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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Casper, W. H., degree, J63 Cassady, J. R-. appointment, 26, 952 Cassell, R- L. S., appointment, 805, 1227, 1616 leave of absence, 550 Cassell, Sharon L., degree, 1361 Cassels, D. E., member of advisory committee, 963 Cassens, Audree M., degree, 1363 Cassens, L. H., certificate, 940 Cassens, R. G., degree, 516 Cassidy, P. E., degree, 525 Cassidy, R. J-. degree, 1016 Cassidy, Sally A., appointment, 749 declination, 997 Castaldi, B., appointment, 39, 375, 668, 1241, 1474 „ Casteel, Karen E., appointment, 1652 Casten, A. P., degree, 320 Casten, C, P., fellowship, 994 Casten, S. H., appointment, 386, 807, 1254, 1391, 1618 Castillo, J. M., appointment, 958 Castino, G. T., degree, 1352 Castle, A. M., & Co., purchase, 463 Cast metals education, funds, gift, 1114 Castner, T. G., degree, 160 Castor, Elma L., appointment, 872, 1686 Castritsis, P. E., degree, 1015 Castro, J. F., degree, 322, 511 Castrogiovanni, A. F., degree, 537 Catalano, Marylyn J., appointment, 828 Catalogs, printing, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1265 undergraduate, 393 Catalytic reduction reactions, study, contract, Catania, F. A., degree, 533 Catasca, Georgia G., appointment, 903, 1719 Catasca, J. S., degree, 1370 Catchpole, H. R., appointment, 773, 1583 leave of absence, 270 Cate, H. A., appointment, 646, 1450 Caterpillar Tractor Co., contract, 1267 Cathcart, Frances L., appointment, 903, 1720 Cathode ray tubes, Control Systems Laboratory, purchase, 356 Cation, Vivian A., appointment, 26, 952 Catlin, D. E., certificate, 78 Caton, C. E., appointment, 984, 1249, 1530 Catrambone, A., appointment, 891, 892, 1707, 1708 Cattell, R. B., appointment, 39, 589, 724, 1531 Caustic soda, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 415 Cavallaro, F., degree, 538 Cavanagh, G. A., fellowship, 1305 Cavanah, J. A., degree, 1348 Cavanaugh, Joann, appointment, 1647 Cavanaugh, K. W., appointment, 384 Cavanaugh, Monica, appointment, 917, 1733 Cavender, W. F., degree, 538 Caveny, C. C , appointment, 800, 1612 Cavero, T. A., appointment, 951 Cavin, Patricia A., degree, 333 Cavins, E. W., appointment, rg6, 619, 1424 Cavitt, Pauline M., appointment, 883 Cawley, J. E., appointment, 34, 961 Cawley, R. G., degree, 1189 fellowship, 595, 1397 Cazier, W. M„ degree, 328 Ceballos, M. C , appointment, 1597 Cece, J. D., appointment, 951 cancellation, 1308 Ceco Steel Products Corp., gift, 1105 Cederstrand, C. N., appointment, 169, 984, 1517 Cederstrand, Mrs. Joan M., resignation, 400 Cedeyco, Alberdena, W., degree, 1053 Cekander, Betty A., appointment, 817, 1629 Celarier, D. E., degree, 332 , Cell counter and analyzer, Chemistry ana Chemical Engineering, purchase, 1040 CeDi, V., appointment, 398, 686, 1493 1290 1787 Cells, study, gift, 256, 1126 Cender, Joan E., appointment, 842, 1655 Center for Advanced Study, associate members, 299 budget, 701, 1509 established, 298 executive committee, 298 members, 298 appointment, 40s organization, 298 purpose, 298 Center for Zoonoses Research, budget, 1547 Central Committee of Nonacademic Employees, gift, 254 Centra] Food Stores, budget, operation, 1703 bakery equipment, bids rejected, 186 contract, 236 building, charges for _ services, resolution, 27S contract, construction, 186 addition, 45s, 1037 equipment, 186 financing, bond issue, authorization, 202 sale, 191 loan agreement, approved, 191, 192 railroad siding, cost, 234 easement, 234 operation and maintenance, agreement, 455 revenue bond fund, investment, report, 1236 purchase, china, 1289 furniture, 1327 silverware, 1289 Central Illinois Seed Increase Revolving Account, budget, 638, 1443 Central Illinois Sound Communication Equipment Co., purchase, 91 Central Lions Club, gift, 1106 Centra! National Bank & Trust Co., lease, 451 Central nervous system, research, gift, 1125 Central Office on the Use of Space, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 83 budget, 622, 826, 1426, 1638 Central Receiving Station, building, inclusion in biennial building program, 66 relocation, 1378 Central Scientific Co., purchase, 13, 460 Central Solvents & Chemicals Co., purchase, 13 Central Steel & Wire Co., purchase, 393 Central Supply, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 792, 910, 1603, 1727 Centrifuges, purchase, Biological Chemistry, 462, 1:45 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 307, 356 International Cooperation Administration, 153 Medicine, 973, 1174 Microbiology, 1076 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1326 Surgery, 13 Century Equipment Co., purchase, 91 Cera, Roberta M., appointment, 924 Ceramic Color & Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ceramic Engineering, budget, 672, 845, 1478, 1658 fellows, appointment, 423, 1298 gift, fellowships, Armco Steel Corp., 244 General Electric Co., 24.5 General Electric Educational and Charitable Fund, 1111 Hammond Lead Products, Inc., 245, Lead Industries Association, 1111 National Lead Co., Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, 246, 1111 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 246, 1112 gift, 1105 1 in 246, 1112 research, Bendix Aviation Corp., 248, 1114
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