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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

io86 BOARD O F TRUSTEES without undue restrictions; second, that they may carry on their work in the full realization that their tenure will be continued under proper safeguards; and, third, when the period of their effective activities draws to a close they will be assured adequate income for the remainder of their lives. The first of these factors was investigated in interviews with members of the staff. In these inquiries an attempt was made to learn whether there had been any infringement upon the academic freedom of faculty members. The Commission failed to find any instance of interference with the teaching duties and privileges of a member of the faculty. It did discover one case where a member of the faculty had been advised to modify his outspoken statements to public audiences upon certain phases of the present world situation. Since this incident took place before the United States was officially engaged in the war, it seems to the Commission that this constituted at least a near infringement upon academic rights. This was the only instance the Commission found where it would appear that there were restrictions to academic freedom. Tenure is provided for in a statute of the University adopted in 1932 wherein provision is made for the appointment of professors and associate professors for indefinite terms. First appointments at the University to professorships and associate professorships may be for limited terms, but reappointments following shall be considered as for indefinite terms. Appointments below the rank of associate professor are made for definite terms. Tenure may be terminated by: (1) honorable retirement, (2) acceptance of resignation, or (3) discharge for cause. Cause for discharge will consist of conduct seriously prejudicial to the University through deliberate infraction of law or commonly accepted standards of morality, through neglect of duty, or inefficiency, or incompetency. No appointee shall be removed before the expiration of his term of service without first having been presented with a written statement containing the charges against him together with a summary of the evidence in support of the same. After the presentation of charges he shall have the opportunity of a hearing before the Board of Trustees. [68—A.C.E. Report]
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