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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1796 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Connelly, Sara J., degree, 1016 Conner, Mrs. Betty R., resignation, 5.2 Conner, G. H„, appointment, 27, 954 Conner, Phyllis E„ appointment, 914 Conner, T. W., degree, 109 Connery, Catherine, appointment, 899, i 7 l Connolly, J. I., degree, 511 Connolly, J. W., degree, 531 Connor, D. V., appointment, 1391 Connor, Dolores, appointment, 918 Connor, Patricia A., degree, 1197 Connor, R. G^ appointment, 718, 1524 Connors, C. E., degree, 337 Connors, C. W. B., degree, irg2 Conover, Dorothy M., appointment, 827, i6^9 Conover, Judith L., appointment, 815, 1627 Conrad, D. E., degree, r67, 1374 Conrad, H, E., appointment, 121, 170. 71 1 984 fellowship, 1133 resignation, 1133 Conrad, Janie W., degree, 111 Conrad, Laurel A., degree, 1361 Conrad, Lillian L., appointment, 1654 Conrad, R. W,, certificate, 78 Conrad, V. H., certificate, 404 Conrath, R. L., degree, 1014 Conroy, Rae A., appointment, 920, 1732 Conroy, T. F., Jr., certificate, 1162 Conscientious objectors to military training, alternate educational program, approved, 565 Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., gift, purchase, 90 increase in price, 361 Consolidation Coal Co., gift, 1106, m o Consulting Engineering Service, See Brown, Manthei, Davis, & Mullins. Consumer education project, _ Agriculture, development and production, professional services, 580 Consumers Union, gift, 1115 Contact printer, Photography Service, purchase, 58 r Container Corp. of America, gift, 1115 Continental Can Co., Inc., gift, 239 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago, depository, housing con struction fund, 1389 Continental Oil Co., gift, 244, 1110 purchase, 463 Contour band saw, Biology Building, purchase, 413 Contracts, Comptroller's report, 15, 93, i54188, 264, 275, 308, 357, 394, 4ii» 4^4577, 975, 1040, 1077, 1103 1147, "7('. 1225, 1266, 1290, 1329 research services, subcontracts, policy, 35] Abbott Laboratories, r266 A.B.C. Wrecking Co., 6, 82 Agricultural Chemicals Division, Shell Chemical Corp., change, ri77 Air Comfort Corp., 968 Air Force, 15, 16, 93, 154, 264, 308,ICl 357. 358, 394, 4 i i , 464, 577, 976, 771147, 1176, 1267, 1290, 1329, 13.30 I! change, 96, 189, 276, 309, 358, 395, 4 < 412, 464, 579, 978, 1078, 1104. 1147, 1148, 1177, r226, 1267, i-9° Alco Products, Inc., 575 Allied Chemical Corp., 1176 change, 309, 1176 Nitrogen Division, change, 309 Aluminum Co, of America, change, 95 American Bird Products, Inc., 1329 American Cyanamid Co., 154 change, 155, 578, 1041 American Dairy Association, 1225, i329 change, 95, 265 American Food Laboratories, Inc., 275 American Iron & Steel Institute, change. 464, 578, 1176 American Laundry Machine Co., 57i 249. 1115 Comptroller, cont'd report, contracts, 15, 93, 154, 188, 264, 275, 308, 357, 394, 4 " » 464, 577, 975, 1040, 1077, 1103, 1147, 1176, 12.23, 1266, 1290, 1329 investments, 99, 359, 583, 1042, 1152, 1235 quarterly, 97, 189, 309, 412, 979, 1079, 1177, 1291 signature, delegation, 352 housing construction fund accounts, 568 orders for investment of housing revenue bonds construction fund account, 234 Comptroller's Office, budget, 614, 816, 1418, 1628 Computer components, design and development, contract, change, 97, 309, 1104 Computers, Physiology, purchase, 1224 Computer service, budget, 863 Concrete, study, contract, creep prediction, 976 fatigue damage, 976 reinforced, 975 change, 578, 1177, 1226 Concrete beams, study, contract, change, 464 gift, 1114 Concrete blocks, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 460 Concrete curbing. Physical Plant Department, purchase, 415, 1328 Concrete floors, study, contract, change, 276 Concrete floor slabs, study, contract, change, 95, 1041 Concrete highway bridges, study, contract, change, 978 Concrete poles, Aviation, purchase, 1265 Concrete rigid frames, study, gift, 1118 Concrete strips and slabs, study, contract, change, 358, 1104 Condensing equipment, Abbott Power Plant addition, contract, 575 Condensing lenses, Physics, purchase, 1077 Condict, R. W., degree, 1365 Condi, Emma D., appointment, 915, 1731 Condon, A. C , appointment, 374, 658, 1241, 1463 Condon, C. P., certificate, 293 Condon, R. L., degree, 530 Condrey, R. H., degree, 327 Cone, Nancy L,, appointment, 1662, 1702 Cone, R. D., degree, 516 Conerty, Cleta A., appointment, 1655 Conerty, F. P., appointment, 831, 1643 Conery, W. E., appointment, 894 Conference programs, Extension Division, budget, 734, 874, 1541, 1689 revolving account, 734, 874, 1541, 1689 Conforti, D. P., appointment, 910, 1726 Conforti, Violet, appointment, 917, 1733 Congregational Church of Oak Park, gift, Conhain, S. M., degree, 330 Conlan, Frances C , appointment, 1743 Conlee, G. W., appointment, 843, 1658 Conley, Barbara, appointment, 1733 Conlev, H. L., degree, 167, 538 resignation, 555 Conley, J. T., degree, 1004 Conlin, R. J., degree, 535 Conlon, Dorothy E., appointment, 933, ) 749 Conlon, P. G., certificate, 940 Conlon, R. J., degree, 1186 Conmy, B. I),, certificate, 293 Conn, L. M., degree, 334 Connally, E. A., appointment, 693, 1238, Connell, Barbara N., appointment, 39, 543, 756, 1295, 1566 degree, 504 Connell, K. H., degree, n 1 Connell, W. F., appointment, 376 Connelly, E. J-, degree, 1345 1500
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