Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 73 the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Freeman, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Mr. Karraker. It was the understanding of the Board that the General Reserve Fund should be reimbursed for this expenditure when funds are available in the Carter-Pennell account. UNIVERSITY SEAL FOR CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (7) A recommendation that a University seal be authorized for the Examiner and Recorder for the Chicago Professional Schools for use on official transcripts of student records and on applications by graduates of the Chicago Departments for medical, dental, and pharmaceutical examinations. It is now necessary to send such documents to Urbana to be sealed. The Secretary of the Board is custodian of the Seal; copies are at present in the hands of the Registrar and the Business Office. The Examiner and Recorder's office in Chicago is really a division of the Registrar's Office, On motion of Mr. Blair, the Secretary of the Board was authorized to issue a seal to the Examiner and Recorder's Office. PROPOSED DENTAL BUILDING (8) A request from Dean Noyes that a statement prepared by him urging the construction of the second unit of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building be presented to the Board. No action was taken on this matter. PROPOSED JOURNALISM BUILDING (9) A statement from Mr. H. L. Williamson, Secretary of the Illinois Press Association, concerning the proposal to construct a building for the School of Journalism. No action was taken on this matter. SALE OF NALLY PROPERTY On motion of Mr. Trees, the Board approved a recommendation of the Finance Committee that the Nally property be sold and that any surplus over the amount expended by the University be returned to the owner. This recommendation was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Freeman, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Mr. Karraker. AUDIT OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S ACCOUNTS On motion of Mr. Trees, the report of the audit of the accounts of the Athletic Association was received for record, and the President of the University was requested to suggest to the Athletic Association that the changes recommended by the accountants be put in effect. INDEPENDENT SURVEY OF THE B U D G E T On motion of Mr. Armstrong, the President of the Board was requested to appoint a special committee, of which he should be a member, to secure the services of a board or committee of qualified persons not connected with the University, who should survey the proposed budget as prepared by the University for the biennium 1935-1937, and report to the Board. Mr. Trees requested to be recorded as not voting on this motion.