Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1076 BOARD OF TRUSTEES After study by a committee of the Board of Trustees the proposed plan of reorganization was adopted by the entire Board at a meeting held on August 29, 1942. Thus, the Illini Union Board comes into the same relationship with the Committee on Student Affairs that the publication board, the concert and entertainment board, the Theatre Guild and all other major student activities bear to it. This serves as an illustration of how interested groups have been able to effect a change in university policies and a reorganization in activities connected with the noncurricular aspects of the administration of student affairs. Why was it possible to bring this to such a successful conclusion when, during at least a part of the period while this was going on, the attempt to set up a General Division in the educational organization of the University did not succeed ? Obviously one reason is that the plan which succeeded emanated in part from the student body and received continuing support from it. Another reason rests upon the following action taken by the University Senate on February 10, 1936: Subject to such statements of policy as have been or may be adopted by the University Senate, the functions and duties of the Committee on Student Affairs shall be limited to those approved by the President, and in all its administrative actions the Committee shall be responsible to him." Thus this plan of reorganization was merely received for record by the Senate as a committee report and went directly to the President of the University. Finally, it seems not at all improbable that the real reason why the reorganization of student affairs was consummated with such dispatch was that it was a matter which could be handled administratively by the President of the University without the necessity for Senate action. The Commission recognizes the difficulty under which the administration of the University has labored in recent years to provide for noncurricular aspects of its students' welfare. The Commission commends the administration of the University for its efforts in this direction and is of the opinion that substantial progress has been made toward the solution of the important problem of organization and administration of student "See Minutes of the Senate of the University of Illinois, February 10, 1936. [58—A.C.E. Report]