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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dental History, See Medical and Dental History. Dentistry, College of, army trainees, contract, 74i breakage deposit, discontinued, 324 budget, 682 degrees, awarded at close of quarter, 79 conferred, 157, 161, 350, 431, 753, 816, 933, i°?7 girt, scholarships, 77 student aid, 5*7 microscopes, rental, 101 navy trainees, contract, 960 purchase, gold, 21 instruments, 108, 269, 270 metals, 173 supplies, 364 textbooks, 516, 922 remodeling, balance reappropriated, 26 staff, salary increases, 920 Dentistry for Children, budget, 684 Denton, Virginia M., resignation, 196 Deposit fee, Chicago departments, discontinued, 324 Deppe, Mary J., degree, 292 DePree, J. F,, appointment, 13 declination, 94 Derby, R. O., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 964 DeReus, F. E., degree, 148 Dermatology, budget, 673 clinical faculty, 4, 544 Derment, Mrs. G. F., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 522 DeRose, A. F., degree, 350 military leave, 393 Derrington, T. A,, degree, 933 Derrough, C. E., appointment, 383, 615, 980 Derrough, Elizabeth D., appointment, 260, 583, 888 DeSantis, Mrs. Martha D., appointment, 707, 709 resignation, 968 Desch, K. B., degree, 154 DeStefano, V. G,, degree, g33 De Takats, G., appointment, 681 Dethloff, P. A., degree, 884 DeTrana, F. A., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 165 termination, 437 DeTurk, E. E., appointment, 375, 631 DeTurk, Mrs. Ruth W., appointment, 765 resignation, 914 See also Willard, Ruth F. Deuss, H. O., appointment, 546 Deutsch, A. H., degree, 149 Deutsch, D. L., degree, 816 Deutsch, J. L., appointment, 700, 820 Devine, R. G-, degree, 417 Devlin, J. H., degree, 293 DeVogelaere, R. A., degree, 424 DeVries, Grace M., degree, 1015 DeVries, J. E., degree, 1007 fellowship, 369 Dewart, D. M., appointment, 344 declination, 349 DeWeese, M. Elizabeth, appointment, 86, 643 Dewey, D. D., certificate, 721 Dewey, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, declination, 144 Dewey, Mary K.., degree, 150 DeWolf, F. W., appointment, 591 Dexter Electric Shop, contract, 520 DeYoung, W. G., appointment, 7, 548 Diaguila, A. J., degree, 1014 Diakiw, F. R., appointment, 765 degree, 884 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 675 Diamond, J. H., degree, 351 Dick, C. R-, Jr., degree, 884 Dick, H. L., Jr., degree, 422 Dick, Margaret J., degree, 417 DeCosta, E. J., appointment, 9, 550 military leave, 15 Dedinas, J. A., degree, 426 Dee, T. J.. & Co., purchase, 173, 831 Deed, Hackleman, J. C, land formerly owned by Athletic Association, 510 Wright estate, 745 Deege, J. P., degree, 882 Deeks, Grace Z., degree, 885 Deem, A. G., appointment, 43, 584 military leave, 15 Deem, W. C , appointment, 618 Dees, J., degree, 419 Deffenbaugh, H. V., degree, 156 Deffenbaugh, Mrs. Irene W., resignation, 466 See also Warrenburg, N. Irene. Definbaugh, C. O, appointment, 706 Defouw, J., degree, 431 Degrees, authority to confer, 98, 322, 723, 832, 943 rt . . rt Bachelor of Science, Occupational Therapy, loor Sanitary Engineering, 449 bachelors, residence requirements, 726 Chicago colleges, awarded at close of quarter, 79 conferred, 146, 200, 228, 288, 35°» 4*2, 413. 538, 753. 754, 815, 880, 933. 1006 Doctor of Medicine, 226, 263, 850 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology, 200 Engineering, professional, requirements, 202 Master of Science, Biological Sciences, 449 Physical Education, 200 Physical Sciences, 201 Plant Pathology, 200 Metallurgical Engineer, 202 Deichmann, Mary L., degree, 428 Deininger, H. W., degree, 423 Deitchman, G. L., degree, 1012 Deitchman, Mrs. Jane L., appointment, 935 Deitz, R., certificate, 58 Dejonghe, J. J., Jr., degree, 295 Dejordy, Alma, appointment, 43, 131 degree, 418 Dekker, C. A., appointment, 526, 765, 974 Delaney, F. H., appointment, 765, 981 Delaney, J. M., certificate, 898 DeLaurenti, J. C , appointment, 975 DeLee, S. T., appointment, 131, 55i Dell, G. H., appointment, 526, 612, 974 degree, 414 Delman, V. A., degree, 933 DeLong, C. C , appointment, 260, 565, 579. 602 authority to sign name of President of Board, 301, 896 DeLong, Margaret W., appointment, 223, 633, 653, 888 DeLong, Mary L., degree, 427 DeLorenzo, W. F., degree, 421 Del Rose, A. II., degree, 423 Delson, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 408, 549 DeMaris, E. J., scholarship, 83 declination, 94 Demming, L. F., appointment, 574, 662, 981 degree, 540 DeMoise, Bruna M., degree, 429 DeMunn, M. F., appointment, 83, igo, 340 Denhart, Mrs. Bonnie R., appointment, 633, 909 Denhart, W. B., degree, 421 Den Herder, M., Jr., degree, 1006 fellowship, 341 resignation, 968 Denis, D. R., degree, 1014 Dennis, F. C., certificate, 944 Dent, Mrs. Beulah M., appointment, 616, 820 Dental Clinics, budget, 683 operating lights, purchase, 76
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