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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Dicken, C. O., gift, 870 Dicken, D. D., degree, 150 Dickey, R. I., certificate, 58 degree, 158 Dickinson, F. G., appointment, 602, 765 member of advisory committee, 441 Dickinson, R. M., degree, 430 Dickman, K. W\, degree, 1015 Dickman, Mrs. Marion L., appointment, 86 degree, 417 fellowship; 369, 407, 935 declination, 372 Dickman, S. R., appointment, 765 resignation, 892 Dickson, G., degree, 154 Dictor, B. R.» degree, 156 Diederich, Karlene, appointment, 694, 852 Diehl, Ruth A., appointment, 567 resignation, 826 Dlemer, R. L., degree, 419 Diener, Edith G., leave of absence, 804 Diercksmeier, Elaine J., degree, 428 Diesel Engine Operators' School, See United States Navy. Dietary department, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 692 employees, wages, adjustments, 504 policy, 400 Dietemann, C. A., appointment, 376, 661, 973 Dieter, O. A., appointment, 589 Dieterle, Susan J.? degree, 430 Dietz, F. C , appointment, 381, 593, 978 Dietz, Ruth E„ degree, 155 Dietz, V. H., appointment, 685 Diffenbaugh, W. G., appointment, 13, 555 military leave, 25 Biggs, A. E., appointment, 13, 555 military leave, 165 Dillavou, E. R., appointment, 43» 377> 601, 973 , , . Dille, C. E., member of advisory committee, 164. 801 Dille, J. M., appointment, 820 Dillman, Mrs. Fae M., appointment, 690, 852 Dillow, Edith E., degree, 1008 Dilworth, Mary L., degree, 414 Dimiceli, S. A., appointment, 7, 549 military leave, 267 Dimond, R. A., Jr., degree, 292 Dimschultz, A., military leave, 165 termination, 962 Dinolt, R., appointment, 5, 545 military leave, 986 Diplomas and covers, purchase, 328 Dippel, Nedra E., degree, 538 Dippold, A. J., degree, 294 Dirks, Anne E., degree, 1015 Dirksen, E. G., degree, 149 Disability leaves, academic and administrative staff, 994 civil service employees, 877 Discoveries, See Patents. Dishwasher, contract, 64 Dismore, P. F., degree, 422 Distelheim, I. H., degree, 351 Distillation Products, Inc., lease, 235 Ditkowsky, S. I., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 804 Dittmar, George Walter, appointment, 687, 688 Dittmar, George Walter, Jr., appointment, 688 military leave, 61 Divan, Marilyn J., degree, 1016 Diversey Corp., gift, 78 Division m of General Studies, See General Studies. Di Vito, J. F., degree, 426 Dixon, Mrs. Dorothy L-, resignation, 144 Dixon, J. T., military leave, 730 Dixon, Margaret, appointment, 909 Dixon, R. L., certificate, 273 Dixon, Vivian J., degree, 541 1129 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, budget, 626 purchase, automobile, 517 corn, 733 soybean meal, 736 Dixson, J. D., degree, 538 Dixton, H. H., degree, 157 Dluzen, E. R., degree, 295 Doak, J., appointment, 316, 708 Dobberman, M. R., appointment, 463, 66o, 765 leave of absence, 945 Dobrovolny, J. S., degree, 759 Dobson, Catherine L., appointment, 9, 551 Dobson, H. W., degree, 295 Dodd, G., degree, 151 Dodd, G. O., appointment, 344, 671, 765 Dodds, H. E., member of University Civil Service Committee, 209 Dodge, A. F., appointment, 607 Doepel, Gertrude M., degree, 1015 Doering, E. B., appointment, 131 Doerscheln, W. J., degree, 816 Dolan, Alice C , scholarship, 83 declination, 94 Dolan, Catharine E., appointment, 131, 260, 573. 820 Dolan, Phyllis E., degree, 885 Dolan, T. J., appointment, 619 Dolan, W. M., Jr., certificate, 273 Doland, J. J., appointment, 612 present at meeting, 916 Doland, J. R., certificate, 943 Dolch, E. W., apopintment, 379, 606, 975 Dolder, R. H., degree, 760 Dolin, A., degree, 421 Dolk, L. C , appointment, 68Q military leave, 101 termination, 268 Dollins, C. W., appointment, 316, 621 Domigan, H. W., certificate, 506 Domingo., W. E., resignation, 287 Donahue, Mary V., appointment, 692 Donald, D. H., appointment, 223, 765 Donegan, J. M., appointment, 9, 551 Doney, L. M., appointment, 820 Donnelly, J. L., member of advisory committee, 441 Donovan, C. V., appointment, 376, 660, 973 Donovan, Jeanne A., degree, 419 Doob, J. L., appointment, 594 leave of absence, 60 Doolittle, W. F., appointment, 376, 661 Doran, Ellen D., degree, i o n Dore, R. P., Jr., degree, 758 Dorin, R. P., degree, 935 Dorion, O. S., degree, 424 Dorman, H. P., appointment, 7, 548 Dome, R. M., appointment, 192, 551 military leave, 393 Dorner, H. B., appointment, 645 leave of absence, 99, 862, 985 Dorrell, Mrs. Isabel C., appointment, 692 Dorsey, J. M,, appointment, 13, 555 Dorsey, M. J.f appointment, 645 Doster, Agnes M., appointment, 643 Dotterrer, W. D., member of advisory committee, 164 Doubet, C. J., degree, 1014 Doubet, Kathryn B., degree, 880 Dougherty, C. L., appointment, 4, 545 Douglas, D. W., degree, 753 Douglas, G. E., degree, 296 Douglas, I. E., resignation, 372 Douglas, J. J., certificate, 944 Douglass, L. E., appointment, 708 Douthitt, Gloria F., degree, 1015 Dovta, I., certificate, 735 Dovitch, V., degree, 933 Dowdall, J. D., degree, 423 Dowdall, J. F., degree, 155 Dowling, Mary R., degree, 292
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