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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1790 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chicago area schools relations conference, an. propriation, balance reappropriated, gg Chicago Art Institute, gift, 253 Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, gift, 1114 Chicago Association of Orthodontists, gift, 254 Chicago Blood Donor Service, purchase, 4 0 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., gift, 1108 Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation, gift, 248 Chicago Business Office Employees, gift, u2Chicago Dental Society, gift, 254 ' Chicago Departments Committee, members, 342, 1214 Chicago Doll Collector's Club, gift, 1127 Chicago Farmers, gift, 239, 1106 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank Employees gift, 257 Chicago Fly Ash Co., gift, 248 Chicago Foundlings Home, steam service, 10 ^ . 305 . Chicago Heart Association, gift, 257, 1124 Chicago Illinae Club, gift, 255 Chicago Illini Union, ooard, reorganization, . 979 budget, 798, 799, 931, 1609, 1610, 1747 purchase, furniture, 393 service charge, increase, 1280 Chicago Illini Union Building, elevator liability insurance, 91 Chicago industrial expansion, study, gift, 1114 Chicago Junior Women's Advertising Club, gift, 240 Chicago!and fair exhibit, appropriation, balance reappropriated ? 83 Chicago Lions Clubs, gift, 240 Chicago Medical School, steam service, 0, 305 Chicago National Bank of Commerce, gift, 1110 Chicago Paper Co., purchase, 972 Chicago Park District, contract, 1147 Garfield Park land, acquisition, commissioners' cooperation, appreciation, 1234 proposal, 1232 report, 1234 Chicago Professional Colleges, academic co=r tumes, rental, 1265 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 8q, 965. electrical service improvements, 1101 emergency call system, 389 equipment, 1261 radiology equipment, 3S9 remodeling, 1282 automobiles assigned for official University business, policy, 98 budget, 759, 1569, 1706 summer session, 385, 1252 buildings, appraisal for insurance purpuses, 1:023 inclusion in biennial building program, 62 needs, analysis, 70 summary, 67 new, architectural studies, 573, 132" campus plan studies, architectural services. contract, 11 coal, contract, 574 deposit requirements, change, 35 electrical service, improvement, contract, 1317 fees, refunds, rules, 35 fellows, appointment, 430, 1300 fire insurance, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, second unit, 1077 fuel oil, contract, 574, 575 general expenses, budget, 763, iS73 gift, funds, Class of 1944, n 22 Gorey law suit, settlement, 57 . . hospital addition, funds, reappropriation, 562 hospital-medical-surgical insurance, contract, 1285 fee, 1286 Illini Union Board, reorganization, 979 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, cont'd purchase, amino acid analyzer, 1264 autoclaves, 461 cameras, 1145 cell counter and analyzer, 1040 centrifuge, 307, 356 chromatography 580 comparator, 413 diffraction apparatus, 1145 distributing instrument, 1564 electrophoresis and diffusion apparatus, 356 equipment, 13 glassware washer, 1173 microdensitometer, 1145 oscilloscopes, 392 photometer, 973 spectrometer, 90 increase in price, 361 spectrophotofluorometer, 264 spectrophotometer, 187, 461, 1264 water chiller, n 74 X-ray generator, 971 remodeling, Noyes Laboratory, inclusion in biennial building program, 63 Chemistry Annex, fire stairs, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 84, 965 Chemotherapeutic agents, research, gift, 1124 study, contract, 154 change, 276 Chemstrand Corp., gift, 1105 Chen, C , appointment, 121, 681, 1082, 1484 degree, 1049 Chen, Chu-shiang, degree, 1190 Chen, F . C. Y., degree, 1351 Chen, F. Y., degree, 324 Chen, H. Y., degree, 1181 Chen, Han-lin, appointment, 170, 650 resignation, 997 Chen, J. W., degree, 1047 Chen, T. Z. Y., degree, 1351 Chen, N. R., degree, 1181 Chen, S., degree, 1358 Chen, S. D., resignation, 281 Cheng, C. H., appointment, 365, 686, 1056, 1493 degree, 319 Cheng, C. Y., appointment, 1643 Cheng, H. H-, appointment, 589 fellowship, 422 Chengary, J. I)., degree, 1018 Chenoweth, D. R,, degree, 1052 Chenoweth, R. G., fellowship, 50, 1086 Chenulu, Vedula V., degree, 319 Chergosky, M. M., degree, 1350 Cherney, E. K., degree, 535 Cherry, J. H., appointment, 39 degree, 505 fellowship, 1298 invention, patent rights, release, 587 Cherry, R„ K., degree, 326 Cherry, Shirley H. M., degree, n o Chertack, M. M., appointment, 121, 543, 947 Chesney, L. R., appointment, 372, 694, 1501 Chesson, E., Jr., appointment, 674, 677, 1480, 1483 degree, 500 Chester, J. B., degree, 534 Chester, K. S., member of advisory committee, 565 Cheyne, J. F,, degree, 1007 Chiang, C. Y., degree, 506 Chiang, S v degree, 326 Chicago, city of, Garfield Park land, acquisition, mayor's cooperation, appreciation, 1234 proposal, 1232 report, 1234 lease of quarters at Navy Pier for Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1314 Chicago, University of, gift, 259, 1124 Chicago Advertising Executives Club, gift, 238 Chicago Apparatus Co., purchase, 13, 392, 1102, 1103, 1174, 1326
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