arts, 659 Markle, J. and Mary R., Foundation, 518 Horticulture, 647 Merrell, W. S., Co., 518 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 581 Meyer, W. S,, 870 Medicine, 670 Milbourne, W. M., 78 Monsanto Chemical Co., 78, 238, 518 Physical Plant Department, 704 National Lead Co., 237 Psychology, 597 National Lime Association, 330 summary, 561 Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 518 Gifts, Abbott Laboratories, 330, 870 Nutrition Research Laboratories, 78 Aeration Processes, Inc., 237, 33°, 870 Ohio Oil Co., 519 Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 78, 518 Oldberg, Dr. and Mrs. E., 237 American Council of Learned Societies, 77 Olkon, D. M., 237 American Cyananrid & Chemical Corp., 238, Parke, Davis, & Co., 78, 870 5i9 Phenolphthalein Research, Inc., 274 American Dry Milk Institute, Inc., 79, 238 Pierce, Mrs. Kittie B., 77, 517 American Legion Auxiliary, 7S Pleiades, 330 American Medical Association, 238, 871 Plotz, Ella S., Foundation, 77 American Society of Heating & Ventilating Rappaport, B. Z., 237 Engineers, 78 Rohm & Haas Co., 330 anonymous, airplane instruments, 870 Ruettinger, J. W., 329, 519 medical scholarships, 78 S. M. A. Corp., Research Laboratories, 519 medical science visual education, 845 Schneider, H., 329 physically handicapped children, 77 Sclligman, Mrs. J., 870 Baker, J. T., Chemical Co., 330 Sharp & Dohme, 518 Beckemeyer, H. J., 330 Sinai Temple of Champaign-Urbana, 236 Bevier, Isabel, 26 Smith, F., 22 Brown University, 870 Social Science Research Council, 238 Butler Manufacturing Co., 78 Stanolind Oil & Gas Co., 237 Cerophyl Laboratories, 78, 518, 870 Strong, H., Foundation, 238 Chase, V., 237 Student Senate, 77 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., 78 Students' Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, 77 Class of 1943? 870 Swift & Co., 870 Coca-Cola Company, 237, 518 Teichert, H. R., 236 Commercial Solvents Corp., 518 J Tennessee Coal, Iron, fin Railroad Co., 238 Commonwealth Edison Co., 5 7 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 79 Continental Oil Co., 237, 870 Trafford, J. E., 517 Dickeu, C. O., 870 Trees, Mr. and Mrs. M. J., 212, 786 Diversey Corp., 78 Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook DuPont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 78. 5*8 County, 79 Eastman Kodak Co., 237, 518 United Spanish War Veterans, 78 Educational and Research Bureau for ByUnited Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary, Product Ammonia, 519 870 Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. S., 840 Upjohn Co., 78, 238, 518 Farm Foundation, 517 Velsicol Corp., 78, 238, 5*& Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J., 330 Viohin Corp., 79, 238 Fitzpatrick, VV. J., Co., 329 1 Walgreen, C. R., Jr., 237 Flagg, N. C , 330 Wallerstein Laboratories, 79 Fougera, E., & Co., Inc., 870 i VVestinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Gebrmann, F., 519, 870 Co., 517 General Aniline Works, 79 Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc., 237 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., 363 Woman's League, 237, 312 Goldstine, H., 363 Gilberg, W. K., certificate, 273 Green, F., 237 Gilbert, E. N., appointment, 766 Griggs, G. B., 77 resignation, 892 Harnischfeger Corp., 330 Gilbert, H. W., appointment, 645, 654, 909 Heidrich, E. C , Jr., 831 Gilbert, W. M., appointment, S6t 409, 576, Hieronymous, Mrs. R. E., 78 596, 821 Honegger Bros., 330 declination, 94 Hynson, Westcott, & Dunning, Inc., 237 Gilchrist, R. K., appointment, 3, 13, 555 Illini Union Board, 870 military leave, 323 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, Giles, L. W., Jr., degree, 886 77, 517, 870 Giles, Margaret M., degree, 885 Illinois Crop Improvement Association, 518 Gill, B. I., degree, 420 Illinois Society of Engineers, 78
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