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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS II2I Chapman, lone M., appointment, 702 I Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, degree, 1010 bonds, 35, 878 Chapman, J. P., degree, 296 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, freight Chapman, M., appointment, 284, 540 rates, 313 Chapman, M. J., appointment, 666 increase, 961 Chicago & West Towns Railway, bonds, 187 military leave, 267 Chicago Apparatus Co., purchase, 73* Chapman, R., member of advisory committee, Chicago Association of Commerce, request to 44i nominate member of Advisory Board on Chapman, R. A,, appointment, decimation, 53 Aeronautics, 984 Chapman & Cutler, services, acquisition of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., contract, 960 land for airport, 450 gift, 78 acquisition of Taylor Street property, 503 Chicago colleges and departments, bank acpayment, 793 count, 325 tax settlements on land purchase, Q2t breakage deposit, discontinued, 324 terms, 492 coal, 189, 515 Charvat, F, J., appointment, declination, 53 degrees, awarded at close of quarter, 79 Chase, Mrs. Ethel R., appointment, 818, 963 employees, wage adjustments, 504 Chase, H. B., appointment, 3S7, 598, 983 Executive Dean, budget, 564 Chase, T. J., degree, 426 fellows and scholars, 342 Chase, Jean T., appointment, 643, 649, 651 land, acquisition, 450, 503 Chase, M. N., degree, 882 Chase, Mary L., appointment, 642, 654 purchase, 38, 72, 211, 387, 45° Chase, R, E., degree, 350, 816 Medical Center Commission, plan for deChase, R. G., appointment, 377 velopment, 31 microscopes, appropriation, 790 degree, 755 physical education program, appropriation, Chase, Mrs. Stephanie P., appointment, 852 209 Chase, V-, gift, 237 telephone equipment, contract, 960 Chauvet, F. J., appointment, 5, 546 watchman and employee station, 451 Chavez, C. E., degree, 759 Chicago Departments Committee, members, Chayes, L. A., degree, 154 Cheaney, E. S., degree, 1014 302 Checkers, J. M., certificate, 800 Chicago Employee Council, membership, 33 Chemical Engineering, budget, 6 n Chicago Illinae Club, loan fund, use, reChemicals, purchase, 22, 172, 306, 443, 901, quest, 921 Chicago Illini Club, placement bureau, re949, 993 quest, 929 Chemical Storeroom, purchase, glassware, 458, Chicago Illini Union Building, bonds, calling, 868 supplies, 731 Chemistry, budget, 583 deposit agreement, 815 summer semester, 377, 974 exchange, 718, 749 fellows and scholars, 39. 83, 341, 369, 407, new issue, 815 408, 931, 962 budget, 104, 711, 714 gifts for fellowships, Abbott Laboratories, piano, appropriation, 365 service charge, staff members, 514 330 Chicago Medical Book Co., purchase, 516, 922 Aeration Processes, Inc., 330 Chicago Paper Co., purchase, 270 Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 78, 518 Chicago Producers Commission Association, Continental Oil Co., 870 purchase, 328, 515, 868 DuPont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 78, 518 Chicago Towel Co., stock, Hankenson estate, Eastman Kodak Co., 237* 518 748 General Aniline Works, 79 Chicago Union Station, bonds, 878 Lilly, E., & Co., 870 Chick, Mrs. Zella M., sale of lot in RoseMerrell, W. S., Co., 518 lawn Cemetery, 964 Monsanto Chemical Co., 238 Chickris, Mrs. Cleo P., appointment, 343, Upjohn Co., 238 4,631 $66 gifts for research assistantships, Baker, J. T., resignation, 781 Chemical Co., 330 Chiddix, M. E., degree, 755 National Lead Co., 237 fellowship, 341 National Lime Association, 330 Child Research Clinic, remodeling, 306 Ohio Oil Co., 519 Childs, Sara E., degree, 419 Rohm & Haas Co., 330 Ohinaware, purchase, 21, 80 S.M.A. Corp., 519 Ching, C. K. Y., degree, 759 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 79 Chipps, W. C , member of advisory commitUpjohn Co., 78, s 18 tee, 441 head of department, change, 98 Chisholm, J. R., degree, 758 purchase, acids, 364, 810, 949 Chott, Irene M., resignation, 53 chemicals, 901, 949> 993 Chow, y., degree, 414 Dl-threonine, 516 Christen, L. M., degree, 426 equipment for research, 922 Christensen, Kathleen B., appointment, declitubing, 949 nation, 93 sabotage insurance, 35 Christensen, M. S., degree, 295 staff members, discovery, release, 787 Christensen, Rose B., degree, 884 Chen, K. H., degree, 291 Christiansen, Claire, degree, 882 Chenault, H., appointment, 8, 550 Christiansen, Carol I., degree, 149 military leave, 919 Christianson, H. B„ j r . , degree, 425 Chenoweth, Betty B., degree, 154 Christie, Celia L., appointment, 85 declination, 143 Cherones, W. J., degree, 884 Cherry, J. H., appointment, 340 Christie, J. A., appointment, 764, 977 Chess, S. J., fellowship, 342 Christoff, D., degree, 882 Christoff, Irmgard, degree, i o n resignation, 939 Christopher, Emily L., degree, 1016 Chessick, I., certificate, 944 Chu, P., degree, 291 Chiang, M., degree, 1006 5 0 3 •
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