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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Breen, H. F,, Jr., appointment, 667, 983, 147°, iS«i degree, sp3 Breen, J- D-> appointment, 279, 788, 1590 resignation, 268 Breen, J- L-, degree, 502 Breen, Mary, appointment, 931 Breen, Mary E., appointment, 824, 1636 Breen, T. E., degree, 1018 Breeze, Marilyn M., degree, 13S8 Brefeld, Gail L., degree, 534 Breger, Lucy C , degree, 1194 Brtgman, Mrs. Eleanor, appointment, 169, 778 declination, 996 Breidenstein, B. B., fellowship, 422, 1298 Breidenstein, B. C , appointment, 639, 1444 Breiding, P . R., degree, 109 Breitweiser, A. P., degree, 532 Breitzer, B., appointment, 21 Breitzer, Dora M., appointment, 1748 Bremner, Ellen L», fellowship, 427 Bremner, Lucille, fellowship, 1304 Brems, H. J., appointment, 658, 1464 leave of absence, 1216 Brems, Ulla C , degree, 1194 Brencius, Milda E., degree, 337 Brennan, Betsy B., appointment, 121, 945 Brennan, Catherine, appointment, 911, 1727 Brennan, Helen B., appointment, 714, 1521 Brennan, J. L , degree, 518 Brennan, N. F., degree, 501 Brennan, W. C , appointment, 1082 Brennecke. K. P., degree, 534 Brenner, A. S., degree, 507 Brenner, E., degree, 537 Brenner, H. B., appointment, 760 resignation, 997 Brent, G. W., degree, 1370 Brentlinger, W. B., degree, 1050 Brentner, Betty L., degree, 528 Bresee, H. R., & Co., purchase, 91, 92, 975 Bresemann, D. H., degree, 518 Breslow, L., appointment, 29, 955 Bresnahan, R. K., degree, 516 Bretscher, A. J., degree, 530 Bretz, W. E., appointment, 21, 948 BretzlafT, R. L., degree, 1198 Breuhaus, H. C , appointment, 20, 947 Brewbaker, J. L., degree, 506 Brewe, A., appointment, 861, 1675 Brewer, T. L., degree, 516, 535 Brewer, M. C , appointment, 730, 1537 Brewer, R. C , degree, 114 Brewer, R. D., degree, 1050 Brewer, R. F., appointment, 845, 1658 Brewster, J . A., degree, 1194 Brewton, Lillie A., appointment, 896, 1712 Breyfogle, L. G., degree, 337 Brice, J. J., certificate, 1162 Bricker, Ardeth L., appointment, 832 Bricker, F. G., degree, 1192 Brick mortar, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 393 Bride, W., member of Citizens Committee, 1166 Bridge crane system, Engineering, purchase, Eridgeland, W. M., degree, 1361 Bridger, C. A,, appointment, 121, 730, 1537 Bridges, study, contract, change, 96, 978 Bridges, D. W„ degree, 1358 Bridges, T. C , certificate, 78 Bridges, Judith A., fellowship, 1304 Bridgewater, F. A., appointment, 744, I55 2 Bridgewater, H. V., appointment, 882, 1697 Bridgman, L. H., degree, 327 Bridgman, Nancy M., degree, 517 Bridgwater, N. H., degree, 1348 griggs, C. W., appointment, 694, 1238, 1501 origgs, Rebecca, appointment, 750, 1559 Bright, Margery S., degree, 1009 "right, R. D„ degree, n o Brightbill, C. K., appointment, 383, 732, '539 leave of absence, 349 1076 1779 Brightbill, F. S., degree, 1358 Brightbill, L. J., appointment, 372, 692, 1391, . *499 Brighton, G. D., appointment, 657, 1238, 1463 Brightwell, Bernice L., appointment, 881, 1696 Briley, B. E., appointment, 1391 degree, 507 Briley, Marilyn J., appointment, 1677 Brill, M. L., & Co., purchase, 393, 460 Brill, R. L., degree, 1360 Brillion Iron Works, Inc., lease, 264 Brimhall, Pauline N., appointment, 650, 1454 leave of absence, 200 Brinegar, G. K., appointment, 1253, 1435 Brink, A. L., degree, 512 fellowship, 551 Brinker, J. A., degree, 1192 Brinker, J. H., Jr., member of Citizens Committee, 29s Brinkley, H. J., degree, 1339 Brinkman, J. M., degree, 1189 Brinkmann, D. C., degree, 1352 Brinling, J. C , degree, 537 fellowship, 174, 313, 994 resignation, 1230 Briscoe, B. N., certificate, 293 Briscoe, J. W., appointment, 39, 543, 673, 1479 Bristol Laboratories, Inc., gift, 1124 Bristow, Janice M., appointment, 872, 1687 Bristow, R. A., degree, 114 Britsky, N., appointment, 694, 1501 fellowship, 313 Brittain, T. M., fellowship, 1397 Brittenham, T. R., appointment, 832, 1645 Brittle transition in metals, study, contract, change, 309, 1104 Britton, J. L., appointment, 1276 Britton, M., appointment, 1248 Britton, M. P., appointment, 653, 1458 Britton, M. W., appointment, 382 Britton, W. E., appointment, 706, 1514 Britz, W. E., Jr., degree, 53s Brixey, A. M., Jr., appointment, 21, 947 Brne, j . R., degree, 1376 Broad-band amplification in microwave frequency range, study, contract, change, 395 Broadbent, E. E., appointment, 631, 1435 Broadcasting, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 84, 85, 965 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 789, 906, 1600, 1723 Urbana-Champaign, 705, 865, 1513, t679 educational, funds, gift, 1109 Broadrick, K. W., appointment, 384, 727, 1250, 1534 leave of absence, 1220 Broadway, building at 602 South, lease, 578 Broberg, H. E., degree, 5r8 Brock, C. G., degree, 1348 Brock, C. S., degree, n o Brock, G. W., appointment, 690, 691 Brock, J. E., fellowship, 280 Brock, Judith H., degree, 1016 Brockett, R. W., appointment, 831, 1643 Brockman, D. D., appointment, 30, 957 Brockman, Juanita, appointment, 1723 Brockriede, W. E., appointment, 384, 727, 1251, 1534 „ . , Brockway, Beverly L., appointment, 878, 1693 Brod, H, D., certificate, 78 Brodd, J. L., degree, 1363 Broderson, R. L., degree, 1013 Brodhead-Garrett Co., purchase, 459, 13Z6 Brodie, A. G., appointment, 784, 1595 Brodie, B., appointment, 737, 1545 Brodie, C. M., degree, 1183 fellowship, 120 Brodlie, J. F., degree, 1358 Brodsky, A. A., degree, 520 Brodsky, Faye A., appointment, 1747 Brodsky, G. J., degree, 1368 Brodsky, M. B., degree, 1361
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