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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

II20 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Central Illinois Public Service Co., approved for investment, 747 bonds, 878 Central Life Insurance Co. of Illinois, lease, 745 Central Power & Light Co., bonds, 455, 504 Central Scientific Co., purchase, 235, 452, 458, „ 5i6, 731 Ceramic Engineering, advisory committee, 863 budget, 611 summer semester, 377, 973 fellows, 341, 931 furnace, purchase, 809 research for army air forces, contract, 401 scholarship trust fund, 727 Ceramics Building, tile wall, appropriation, 948 Cerny, F. J., appointment, 85, 551 Cerophyl Laboratories, Inc., gift, 78, 518, 870 Cerruti, J. S., appointment, declination, 93 Certificate, Associate in Arts, proposal, 389 Certified Public Accountant certificates, award, 58, 273, 506, 720, 735, 799, 832, 897. 9^4. 943 form, 799 regulations, 986 requirements, 459 without examination, 720 See also Accountancy, Boards of Examiners. Cessna, Hester E., degree, 156 Cessna, R., degree, 151 Chadwick, D. H., appointment, 585 resignation, 968 Chaffee, Eleanor, appointment, 190, 340, 818, 963 Chainski, E. L., appointment, 4, 545 Chairs, purchase, 21, 452 Chalmers, N., degree, 934 Chamberlain, I. M., appointment, 10, 552 Chamberlain, O. J., certificate, 833 Chamberlin, R. S., appointment, 316, 708, Chamberlin, Virginia S., appointment, 852 Chamberlin, W. F., appointment, 591 military leave, 61 Chambers Bros. Co., purchase, 306 Champaign, transcontinental airline stop, request, 959 Champaign County Board of Realtors, resolution on proposed University of Southern Illinois, 279 Champaign Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 454. 520 Champaign Sheet Metal Works, contract, 63, 64* 454, 520 Champaign Weather Strip Co., contract, 241 Champion, W. E., degree, 296, 429 Chance, C. J., appointment, 130 resignation, 196 Chancellor, R. C., military leave, 730 Chandler, F. A,, appointment, 509, 676 Chandler, Mildred R., degree, 148 Chang, Katherine K., degree, 296 Chang, Kathleen K., degree, 296 Changnon, Pauline E., appointment, 608 Chanler, Josephine H., appointment, 383, 594. 979 Channon, M. H., degree, 297 Chanute Field, mechanics school, lease of equipment, 210 Chapin, Josephine M. t appointment, 12, 554 Chapin, Mildred R., appointment, 191, 381, 577, 643 Chaplin, C. E., appointment, 646 Chaplin, R., appointment, 646 Chapman, A. Z., degree, 816 Chapman, C. C , appointment, 633 Chapman, Carleton A., appointment, 592 military leave, 100 Chapman, Charles A., appointment, 191, 668 Carr, R. K.., degree, 291 resignation, 262 Carr fellowship, award, 369 Carrier Corp. & Air Comfort Corp., bid, 239 Carrigan, Dellora P., degree, 430 Carrigan, Honora T., appointment, 694, 908 Carrington, H., degree, 351 Carrithers, J. M., degree, 158 Carrithers, Lura M, S-, degree, 148 Carrithers, W. M-, certificate, 273 Carroll, J. P., appointment, 641, 654 Carroll, J. R., degree, 425 Carroll, Mrs. Marjorie G., appointment, 820. Carroll, R. L., military leave, 508, 730 Carroll, Ruth M., appointment, 343, 692, 852 Carroll, T. T., degree, 816 Carroll, W. E., appointment, 634* 972 Carroll Construction Co., bid, 326 Carson, A. B,, appointment, 566 Carson, E. G., certificate, 944 Carson, Maude, member of advisory committee, 167 Carson- Pay son Co., bid, 453 Carson, Pirie, Scott, & Co., purchase, 808, 809 Carstens, H. P., appointment, 820 Carstens, R. L., degree, 294 Carswell, Marion C , appointment, 379, 975 Carter, A. H., certificate, 735 Carter, B. G., appointment, 764, 852 Carter, D. G., appointment, 375, 630, 972 Carter, H. E., appointment, 377, 584, 974 research, 513 gift, 78, 238, 518 Carter, J. B., appointment, 5, 546 Carter, J. H., degree, 1007 Carter, Phyllis A., degree, i o n Carter-Pennell farms, annual report, 438 approved, 521 easement for right - of - way for electrical service, 947 gift to student loan fund, 438 lease, 177, 869 Cartier, C. E., Jr., appointment, 709 resignation, 892 Car wheels, investigation, 438 Casad, W. C , sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 407 Casbcrg, Mrs. Bertha P., appointment, 820 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 42, 383, 614, 980 Case, H. C. M., appointment, 627 services to U.N.R.R.A., 985 Case, H. W., appointment, 42 resignation, 143 Casebier, Georgia G., degree, 159 Casey, Dorothy A., degree, 1011 Cash, J. G., appointment, 638, 654 Casper, Ruth A., degree, 1013 Cass County soil maps, purchase, 269 Cassels, W. H., appointment, 681, 691 Castles, J. N., degree, 885 Castor, W. R,, lease, 177 Cathode rectifier, patent, 103 assignment, 64 Catlett, Ann C , degree, 419 Catron, D. V., appointment, 316, 635. 636 resignation, 938 Cattle, purchase, 328 Cattle Feeding Plant, grain elevator and silos, waterproofing, 325 Caulk, L. D., Co., purchase, 269, 364, 808, 831, 922 Cavallo, E. A. L., degree, 542 Cavanagh, H. L., Jr., certificate, 735 Cavanaugh, Hilary M., appointment, 693, 852 Cavanaugh, V. J., certificate, 721 Cave, J. H., certificate, 944 Cavette, Lillian G., degree, 882 Cement finishers, wages, policy, 399 Central Dental Manufacturing Co., purchase, 808
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