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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I792 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chudek, C. W., degree, 335 Chumbley, Janet M., degree, 1362 Chun, W. C-, appointment, 1269, 1578 Chung, K., degree, 1190 Chung, S. H., degree, 505 Church, Betty J., degree, 508 Church, G, J., degree, 527 Church, Martha J., fellowship, 1063 Church, R. J., degree, 332 Churchill, J. W., degree, 1053 Chute, O., member of advisory committee Chute, V. E., degree, 518 Chutrau, N., degree, 1350 Chval, Emily A., degree, 1017 Ciasto, Dolores A,, appointment, 916, 1731 Ciasto, T. L., degree, 1352 Cibul, H. H., degree, 167, 1374 Cicenas, Zinnia, appointment, 788, 1599 Cicero, J. B., degree, 1354 Cicero, Marie A., appointment, 1742 Cichon, Jeanette B., appointment, 929 Cicigoi, K, T., degree, 516 Ciecko, D. T., certificate, 1162 Ciesielski, T. M., degree, 1190 Ciesla, Sopnia, appointment, 917, 1733 Cieslewicz, N. W-, degree, 1367 Cigolotti, Jennie I., appointment, 1732 Cikas, J . G . , appointment, 908, 1725 Ciliates, irradiated, study, contract, 1290 Cinemascope equipment, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 15 Cioth, N. S., degree, 114 Cipelle, Ruth B., appointment, 864 Cipolla, A. F.j appointment, 18, 945 Cipriani, Patricia, appointment, 918, 1733 Cipriano, J. P., degree, 1376 Cipriano, R. J., degree, 1376 Circuit board laboratory unit, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 1286 Circuits, Electrical Engineering, purchase, .n: Cirzan, J. L»., appointment, 21, 948 Cisarik, J, D., degree, 521 Cities Service Athabasca, Inc., contract, m>: Cities Service Oil Co., purchase, 463 Citizens Committee, budget, 623, 1428 members, 295, 1165 Citizens committee on universities bond i^sue. appointed by the Governor, 1377 Citti, Barbara L., degree, 1361 City Planning and Landscape Architecture. appropriation, equipment, 1282 balance reappropriated, 84:, 965 budget, 694, 861, 1502, 1675 summer session, 373, 1239 fellows, appointment, 424 gift, research, American Society of Land scape Architects, Committee on Ke search, 1111 Ryerson fellowship, appointment, 49 Civic Organizations, Joint Action Committee of, resolution, site of Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1067 Civil Aeronautics Administration, Airport improvements, funds, 388 See also Federal Aviation Agency. Civil Engineering, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 84, 965 milling machine, 1281 wages, expense, and equipment, 452 budget, 673, 846, 1479. 1659 summer session, 374, 1240 Camp Rabideau, operation, budget, 1481 curriculum, revisions, 350 earth testing revolving account, 1481 fellows, appointment, 424, 1300 gift, fellowship, Automotive Safety foundation, 244, 1110 Benesch, A., & Associates, m o California Co., m o Esso Research & Engineering Co., 2^ ITIO . r Chiprin, A. S.» decree, 33s Chiprin, S. J., certificate, 1162 Chirpe. Barbara J., appointment, 1638 Chtsholm, R. K., degree, 516 Chism & Miller, Inc., purchase, 461, 1039, Chitty, J. L., degree, 538 Chiu, Jen, 3 appointment, 552 degree. 3 ^ fellowship, 1398 Chiu, John, appointment, 374 Chiu, J. S. Y., fellowship, 595 Chiu, W. L., degree, 1342 Chiu, Y. P., degree, 1343 Chizever, S. D., certificate, 940 Chloramphenicol capsules, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 462, 1327 Chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds as insecticides, study, contract, change, 358, 1177 Chloroform, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 15, 1328 Chmielewicz, Z. F., degree, 1369 Chmielewski, R. J., degree, 329 Cho, A., degree, 1192 Cho, A, I., decree, 1006 Cho, K. O., fellowship, 552 declination, 600 Choate, E. J., degree, 540 Chocholek, R. S., degree, 1365 Chodakowski, A. S., resignation, 132 Chody, S. J., Jr., certificate, 78 Cholesterol, research^ gift, 250, n 16 Chong, Elaine, appointment, 31, 958 fellowship, T29, 595 resignation, 1160 Chong, H., appointment, 23 Chong, Y., appointment, 35 Chordtkian, F, K., appointment, 1295 Chou, C N., degree, 1358 Chou, H. T., degree, 1343 Chou, T. C , degree, 507 Chou, Wen-chung, appointment, 121 Chou, Y., degree, 1181 Choudhury, G. K., degree, 515 Chow, H. S., degree, 1192 Chow, T. C. F., degree, 1053 Chow, V. T., appointment, 543, 673, 677, J39I, 1479, 1483 Chow, W. 1491 appointment, 39, 381, 684, L., 1247, Chow, Y. S., apL S„ appointment, 121 Chrapliwy, P. _»-, appointment, 1251 Chrisman, B. E., degree, 104 Chrispeels, M. J., fellowship, 1298 Christ, Miriam, fellowship, 1398 Christensen, Barbara, appointment, 1638 Christensen, F . G., degree, 105 Christenson, G. J., appointment, 942, 1446 Christenson, Helen C., gift, 1105 Christian, J. D., degree, 534 Christian, J. W-, appointment, 434 Christian, K. E., certificate, 1162 Christian, R. R., appointment, 420, 721 Christiano, Alberta, appointment, 905, 1721 Christiansen, E. A., degree, 501 Christiansen, Norma J., degree, 1366 Christman, H. M., book, printing, 974 Christopher, C. C , appointment, 916, 1732 Christopher, W. L., Jr., degree, 1376 Christopherson, E. H., appointment, 29, 955 Chroamphenical capsules, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 1175 Chromatogram scanner, Microbiology, purchase, 1077 Chromatography purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 580 Microbiology, 1103 Pharmacy, 1146 ChryssafoDoulos, N., appointment, 677 resignation, 997 Chu, G. P., fellowship, declination, 176 Chuang, K., appointment, 956 Chuang, K. P., degree, 322 fellowship, 425, 1301 1021 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel u>., 241
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