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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 15 COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE J U L Y 15, 1938 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, on Friday, July 15, 1938, during the recess of the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the same day, pursuant to written notice sent to M r . Oscar G. Mayer, Dr. K a r l A. Meyer, and M r . O. M . Karraker, the duly elected members of the Committee.* Mr. O. M . K a r r a k e r and D r . Karl A. Meyer, members of the Executive Committee, were present; also M r . J. M . Cleary, Mr. L. C. Moschel, and M r s . Glenn E. Plumb, members of the Board of Trustees, and President Willard, M r . Janata, Mr. Morey, Mr. Havens, and Judge Johnson. O n motion of Dr. Meyer, Mr. K a r r a k e r acted as Chairman pro tempore. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD T h e Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. C. P. A. CERTIFICATES (1) A recommendation that the following candidates, who are certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having passed the May, 1938, examination, be awarded C.P.A. certificates: J O H N DAVID BAKER ROSECRANS BALDWIN LOUIS H . BERNSON W I L L I A M ROBERT BLEW J O H N EDWARD BOERGERT STANTON CEDRICK BRUMFIELD ARTHUR THOMAS CAVENDER JOE CRABTREE ELLWOOD FREMONT CURTIS GILLARD DONALD DEARLOVE MERLE CLOYCE DUNBAR J A M E S GAGE F A Y HOWARD STANLEY FEIGE CHARLES LOREN FLETCHER HERBERT W I L L I A M FRANKENSTEINR E W ARNOLD GODOW DAVID GOLDBERG Mrs. ESTHER SWIREN GREEN HAROLD W I L L I A M H I L K E R W I L L I A M H E N R Y HOLLWEG JAMES WESLEY H U S S , JR. FRED BALCH JOHNSTON JEROME KAPPENMACHER WILLARD HOLMES KERR EARL JACOB K R U P P CHARLES JOSEPH L A FOND D A N I E L LITVIN LEO CECIL LOVE CARL R. LUEBKE LAWRENCE WALTER LUNDELL GEORGE LEO MACHA HOWARD VINCENT MCGAFFEY URBAN M A R T I N LOUIS MEYER WALTER A U S T I N M U R P H Y , JR. HARVEY D U A N E NELSON STUART SAYLES PALMER GLENN EADY PATTERSON THEODORE NICHOLAS PERRY JAMES JOSEPH PORTE CARL GEORGE SCHMIDT MORRIS SCHWARTZ EARL PETER SKAU JESSIE M A R I E S M I T H SHELDON LEE SPELMAN HOWARD EARL STINGEL FRED T A U B JOHN ELMENDORF W A T T E , JR. ARCHIE H . WEINDORF FILMORE W E I N S T E I N ARTHUR W E I S S RAYMOND FREDERICK W E S S E EDWARD EARL W Y A T T FREDERICK WEERT ZIMMER O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h e s e c e r t i f i c a t e s w e r e a w a r d e d a s r e c o m mended. •Amended according to action of August 25, 1938 (Minutes, page 45).
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