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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Dairy Husbandry, cont'd budget, 638 summer semester, 378, 975 cows, purchase, 102 gift, research, 237, 238 Percival land, lease, 961 storage barn, contract, 206 Dairy Official Test Revolving Fund, budget, 640 Dairy products, army personnel, contract, 721 navy trainees, purchase, 443 research, use of acid compounds, 79 use of gelatin, 810 use of vegetable solids, 517 Dairy utensils, cleaning research, 78 Dalbey, R. C , appointment, 573 Dale, E. E., degree, 431 Dale, W. J., degree, 293 Daley, R. J., appreciation for services, 445 Dalitsch, W. W., appointment, 564, 674 military leave, 100 Dallstream, A. J., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 14, 720 Dalrymple, C. E., Jr., appointment, declination, 53 degree, 153 Dalton, C E., appointment, 586 Dalton, Lorraine M., resignation, 287 Dalton, P. B., degree, 882 Damhorst, C. E., degree, 423 Damisch, G. A., Jr., degree, 427 Dammers, W. R., degree, 816 Damond, R. V., certificate, 736 Dancoff, S. M., resignation, 411 Dander, M. M.T degree, 161 Daniels, A. H., portrait, 958 balance reappropriated, 995 Daniels, A. S., appointment, 665 military leave, 15 Daniels, F., Jr., degree, 759 Daniels, G. H., degree, 422 Daniels, G. I., certificate, 506 Daniels, G. S., certificate, 943 Dann, Ruth E., degree, 1017 Danner, M. j . , appointment, 85, 463, 629, 648 resignation, 781 Danner, R. V-, degree, 1014 Darling, C. G., appointment, 9, 551 Darling, D. D., appointment, 674 Daro, A. 1"., appointment, 9, 42, 550 military leave, 61 Darrow, C. W., appointment, 3, 544 Dart, L. L., certificate, 273 Dashkov, L. M., certificate, 273 Dashut-Dante, E., degree, 934 Daugherty, Marjorie R., degree, 1015 Davenport House, assigned to Department of Home Economics, 18 budget, 715 Davey, F. B., degree, 423 David, H. J., appointment, 344, 590 military leave, 728 David, R. C , certificate, 273 David, V. C , appointment, 12, 554 Davidsohn, I., appointment, 10, 552 Davidson, Betty L., resignation, 318 Davidson, Felice H., scholarship, 342 declination, 349 Davidson, J. R., degree, 539 Davies, J. R., degree, 426 Davies, May A., appointment, 556 cancellation, 826 Davies, R., Jr., degree, 424 Davis. A. S., Jr., appointment, 705 Davis, A. W., degree, 816 Davis, B. V., degree, 816 Davis, Carl Braden, appointment, 12, 554 Davis, Carl Braden, Jr., appointment, 556 Davis, C R., elected member of executive eommittee, 300, 896 member of committees, 302, 3131 4°5> 448, 510, 845, 874, 924 1127 Davis, D. J., appointment, 670, 677 leave of absence, 209 lectureship, 805, 840 Davis, Dorothy I., appointment, 223, 652, 908 Davis, E. W., appointment, 8 Davis, Elsie B., appointment, 190 Davis, F. A., Co., purchase, 922 Davis, G. G., appointment, 12, 554 leave ot absence for war service, 804 Davis, G. H., appointment, 85 declination, 144 Davis, H. L., appointment, 689 leave of absence for war service, 835 Davis, H. P., degree, 291 Davis, H. R., Jr., degree, 419 Davis, Hallie P., degree, 1012 Davis, Jack E., degree, 816 Davis, James Edgar, appointment, 463, 689 Davis, James Etwood, appointment, 131, 641, 654** 657 Davis, James W., degree, 292 Davis, John R., degree, 294 Davis, John W-, appointment, 660 Davis, Joseph, appointment, 706 Davis, L. N., resignation, 318 Davis, L, W., degree, 760 Davis, Margaret M., degree, 419 Davis, Mary A., degree, 427 Davis, Mary C-, degree, 292 Davis, Mary G., scholarship, 931 declination, 968 Davis, R. B., certificate, 800 Davis, R. E., degree, 155, 418 Davis, R. L., appointment, 599 Davis, Shirley J., degree, 419 Davis, T. L., appointment, 908 Davis, Velma M., appointment, 570 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 301, 325, 896 Davis, Virginia M., degree, 428 Davis, Wintress N., degree, 1015 Dawidoff, Fay H., degree, 424 Dawson, Elizabeth A., degree, 418 Dawson, H. S., appointment, 581 military leave, 437 Dawson, I. M., Jr., degree, 431 Dawson, J., appointment, 633 Dawson, R. N., degree, 882 Day, 1. K., degree, 151 Day, M. M., appointment, 383, 526, 594 military leave, 946 Day, Zillah K., degree, 761 Deam, A. F., appointment, 660 Dean, Mrs. Mary M., appointment, 569, 964 Dean, Shirley W., degree, 885 Deanin, R., appointment, 42, 284 Dean of Men, budget, 570 adjustment, 234 Dean of Students, appointment, 496 budget, 570 functions, 495 office, organization, 495 services, 495 Dean of Women, budget, 570 Dearborn, R. J., degree, 151 resignation, 287 Deason, H. E., degree, 296 Deason, R. E., degree, 296 Death benefits, Boaz, J., 991 budget, 579 DeAtley, E. N., bid, 206, 239 contract, 453, 810, 839, 960 DeBord, C. D„ degree. 881 Decatur Paper House, purchase, 171 Deck, Jimmie, appointment, 85, 700 Decker, G. C , appointment, 888 Decker, J. A., degree, 425 Decker, J. L., certificate, 736 Decker, Mary G., appointment, 852 Declinations of appointments, 52, 93, 143, 196, 225, 348, 371, 4 1 ' . 466, 780, 826, 859. 89T> 938, 967
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