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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IOI GEORGE VRYONIS, Medical Adviser for Men and Instructor in Hygiene, from September 24, 1942, through August 31, 1943. E. W . GOESSLING, Assistant in German, from September 25, 1942, through June 30, 1943. MAURICE B. EVANS, Sound Technician in the Physical Plant Department, from November 20, 1942, through August 31, 1943. JOSEPH W. SCOTT, Instructor in Speech, from September 15, 1942, through June 30, 1943TRUE W . ROBINSON, Associate in Zoology, from September 16, 1942, through August 31, 1943. M A X BERG, Associate in Pathology, from October 1, 1942, through August 3i> IO 43- ROGER A. V A N ATTA, Assistant in Ophthalmology, from September 26, 1942, through August 31, 1943. THADDEUS A. POREMSKI, Assistant in Urology (Department of Surgery), from October I, 1942, through August 31, 1943. LAWRENCE W . KRUTSINGER, Machinist in the Physical Plant Department, from October 5, 1942, through August 31, 1943. EDGAR L. ERICKSON, Assistant Professor of History, from October 7, 1942, through August 31, 1943. CHARLES B. PUESTOW, Associate Professor of Surgery, indefinite leave beginning October 12, 1942. IRVING E. STECK, Instructor in Medicine, from October 15, 1942, through August 31, 1943. STEWART L. TUCKEY, Assistant Professor of Dairy Manufactures, from October 16, 1942, through August 31, 1943. OSCAR E. NADEAU, Associate Professor of Surgery, from November 1, 1942, through August 31, 1943. LESTER CHARLES DOLK, Instructor in English in the College of Pharmacy, for one year from September 1, 1942. FRANK V. T H E I S , Assistant Professor of Surgery ( R u s h ) , from October I, 1942, through August 31, 1943. Extension of Leave for Defense Service A. A. BRIELMAIER, Associate in Civil Engineering, from September 1, 1942, through January 31, 1943. O n m o t i o n of M r . D a v i s , t h e s e l e a v e s w e r e g r a n t e d a s r e c o m mended. AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF THE ILLINOIS EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY (7) The Board of Trustees has already approved in principle the affiliation of the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary with the College of Medicine, and its operation jointly by the University and the State Department of Public Welfare. I now submit a formal agreement between the Department and the University, providing for this joint operation, which has been prepared by representatives of the University and of the Department, including the Director. I recommend that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to execute this agreement. T h e Director of the Department has already advised that it is acceptable to him and that he will execute it. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h e e x e c u t i o n of t h i s a g r e e m e n t w a s authorized as recommended. APPROPRIATION FOR MICROSCOPES FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL STUDENTS (8) In past years the University has purchased microscopes for resale to medical and dental students. Recent rulings by the W a r Production Board will soon stop, or may already have stopped, the manufacture of student microscopes. In view of this impending shortage of such equipment, the needs of medical and dental students for the duration of the war can best be met from existing
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