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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1040 BOARD O F TRUSTEES for the future of the University. The appraisal which the Commission has made of the functioning and the quality of the educational program of the University of Illinois clearly leads to the conclusion that there is no basis for the indictments made by Attorney General Barrett against the University. But because of what the Commission has observed, it is strongly of the opinion that the present situation is fraught with grave dangers for the future of the University. Educational issues may become confused with political or partisan considerations—if indeed this has not already occurred. The repetition and amplification of the charges made, or the statements of other charges for reasons not definitely connected with the general welfare of the University as an educational institution, will tend-to intensify the political hue which has already been cast upon the scene. This report has without fear or favor pointed to some features where the University not only might but assuredly ought to make changes in order to strengthen itself. The Commission would urge that these matters be given prompt and decisive attention not only by the President and his assistants in the general administration but also by the deans of the several colleges. At the same time the Commission expresses the hope that the administrative officers of the University and the Board of Trustees will continue to exercise in the future, as they have exercised in the past, that high-minded, nonpartisan interest in the educational welfare of the University which the citizens of Illinois have placed in their sacred charge. [22 —A.C.E. Report]
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