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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

102 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 stocks by inaugurating a rental system, instead of selling the instruments outright. Practically all other medical schools have adopted this practice, and some have been renting microscopes for several years. T h e present stock of microscopes was purchased for the Student Supply Store. T h e inventory value for these instruments is $9,688.44. In order to set up this rental system, I recommend that an appropriation of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made from the General Reserve F u n d to reimburse the Student Supply Store Revolving Fund. These instruments were purchased from the latter Fund, and if they were re-sold to students, as in the past, the Fund would be reimbursed. It may also be desirable to purchase microscopes now owned by third-year and fourth-year students and alumni to provide a stock of such instruments to meet the needs of medical and dental students in the future. T h e whole problem is being studied on a long-time basis to determine whether rental of instruments to students should be a temporary or permanent policy. In the meantime, steps should be taken to protect the needs of future students. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these recommendations were adopted and the appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Livingston, Dr. Meyer; no, none; absent, Mr. Adams, Mr. Cleary, Mr. Green, Mr. Wieland. PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (9) A report of the following purchases authorized by the President of the University in accordance with the University Statutes: Ozone water treatment apparatus, to be used in connection with N.D.R.C. water purification investigation, from Ozone Processes, Inc., at a cost of $1,950 f.o.b. Urbana. Yearling feeder steers—43 good to choice, II medium, 11 common—to be purchased by W. E. Carroll, Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, after inspecting and selecting the most suitable animals, at an approximate cost of $7,000. Fourteen purebred cows for the dairy herd, to increase production to meet requirements of the Mini Union and the Navy Schools, from Scott Meyer, Hannibal, Missouri, at a total cost of $4,000. Finishing Men's Residence Hall basement corridor walls in central building and north and south connecting tunnels. Ceramic tile wainscot with plaster above is to be provided. Plaster, present ceilings, and overhead piping are to be painted. Walls of tunnels are to be furred with partition tile. W o r k to be done by King and Petry, Champaign, the lowest bidder, at a cost of approximately $2,500 (17% on labor, 5% on materials). One thousand tons l J 4 " x 2 8 mesh washed screenings produced at the Peabody Coal Company mine at Westville, Illinois, in the Danville District, from the Peabody Coal Company, at $2.00 a ton, or a total of approximately $2,000 f.o.b. mine. About 250 good to choice feeding lambs weighing 60 to 70 pounds, to be inspected, selected, and arrangements made for their purchase by W. G. Kammlade, of the Department of Animal Husbandry, at an approximate cost of $2,300. This report was received for record. PURCHASE RECOMMENDED (10) A recommendation that the following purchase be authorized: Reducing and desuperheating equipment for the Abbott Power Plant, from the Republic Flow Meters Company, Chicago, at a price of $3,136.50. On motion of Mr. Jensen, this purchase was authorized as recommended.
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