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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Coleman, Evelyn M., appointment, 882, 1698 Coleman, T. A., degree, 531 Coleman, Judith H., degree, 532 Coleman, Katherine, appointment, 1736 Coleman, Lois A., appointment, 1740 Coleman, M. G., degree, 1353 Coleman, Melhsa, appointment, 924, 1740 Coleman, P. D-, appointment, 543, 679, 682, 1391, 1485, 1487, 1488 Coleman, P. Y., appointment, 715. 1522 Coleman, R. D., appointment, 1082 Coleman, R. V., appointment, 266, 688, 1495 Coleman & Associates, purchase, 15, 581, 1225 1795 Coleman Co., gift, 1121 Coleman Floor Co., purchase, 308 Colen, R. E., degree, 1105 Coles, B. R., degree, 1370 Coles, Helen S„ appointment, 1731 Coles, Magnolia, appointment, 923 Colimycin, research, gift, 1127 Collating machine, Library, purchase, 580 Collection center, Research and Educational Hospitals, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., purchase, 357, 1176 Collens, L. M., degree, 1362 Colley Elevator Co., contract, 1034 Collier, R. E., degree, 157 Colliflower, L. H., degree, 1192 Collins, A. C , appointment, 892, 1707 Collins, A. T., certificate, 78 Collins, E. S., degree, 1343 Collins, Irma H., appointment, 890, 1706 Collins, J. L., appointment, 877, 1692 lease, 1267 Collins, Jacquelin, fellowship, 427 Collins, Karen R., degree, 333 Collins, Kathryn J., appointment, 1689 Collins, L. G., appointment, 39 degree, 501 Collins, Marilyn S„ degree, 528 Collins, Maunne, resignation, 52 Collins, P. W., degree, 336 Collins, R. A., degree, 158 Collins, R. B., degree, 529 Collins, Ruby, appointment, 878, 1693 Collins, Susie B., appointment, 1735 Collins, W. H., degree, 1352 Collins, W. L., appointment, 671, 690, r477, 1496 salary, funds from American Society for Engineering Education, 577 Collins, W. R., appointment, 788, 1599 Collins, Wilma P., appointment, 924, 1740 Collins & Levis, lease, 578 Collins Foundation, gift, 242 Collins Radio Co., gift, n i o purchase, 971 Collison Surgical Engineering Co., gift, 255 Collymore, Estelle F., appointment, 824 Colonial Press, Inc., purchase, 1288 Colorado Dental Foundation, gift, 257 Colquhoun, Betty C , appointment, 1697 Colquhoun, D. J., degree, 1335 fellowship, 426 Columbia Envelope Co., purchase, 1289 Columbia-Geneva Steel Division, United States Steel Corp., gift, 257, 1124 Columbia University, American Assembly, gift, 242 Columbium rod, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 1286 Colvin, B. J., degree, 1352 Colvin, Carole L., degree, 517 Colvin, T. C , appointment, 270, 623, H 2 7 Lolvis, L. L., member of advisory committee, 2 Combes, H. A., appointment, 730, >S37 Commencement, budget, 623, 1428 Commencement Committee, academic costumes, rental, 357, 1176 - -^ Commerce and Business Administration, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 83, 84, 86, 964, 966 David Kinley Hall, remodeling, 569 equipment, balance reappropriated, 964 remodeling, 388 balance reappropriated, 964 budget, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 810, 93s, 1621, 1751 summer session, 387, 1253 Urbana-Champaign, 656, 841, 1461, 1653 degrees conferred, 118, 165, 334, 529, 1016, 1054, H98, 1362 executive development program, revolving account, 657, 1462 gift, scholarship, David Kinley Educational Foundation, 240, 1106 student placement revolving account, 1463 Commerce Annex, remodeling, appropriation, 1282 Commerce Building, inclusion in biennial building program, 62 need, 71 Commerce Student Placement Revolving Account, budget, 657 Commercial Solvents Corp., contract, change, 95, 978 gift, 248, 1115 research project in Agronomy, patent application, 587 Committees, advisory, Agriculture, 2, 564 Labor and Industrial Relations, 189, 1128, 1139 Research on Exceptional Children, 147, I02T Services for Crippled Children, 962 Veterinary Medicine, 147, 1021 Board, executive, election, 340, 1212 standing, 342, 1213 Citizens, members, 295, 1165 University, building program, 76 Commonwealth Edison Co., contract, 1329 electrical service, Laundry Building, 1143 Medical Research Laboratory, 15: gift, 244, 249, 1115 Commonwealth Engineering Co., gift, 257 Commonwealth Fund, gift, 1120 grant, study and evaluation of medical education, 237 Communications, fellows, appointment. 425 Communications Research, Institute of, budget, 705, 864, 1512, 1679 fellows, appointment, 1301 gift, research, Educational Television & Radio Center, 249 Communication system, contract, Research and Educational Hospitals, 235 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, extension, 968 Community Chest of DeKalb, gift, 1126 Community growth, analysis by areas, contract, 394 Community Planning, Bureau of, appropriation, relocation, balance reappropriated, 84 budget, 695, 86i, 1502, 1675 Community Youth Council, Inc., contract, Compaction, effects on liners and casings, study, contract, 93 Comparative law, master's degree, established, 406 Comparator, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 413 . Compere, E. L., member of advisory committee, 962 Compton, AnnabeUe, appointment, 845, 1657 Compton, Bertha L., Memorial Scholarship, gift, 230, 1106 Compton, M. E., appointment, 738, 154° Compton, W. E., gift, 239, '106 Comptroller, authority, procurement ot tax-free alcohol, 192 election, 340, 1212 1225
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