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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1776 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bolin, R. R., appointment, 38, 121, 1588 Bolin, Virginia E,, degree, 523 Boling, D. G., degree, 530 Bolk, B. J., degree, 119 Bolland, T. W., decree, 1192 Boll and Lewis Optical Co., gift, 254 Bollero, A. J., degree, 320 fellowship, 551 Bolliger, P. D., degree, 334 Bollman, Dorothy A., degree, 324 Bolsters, Housing Division, purchase, 1225 Bolton, Richard L., degree, 1350 Bolton, Russell L., degree, 506 Bomba, Mildred A., appointment, 908, i^>5 Bonansinga, S. W., degree, 329 Bonansinga, W. J., degree, 1200 Bonar, H. S., member of Citizens Committee, 296, 297 Bonavolonta, A. A., degree, 532 Boncosky, W. A., degree, 517 Bond, B. J., degree, 1047 Bond, Elizabeth J., appointment, 914, 1730 Bond, Ethel, appointment, 746, 1555 Bond, H. A., appointment, 836, 1648 Bond, H. W., degree, 1370 fellowship, 174, 313, 994 Bond, J. A., appointment, 386, 804, 1252, 1615 Bond, Linda G., degree, 1361 Bond, Lois P., appointment, 825 Bond, Nona, appointment, 1654 Bond issue, citizens committee appointed by the Governor, 1377 Bond issue referendum, approval, 98 Bonds, apartment building • for married students, authorization, 202 sale, 191 Assembly Hall, authorization, 467 plan, 407 ptirchase agreements, approved, 496 Central Food Stores Building, authorization, sale, i9r graduate student residence hall, authoma tion, 185, 441, 44.2 legal services, 185, 441 sale, 441 second unit, authorization, 1379 lee:al services, 1379 sale, 1379, 1389 signatures of Board members, 1379 housing projects, acts of Board in connection with issuance of, approved, 302 authorization, 148 series A and B, approved, 441 Illini Union Building addition, authorization, 185 legal services, 185 Men's Residence Halls, snack bar and service building, authorization, 202 sale, 191 Men's Residence Halls additions, construction fund account, signatures, delegation, 352 counsel, 570 sale, authorized, 352 authority, 570 Orchard Downs Apartments, authorization, 1379 legal services, 1379 sale, 1379, 1389 signatures of Board members, 1379 , Peabody Drive Residence Halls, approved, sale, 1046 signatures of Board members, 1069 Treasurer, 341 Bone, A. H., appointment, 382, 1248 Bone, J. E., degree, 1194 Boneyard, improvements, engineering sen ices, appropriation, 1093 contract, 1093 Boneyard Creek, improvements, inclusion in biennial building program, 65 Bonfiglio, A. J., degree, T353 1023 202 Bobick, M. T. t degree, 160 Bobis, J. P., appointment, i486 degree, 507 Bobka, A. F., degree, 328 Bobone, R., degree, 1336 Bobotek, H. G., appointment, 38, 542 678, 1484 Bobsin, W, H., Jr., certificate, 1162 Boccio, Estelle M„ appointment, 907 Bock, Christabel A., degree, 1009 Bock, Sara R v appointment, 925, 1741 Bockserman, J. R., degree, 118 Bode, V. C , fellowship, 50, 199 Bodecker, L. T., degree, 533 Bodell, D. E., certificate, 940 Bodenbender, Katherine D,, appointment, 1736 degree, 1376 Bodenschatz, C. A., degree, 329 Bodman, S. L., director of Athletic Association, 1215 Boegehold, A. L., appointment, 713 resignation, 1272 Boehle, R. J., degree, 1348 Boehm, E. W., Co., purchase, 1146 Boehm, M. J., degree, 1199 Boehm, R. W., degree, n o Boeing Airplane Co., gift, 248, 1114 Boelens, P. A., degree, 538 Boemi, A. A., presentation of resolution of Joint Committee of Civic Organizations, 1067 Boen, J. R., appointment, 381 decree, 1049 Boemtz, J . D., Jr., degree, 1192 Boerio, C-, resignation, 400 Boers, J. R., Heating Co., contract, 453, 1319 Boersma, L., appointment, 983, 1055, 1438 resignation, 1403 Boesen, Evelyn A. M., appointment, 365 Boettler, J. L., degree, 511 Bogard, W. J., degree, 1358 Bogart, Eleanor A., degree, 509 Bogart, H., appointment, 589, 715, 1522 Bogdanove, L. H., fellowship, 994 Bogdonoff, M. L., appointment, 121, 959 Boggess, W, R., appointment, 648, 1452 Bogot, M. L., certificate, 1162 Bohannon, G. \V., member of Citizens Committee, 1165 Bohi, Mary J., degree, 501 Bohl, R. W., appointment, 38, 542, 685, 1390, 1492 Bohlander, Jill G. W. R., degree, 503 Bohm, R. W., degree, 1360 Bohn, Geneva M., degree, 117 Bohn, M. A., degree, 322 Bohnj W. R., degree, 1352 Bohning, Anne, appointment, 773, 1583 Bohor, B. F., degree, 501 Bohrer, Mrs. Florence F., member of Citizens Committee, 296 Boice, LuBelle, degree, 162 fellowship, 551 resignation, 1308 Boiler & Radiator Manufacturers, Institute of, contract, change, 95, 978 Bojanowski, R. J., degree, 1358 Bojarzin, R. M., degree, 118 Bokenkamp, R. W. appointment, 1295, 1490 Bolchert, Marilyn L., degree, 528 Bolda, R. B., degree, 534 Bolden, J. L., degree, 1002 Boldt, Nancy I., degree, 528 Bolen, C. D., degree, 516 Bolen, T. G., degree, 1360 Boles, Judith H., appointment, 1697 Boles, \V. D,, fellowship, 425, 1302 Boley, C. M., appointment, 852, 853, 1665 Boley, L. E., appointment, 737, 738, 1545 Boley, M. H., appointment, 24, 951 Bolgar, Suzanne M., appointment, 1724 Bolin, Joan S-, degree, 1349 Bolin, R. B., appointment, 776 gift, 2 5 0 , 1116
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