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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 793 On motion of Dr. Meyer, these requirements were adopted as recommended. REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSFER TO PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS (21) A recommendation that the regulation adopted by the Board on February 9, I93S (Minutes, page 112), relating to the transfer of students from the undergraduate colleges to the professional schools, be amended to read as follows (the first paragraph is unchanged, but the second paragraph has been revised to provide a practical method of dealing justly with cases involving deficiencies without waiving permanently these general requirements): Each candidate for a bachelor's degree must meet the general requirements of the University with respect to registration, residence, military science, hygiene, and physical education; must pass in the subjects marked prescribed in his curriculum; must conform to the directions of that curriculum in regard to electives and the total number of hours required for graduation; and must meet the minimum scholarship requirements which the University has approved for his college or school. An undergraduate student in the Urbana departments of the University will not be permitted to transfer his registration to any of the professional schools of the University in Chicago while his record shows a deficiency in any of the subjects which, as general requirements of the University, are a part of his curriculum. A student who enters one of the professional schools at Urbana deficient in any general requirement of the University will be required immediately to register in the subject or subjects in which he is deficient and to continue such registration in successive semesters until the University requirement is met in full. On motion recommended. of Mrs. Freeman, this regulation was amended as USE OF TENNIS COURTS IN THE SUMMER (22) On December 20, 1933 (Minutes, page 424), a report was made to the Board that the President of the University had authorized the use of the University's recreational facilities by persons not officially connected with the University who have received official permission and upon the payment of certain stipulated fees. This schedule of fees covers both the regular academic year and the summer and the indoor facilities as well as the tennis courts. The Director of the School of Physical Education has recommended that the general public be permitted to use the tennis courts at the Stadium, which belong to the University, and certain tennis courts which do not belong to the University but which are maintained by the Athletic Association, during the summer without charge, but subject to such regulations as his office will prescribe. All other University courts will be reserved for the use of students in the Summer Session and of members of the faculty, except that the courts behind the Woman's Gymnasium will be reserved exclusively for the use of women. This arrangement is for the summer months only, or from June I to September 1 of each year. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this recommendation was adopted. AGREEMENT FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF SEMI-ACID CANNED FOODS (23) A recommendation for the approval of an agreement with the American Can Company for a cooperative bacteriological investigation of semi-acid canned foods by the University through its Department of Bacteriology. This agreement is drawn for a period of one year beginning September i, IO 3 6 , with provision for its extension, and the Company has agreed to pay the University $1,400 to cover the expenses of the investigation. T h e agreement conforms in all respects to other cooperative agreements of this kind. On motion of Mr. Williams, the execution of this agreement was authorized.
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